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Posts posted by pengbuzz

  1. 16 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    You may want to consider that escape from the aircraft may not necessarily always be strictly vertical.

    Not to mention always best to escape said aircraft (unless it is in imminent danger of exploding/ being destroyed), especially in space.

    Over a terrestrial planet, you can parachute to the ground and find cover; in space, you're basically a bobber waiting to get yanked by the larger "fish"...

  2. 14 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:


    Macross Delta is a metaseries that brings a lot of Unfortunate Implications to the table that the story acknowledges but never properly examines or resolves because they make the heroes (Xaos) look incredibly bad.

    I wonder how the story would have differed if they had fully examined/ resolved that issue?


    14 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Yeah, I guess they were trying for the same kind of bait-and-switch that Macross Frontier did when they hinted that Ozma was going to die.

    Passionate Walkure makes it look like Messer's going to survive when he dodges the shot that killed him in the Macross Delta TV series... only to die anyway a few minutes later from the damage Var syndrome did to his body.

    I think they need to stop with the "gimmick deaths" and stupid twists already, JMO.


    14 hours ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    Yeah, Humanity was engineered the same way the Protoculture created the other humanoids in the galaxy.

    The topic comes up for the first time in one of the post-timeskip episodes of Super Dimension Fortress Macross, "Satan's Dolls", where the implications of the earlier discover that the Zentradi are virtually identical to Humans genetically are discussed... including the conclusion that Humanity is another creation of the Protoculture.  The official timeline and other materials explicitly confirmed that conclusion as fact, and even in-story it's essentially treated as the only reasonable/sane explanation for why every sentient species other than the Vajra is humanoid and apparently genetically compatible enough to produce viable hybrid offspring.

    Macross Zero confirmed it in-story, when Humanity found the failsafe the ancient Protoculture left behind on Earth in case Humanity were to develop into a spacefaring species before resolving its own internal disputes.

    Now, why is it I can imagine that if they ever found that the Protoculture survived, that Humanity, Zolans, Windemerans, Zentraedi/ Meltrandi, Marduk and the rest of the gang drag them into Intergalactic Court and sue the pants off them? :p

  3. 1 hour ago, cheemingwan1234 said:

    I was thinking of something. Hey, remember the ordnance pods of the YF-30 and VF-31? Wonder if that can be combined with the YF-21's detachable limbs to create a truly modular variable fighter?


    Then again, it would play havoc with aerodynamics.

    You seem obsessed with detachable limbs on the VF"s for some reason....

  4. Just now, Urashiman said:

    Thanks a lot! That is the goal - getting as much detail as possible :)

    Your invader seems to be fun as well. So much putty...

    Have you tried Revell putty? I use that stuff mostly, but can be trouble as it sometimes "melts" styrene in the process of binding. It can be too thick and I usually thin it with revell Contacta glue 1:1. It can be brushed on with a brush when thinned that way and usually can give you smooth seam covering. For larger gaps I use milliput. Another hack for small seams is to use Mr. Color Primer 1500. Due to it's properties it fills small gaps easily. But don't use it in case you are using lacquer colors. It can crack.

    I prefer Plastic Welder myself.

  5. 9 minutes ago, TangledThorns said:

    You're tame, lol! I'd be humming that Blue Thunder music when I was piloting a attack helicopter in a Battlefield 4 urban map!!

    Wow... thanks for the ad hominem attack there bud. As if I wasn't having enough of a crappy week already with folks on other sites attacking me.

    *activates ignore feature*

    7 minutes ago, Big s said:

    It would be way more epic with the Airwolf theme and a lot less tame. 


  6. The most moving song in all of anime:


    Seriously... this is heavy:


    It will change how you view anime forever:


    This song will move you to tears with how epic it is:


    Kleenix alone won't be able to dry your tears after hearing this masterpiece:


     Bound to upheave your entire life and how you view the world around you:




    Wait for it:


    Just a little more:


    One more step:


    And here it is:




    Seriously though, here's my new favorite:













  7. On 10/26/2023 at 7:40 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    Whether she's a pure Star Singer clone or Xaos's illegal clone lab had to fill in some gaps Jurassic Park-style we don't know.

    Mikumo Guynemer may not be engineered specifically for combat like the Zentradi, but she is a clone (of the Star Singer) that Xaos created specifically for combat use to support their PMC Division's Var suppression operations.  Until the end of the main story, she was treated like company property and kept in a lab most of the time when not on duty so no prolonged socialization wouldn't reveal the defects in her implanted knowledge and out her as a clone created just three years ago.

    So basically, she was a slave to her creators? Sad. Talk about having your life stolen even before you were born...


    On 10/26/2023 at 7:40 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    It's not really explained properly.

    "Runes" are sense organs that contain biologically-produced fold quartz and fold receptors, which seem to have been designed into the Windermereans by the Protoculture to give them a very mild, short-ranged empathic ability based on biologically-produced fold waves.  My guess would be that, given that resonance between fold wave sources has been a theme in Macross Delta, that runes "blooming" is some kind of resonance effect that occurs when large numbers of Windermereans are broadcasting the same strong emotion at the same time causing constructive interference (amplification).

    So with this in mind, I recall reading that the Protoculture seeded life throughout the galaxy. If this is true, and the Protoculture is known for creating the Zentraedi and the Evil series, did they also engineer Humanity in some way?


    On 10/26/2023 at 7:40 PM, Seto Kaiba said:

    Given that using Var-like effects to boost physical ability was shown to be "Cast from Hit Points" even for Windermereans, causing them to age rapidly, that was probably never in the cards.  For Humans, it seems to be similar to hysterical strength and has all kinds of nasty physical consequences resulting from exceeding the structural limits of the body.  Hulking out like that just a few times was enough to put Messer Ihlefeld at death's door until Keith mercy-killed him (TV) or he just straight-up died (movie).

    Wow...Messer really got the short end of the stick, didn't he?

  8. 4 hours ago, TG Remix said:

    In complete fairness, Yoko Kanno's soundtrack for Plus tackled many genres compared to pretty much every other track in the franchise, it kinda makes its own identity in being "inconsistent" compared to everyone else. Of course, Sharon Apple's is constantly trance music (except for INFORMATION HIGH when it's suddenly fast-paced pop,) so you do have a point.


    I'd listen to it. 😛 We got J-pop twice in a row and from the aforementioned Sharon, Fire Bomber's rock, and Sara's traditional kind, I think we're set due for a different genre shake-up from the main idols at least.

    What, are you TRYING to get another Zentraedi Main Battle Fleet to SQUASH EARTH??! OoO :rofl:

  9. 1 hour ago, Bobby said:

    Question on scaling ... Enterbay's HD Masterpiece Robocop is 1/4 scale and stands 22" tall ... this model says it's 1/3 scale standing 24" tall? Which is more correct you think?

    1/3 is correct, since 2 feet times three = 6; if it were 1/4, that would be 8 feet tall in real life!! O.O

  10. 9 hours ago, JB0 said:

    They WERE acceptable. Their target market very much was not "adult collectibles" and "toon-accurate detailing". It was single-digit boys, and those figures were awesome.

    Opinions are going to vary, but I noticed as a kid that they didn't look all that much like their TV counterparts (the artist and modelbuilder in me admittedly) and wasn't too impressed. Took me nearly 40 years to develop the skills to finally do something about that when I repurchased the figures.

    9 hours ago, JB0 said:

    You could TAKE RICK HUNTER'S HELMET OFF(and wear away the paint).

    On my revision, you still can (and it fits quite well):

    100_0132.JPG.ad1243f0fb59f9b304b20c798bdbb028.JPG   100_0133.JPG.da2b97fe9cfa1736c60259216f97ec9f.JPG

    When I first got him:


      (yeah, pretty sad. But workable)

    Out of all of them, Misa required the most work:

    101_0497.JPG.378dbcba1434b75b29714ce4bd817cd5.JPG 101_0500.JPG.1b4bc2e1a106c16381f8bc98371d351d.JPG

    101_0504.JPG.d986ef3fe082dfa5f16e8694397a4c71.JPG 101_0506.JPG.e76a3185ed91ffa22da0ff57991f5b3c.JPG

    Anyways, I'm not downing these figures; I actually like them but recognize they had their flaws and shortcomings. But just like any project: they have potential hidden in them.

    6 hours ago, Big s said:

    I loved the ones I had as a kid. They were the size of GI joes and had the same build to a fault. Basically anything that could go wrong with a GI Joe would go wrong with these. But they worked perfectly with them. I never could find the Macross pilots back then, but did get a couple of Mospeada figures. My favorite out of the line was the “Bioroid Terminator”. Still to this day I think that was a cool figure with a cool rifle. Not totally accurate to the show and not sure why he had such a goofy name.


    found this image of the guy. But that’s my favorite of the ones I owned. Very poseable and big beatle butt flap. Couldn’t sit in a vehicle though, but made for a darn cool foot soldier 

    I noticed that about the figures; they were GI Joe compatible. So much so that I used Marine Dress Blues Gung-Ho to make Captain Global (which they hadn't made back then):

    Untitled.png.919ae08db21775407a72fc83d77cfb95.png 101_0660.JPG.05561a549f2a9885441a5cb7ba704ce8.JPG


  11. 33 minutes ago, cheemingwan1234 said:


    Really wish that Macross can try different idol groups have different music genres since it could be useful in showing music and how it changes and how it's used in different cultures.

    I dearly hope and pray there's no such thing as Macross Country Music Television. 😱

  12. 10 minutes ago, Seto Kaiba said:

    It was 1986, the manufacturing process wasn't as advanced as it is today.

    It also wasn't exactly Matchbox's best effort.


    Maybe so... but if it's down to the consumer to bring the product up to an acceptable level of quality post-purchase, something is badly wrong with the product.

    Very true; it does show that had some effort been put into it, they would have been at least acceptable. All I did on these was to slightly tweak certain things like figure height, detains and such. And that was with just a craft knife and some plastic welder.

  13. 1 hour ago, Urashiman said:

    @MechTech Thanks! Floor polish haha. Yeah no, I was thinking more of actual polishing compound going from grid 2000 to grid 10k and stuff like that

    @Thom Ooooh yeah!


    Just to test, I printed another VF-9 nose, checking the fit and everything, and it works nicely.



    But as you can see, the canopy is rather "milky" and not full transparent. That is why I want to try with polishing compound, as dipping things in clear coat or polishing finish liquids doesn't work out fully.

    Yeah; you're going to need to go from grits 1000- 12000 at least to get that crystal clear (I use that regularly on my canopies). Up to 10K would most likely do the trick!

  14. Just now, Swann said:

    They look good. I would add like puddy on the hair and make the hair longer. Try it.

    I already did so on several of them; any more and the hair will begin to fall off/ break.

    (makes me wonder what hair gel/ spray they use in the animes! O.o )

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