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Everything posted by Ishimaru

  1. I second this, I don't see how it would not fit with the Wii. Hell they can even improve on it. But I think Bandai is doing something of a higher standard to satisfy a larger crowd.
  2. Dude Hero units would just kill the gameplay, it made WCIII so crappy. But I wouldn't doubt that they won't add Hero units that are just the improved version of its class. I'm more interested about Kerrigan.
  3. Curses my bro doesn't want to waste $50 on purchasing the game for Beta. Gotta find a way to convince him.
  4. The drivers are only immature, it's pretty good that it can even compete with the GTX, in some tests like this one it beat it. And for the price how can you go wrong? It's not a bad card, and as for Lost Planet demo, Nvidia developed the GFX design for it, it explains why the R600 is getting awful frame rates on it. Don't think it's a bad card, just wait for some driver releases for improvements and you'll see.
  5. I didn't know you could do that. Should go out and buy some Wii games, I just can't think of any titles that would give me any good replay value. But Brawl better get here before Halo 3 or else Nintendo is screwed, I'll be buying myself a 360 anyways. The confirmed release date for Halo 3 is September 25th, this is going to force the release of Brawl I bet.
  6. I'm not sure of this since I don't own a 360 but I believe if you got the game download available through Crackdown or XBox Live Gold you download it via Marketplace on the day its available. Just my guess.
  7. What is the actual release date for Brawl? Hideo Kojima played the game himself and he said it was pretty much complete the way it is. I think this is just a marketing strategy, they are going to wait until they can cooperate a date in which they will have a good amount of Wiis available and then give a date.
  8. I think its for real, in Nintendo Power, SE did mention something about a few other remakes if they felt the need to.
  9. The regult looks a little small on the T-Shirt.
  10. Ok the other week I procrastinated again for AX's AMV contest and this is what I turned in and I'm 80% sure its not going in due to some of the minor misconceptions , I have in it but I'm the editor I always see something wrong with my work, but yeah here: When You Were Young (Drama Category?) (I'll have a uploaded one up later or something...) And now this, I'm sure many of you peeps are familiar with it: Skittles (AMtv) Now I need some ideas here, I barely spent a week on it and there I submitted it in. The one I listed above has been worked on for 9 months thats right 9 months , and it was also submitted into AX, but for sure its going in like 99.9% sure of that. I do know how to work with effects and everything, its not that hard, its just I never had the damn idea to work with and I need the right sources. Anime and Song. I'm sure many of you MWers can cook me up something that I can spend a long term time amount on, something that everyone is going to enjoy and go like wow that is a real good combination. But yeah your help is much appreciated, don't go straight off here with other crap, try to give me more than ideas of songs and animes, like what it should be like,etc. I'm going to dedicate nearly a year of work to this AMV, so you can see where I'm going at. Need something unique, different, etc. I hope you guys get what I mean.
  11. Umm outpost.com has it for like $5 a month, I suppose you won't need a contract but double check since I only saw it on the front page(s) somewhere...
  12. They made $148 million this weekend, $28 from international premieres. So yeah I think there will be a sequel, but what is it I keep hearing that this was supposed to be the last one? It kicked @$$ thats all I'm going to say. But what really ticked me off is seeing Ebert & Roeper criticizing it. They kept commenting that it had so little action scenes and that it had drama, what the hell is wrong with that? And the other critic replacing Ebert(Ebert correct?) was a girl and it was like she was agreeing with the Roper on every damn movie, what the hell is up with that? Critics really piss me off these days when they don't make any sense...
  13. Considering that Battlecry is available on all three systems seems to give it a better favor not everyone here played Ace Combat, and besides its a Macross Con, we need to be as close as possible to adapting everything to it. And how come no AMV contest?
  14. I feel ya. The ending really left me with so many questions, it was so empty and lacked so much story in the end.
  15. Oh it won't be a concern for me, my friend is the one that has to fetch me one if he can't get it back. That's amazing, has anyone tried the import feature for the GBA versions of the game?
  16. I think it would be KOTOR 3 in continuation to the story, sorta like WoW but Star Wars style. A MMO KOTOR would be the first MMORPG that I would actually stick to.
  17. But will they have it here, or do we have to get a mod chip and screw our warranties?
  18. Not if everyone of them looks the same... Well I'm giving my friend 2 weeks from now to return the system and the game back to me, either he buys it or gets me the original. I'm more than reasonable with him, I didn't even scream. The swim team coach made a announcement about it today, but I doubt that would help, it could though. Oh well, either way I'm getting it back.
  19. Just great, my friend got my DS Lite stolen by one of the school's swimming team members. Whats worse is that Pearl was in it and I never had the chance to go past the second town. People are just @$$holes to look through someone's blue lunch bag and steal their friend's DS... $170 down the drain and there is no way in hell I can cough up that kind of money, for a adult its like getting your car stolen. Worst day ever... At least it's narrowed down to the school's swim team, hopefully...
  20. He is just trying to keep it interesting for us and a new audience. And I do hope Macross would love forever, but I don't everyone in the world agrees with that.
  21. I know I may have posted something like this earlier but it could help ease the problem. Got another idea, how about a random image is displayed, it shows like for example bars of different colors, the server would request how many are blue before you can submit. It would take a lot of coding to get a bot recognize it, as there would be more randomly generated stuff. I'm just trying to suggest a few things, but I hope it helps out in some way. But good job maintaining the spam on these boards , I didn't even know we had a problem till I saw this thread.
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