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Everything posted by M'Kyuun

  1. Agree. Well done all the way around. I wish more movies in this vein were made.
  2. My first thought after looking at the various pics was that it's a shame they couldn't make her chest become the front of the car- it's a fake chest, from what I can tell, hence the ability to swap it between almost-there cleavage and animation accurate flat panel (my preference, actually, but the suggestion of breasts is so understated that it probably wouldn't have made that much of a difference). There's much ado about this and the suggestion of buttocks on her upper legs over on TFW. I've seen the offending buttocks, and, came away unoffended. When I look at the overall design, the conservative suggestion of femininity in a fembot doesn't really bother me. Now, if they'd given her double-d's and a flagrantly large ass, well then that would compromise the look of Arcee as we know her, and then I'd be bummed. But, that's not the case, and this figure looks very good to me thus far, certainly proportionate to the Movie and toon appearance. Playing Devil's Advocate, robots most likely don't copulate to reproduce, and so human physical sexual traits aren't really required; but let's face it, human males respond to those things, no matter how subtle, and that's really who she's been made to appeal to- not her plastic male counterparts. As I've said, I think FT have shown restraint in the design by giving the merest suggestion of feminine human body shaping in a tactful manner that doesn't detract from the overall look of the figure. Some folks get their feathers ruffled quite easily, and some just like to have a reason to get their feathers ruffled. I'm neither, and I have faith that the conversation won't devolve here. TFW is great for news, but boy do they like their drama.
  3. Didn't see it posted earlier, so I thought I'd mention Fans Toy's take on MP scaled Arcee. http://news.tfw2005.com/2017/05/23/new-prototype-images-fans-toys-ft-24-rouge-masterpiece-styled-arcee-339387#images Little drama over on the TFW boards over the sexualization of the figure. In truth, it's pretty conservative, and FT are including a second screen accurate chest piece for her in the event that the slight suggestion of cleavage offends. For what it's worth, the engineering looks rather clever, as they took a novel approach by making the fenders of her car mode collapse into each other, and it's the rear fenders that you actually see on her back. It's much cleaner and more screen accurate than the Generations version, and well, pretty much any toy version I've seen of G1 Arcee. Arcee has to be one of the most challenging bots to do b/c so much of her car mode just magically disappears in animation, leaving a svelte fembot with two little pods on her back. Thus far, I believe only renders have been shown of her alt mode, so it remains to be seen how well all that folding actually works in plastic, but FT have impressed me with their Dinos to maintain a strong interest in this toy. Thought I'd share.
  4. Ironically, he disliked guns, and violence in general. But, yeah, he was perfect for 70's and 80's, and really kinda became the trademark for gentleman spies in all forms of media. Alas, another beloved star gone.
  5. Don't feel bad for liking Spinout, or at least the aesthetics he represents. I'm partial to it, too. It favors the toy, but IMHO, they managed the width of his windshield proportionally well with the rest of the bot mode. I like it. Shame it had QC issues, as it offered something different from BC's and now TT's versions. Since Streaker was never really a favorite character of mine, I never spent much time looking too hard at either third party version, although the Omnigonix version stood out to me over Badcube's. It's personal preference. Anyway, now that the official toy has been revealed, I've been doing more comparisons betwixt the three. I'll concur with those who favor the Badcube face sculpt- I think they got it closest, esp if you're looking at the animation model. Not sure what TT were thinking with that Jay Leno chin. Just the same, I'm not that picky, and had no one said anything, I likely wouldn't have paid it much attention. To that end, the internet can be a double edged sword. Since the most obvious comparisons are going to be with Sunsurge, aside from the big backpack, IMHO the TT has a greater refinement to it. I can't say exactly why- it's just an impression, even though I think proportionally BC's is closer to the cell animation model. All the additional features TT managed to cram in there are icing, but the bot itself and his alt look splendid to me. Thirteen year old me would have probably fainted in amazement to see something like this, like all the MPs for that matter. We TF fans, esp those of us old enough to remember the wonder of watching the show for the first time as a kid (it obviously made an impact on a lot of us) only dreamed of toys like this for 20+ years. I didn't think I'd ever get a Prowl toy that did justice to my memories of the cartoon, the G1 box art, and various other artistic renditions of his G1 likeness over the years. Alternators had me hopeful, esp when the Mazda and the Suburu figures came out- but BT/Alt Prowl was a huge letdown. Classics-letdown. MP-perfection. So, when the criticism starts to build over every new release, I like to take a moment and remember that not that long ago, these toys were still the stuff of dreams, and that we as a fandom are spoiled, not just with official toys, but with fanmade figures, many of which are pretty high quality and cool in their own right. Sure, there are some lemons, but even TT have had their share of those over the years, too. I'm just savoring the goodness of being able to own these figures within my lifetime. They are dreams come true for me, and I'm incredibly happy and thankful for them. You should be, too.
  6. Spinout was always more to my liking visually, although my understanding is that he had a lot of QC issues. Anyway, I skipped 3P offerings for Sunstreaker, so this is a no-thought-required purchase. Moreover, TT's engineering, along with greater attention to bot articulation, make the official product desirable, even when there is a quality 3P toy available (thinking of my Sphinx and Terraegis, and FT Dinobots). Also, unlike a lot folks here and over on the TFW boards, I don't feel the need to have one and only one definitive MP scaled figure of any particular character in my collection. I still like my Apollyon, even though I have Megs 2.0, and I'll hang to my 3P figures even after official versions are released simply b/c they're cool transformable toys. As for all the working features on Sunstreaker, if everything tabs and holds together solidly in both modes and QC is good, this figure is going to be a nice addition. The engineering challenges the design team had to face were pretty steep (to please Lamborghini and also pay homage to the toon without part-swapping), not to mention the pop-up lights and opening doors. They went above and beyond what we've seen done in the line for an alt mode, indeed hearkening back to the Alternators. I hope that's a trend that continues so long as one mode or the other isn't compromised to achieve a feature. Sunstreaker's backpack was the compromise here, but at least the designers were able to keep it all compact in a boxlike shape rather than loose car parts hanging off randomly. Looking forward to initial reviews before having him in hand.
  7. Yeah, thinking the same way. Wish they'd gone more with a Spinout styled design instead of the fake chest (the edge of his real windshield can be seen peeking out the side). I'll still likely get him b/c I'm a sucker for official stuff, but there will always be a feeling of 'what if'. On the positive side, perhaps I can land a copy of Spinout on the cheap. The other positive I like about the recent MPs is the attempt to make them more like action figures, with a focus on improved articulation. In my mind, they're robots first, vehicles second, and the brick-like nature of G1 and limits in articulation in many TF toys over the years, especially when it favors the alt mode, has always bugged me. I'm glad to see the bot mode getting more attention. Despite initial thoughts and reservations, I'll withhold final judgement until I've seen a few reviews, although I'll likely have it on pre-order while I'm watching those reviews. That's how I roll. Edit: Just had a thought; I wonder if, like the car mode where the rear of the car can be changed to look like the animation or the real car, his chest can also be configured to use the real windshield or the fake one. Best of both worlds, if that's the case. Also, yeah, what's up with the yellow spoiler? Toyhax to the rescue. Courage!
  8. As do Captured Prey. Mine was factory sealed when it arrived.
  9. As a long time LDD user, I agree with the sentiments that it can be a difficult and frustrating program at times. In a straight vertical building situation, it's great. Once you add moving parts to the mix, it becomes much more unforgiving. As for the inventory, right now, it was last updated in 2016, IIRC, so none of the 2017 parts have been added. LEGO were going to retire the program , but there was a lot of outcry, and they have continued to do infrequent updates to the pallette; how long they continue to support it, even in a limited capacity, is anyone's guess. I still enjoy using it for prototyping, though- very convenient, and in fact, I just designed something for my sister's birthday with it.
  10. Thanks, Mike. He's an impressive figure, esp given the scale. Unwieldy is a good word to describe him, indeed. There's a lot of weight there, but I'm impressed by how well the thing balances, and holds a pose. I think Concrete could have used a little more heel to help stabilize him in combined mode, but it's pretty true to the toon and toy, and that's what TW were going for, so I won't fault them. I like what GC did with their construction vehicle alts- the modern look initially had my attention, but the liberties taken on the bot modes just alienated me. Plus, I was pretty much sold on TW the moment I saw those rolling treads on Unearth and Bulldozer. They're a little sticky at times, but so incredibly cool when they work as advertised. I'm a sucker for moving treads- I blame my German heritage. Soundmixer looks good, but he's a bit small for my taste. I'm guessing that he can fit the official mini-cassettes in his chest. The gun cassette is pretty clever, and makes for nice stowage in his alt mode. I like my Takara Legends Blaster (I forget the Japanese name), but how hard would it have been for them to make him and the Soundwave molds hold a cassette in their chests( in the normal upright position), while still maintaining the device storage capability? Kind of a missed opportunty for dual functionality, IMHO. I still wish they'd make updated mini-cassettes. Thanks to Guardians of the Galaxy, the cassettes of old are getting some exposure to the digital storage generation, so at least there'd be some familiarity. Hoping that a MP Blaster and his cassettes are somewhere in Takara's, and thusly my, future.
  11. Thanks, Technoblue! I sat on the fence for this figure for quite some time, but really, I fell in love with it back when it was first revealed, and moreso with reviews. I've always loved Ravage, and every other cassette version has fallen short. I had high hopes for the MP version, especially after seeing how excellent the Laserbeak mold turned out. But again, it disappointed. So, it was a matter of when, not if, I eventually got him. I finally committed, as I was afraid I'd wait too long, and he'd be out of production. So glad I did- prob the best G1 Ravage we'll ever get, as there's really not a whole lot of room for improvement (maybe in the neck and head area, which are limited by virtue of design). It'd be interesting to see someone shrink it down to minicassette form, although it'd prob be extremely fragile at that size. Still, to have something this faithful that could tuck away in Soundwave.... I've seen MMC's condor cassette design, which looks alright (maybe too slavish with those feet), but I haven't seen their Frenzy/Rumble mold. Guess I'll be Googling. 'Preciate the heads up.
  12. I know they've been out for awhile, but I got my ToyWorld Constructor boxset and MMC Remix Jaguar yesterday, and WOW for both. Getting Constructor assembled proved to be a little more trying than I thought it'd be (instructions are small and sometimes difficult to make out, and then QC stuff). I had a few QC issues, such as tabs not wanting to stay tabbed, and a misalignment or two, but eventually I got it together, and man, is that a massive figure. It's certainly not perfect (Concrete is the weakest figure IMO, as I could find no way for the section of internal leg assembly below the knee to tab into anything to keep it from moving when posing him-the knee joint is tight and the whole thing moves inside the truck cab part of his leg), but overall, I was pretty impressed with the heft and engineering overall. Even with its flaws, at this scale, it'll be a tough set of figures to beat. A couple negative observations: I really wish they'd found a better way of securing the combiner joint assembly on Unearth- even with everything tabbed and assembled per instructions, there's still a bit of give to it due both to gravity and torque from rotating the arm- a bit unnerving every time I move Constructor's right arm. On the left arm, Bulldozer has tabs that hang down from the arms in dozer mode which connect to the framework containing the combiner joint and the robot leg assembly; one of those tabs absolutely would not stay tabbed, and those tabs are necessary to hold the dozer together and provide solidarity , esp given the torque forces applied when the arm is rotated at the shoulder (really strong ratchets on these combiner joints). I had a few other issues but those two are my main concerns, and I'll be keeping an eye out for stress/breakage so long as I keep them combined. Issues aside, no regrets- this is an amazing Devastator figure- imposing and beautiful! MMC's Jaguar, for those who don't know, is an upsized Ravage who becomes a normal sized audio cassette, rather than the mini-cassettes which have been the mainstay among the official releases. Before he was released, part of me hoped if a MP Soundwave was attempted, that Takara would upsize him to accommodate full sized cassettes; in hindsight, sticking to the minis was the right call, as Jaguar is nearly 4x larger than his mini-cassette self in both modes, and a scaled Soundwave would have been huge. MMC did some neat engineering with this figure to both give it a nice cat-like profile and to impart a good range of articulation. Looking at him in his jaguar mode, there's no doubt this is G1 Ravage- MMC nailed the aesthetic, even down to his chromed rocket packs on the hind quarters. As others have mentioned, though, the cassette mode suffers from a nearly complete lack of cassette detail, and I think I'll be getting the Toyhax labels for this guy. For fans of Ravage, I highly recommend this toy. Anyway, just wanted to gush over my new toys. I know these fall into the 'yawn' category for many of you, but both of these sets are dream toys for me, and I'm happy to finally have them and share a few impressions for anyone who may be curious. Um, Maketoys Seekers.....
  13. Until something official is released, I'd consider any talk of a UCS Falcon re-release as vaporware. Two sets that may be of interest to folks here are the new UCS Snowspeeder https://shop.lego.com/en-FI/Snowspeeder-75144 and the upcoming LEGO Ideas Saturn V, which looks purty snazzy. Looking forward to getting that new Snowspeeder; I have the first UCS Snowspeeder set from 2003, but wasn't real thrilled with the brick built front end. It just didn't capture the angular look of the ship well. This new one uses updated techniques and a new windshield piece to create a far more accurate version. The Snowspeeder is one of my favorite ships from Star Wars, and an updated UCS has long been on my wishlist. From the few vids I've seen, It's everything I'd hoped it'd be. It should be on my doorstep early next week, and I can't wait to build it and swoosh the living hell out of it while the wife's at work.
  14. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    I don't think anyone would notice or care if you overdid it; you do more than fair justice to these figures. You're doing Bandai's job for them, beautifully showing off their product in a public setting- free advertising for them, and your work sells it better than official photography. Fixed pose hand- so I'm not the only one having trouble trying to get it to stay in the poseable hand. Y'know, if they'd designed the hand guard to swivel from the front instead of the rear, there would have been ample clearance to make it work, as the hand wraps around the grip just fine, and has sufficient tightness to hold it, but it has to remain straight. there's simply no way to attach it to the arm that way because of the guard. Poor engineering, at least where the gun is concerned. Everything else on this valk is well executed, a far more enjoyable toy to transform than the -262. Thanks for the response, Saburo. Much appreciated. Looking forward to a group shot once all these -31s are released.
  15. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Hell of an eye, Saburo. Always a treat when you share your photos. I have my -31 sitting in front of me, but somehow even seeing it in person doesn't compare to your glamour shots! BTW, in the shot where he's holding his gunpod, did you use the poseable hand or the fixed pose? I tried and failed to get mine to hold it with the poseable hand and just stuck it back in the backpack. Kinda vexing on a high-end toy.
  16. +1 Actually, amend that statement to "All transforming toys deserve all our senses. Unbox them, transform them, pose them!" There, that's better.
  17. Just saw that new Maketoys seeker- very nice, what I would want a MP seeker 2.0 to look like. I saw a gap out of alignment on the back plate in fighter, but given that this is just a prototype, I'm very much looking forward to seeing a final painted version. Gotta agree with with a comment on the face looking too small. Again, prototype, with time for feedback and improvements.
  18. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    So do I. I just don't want it to be as finicky as the 262, but yeah, I'd like to see what kind of engineering they could bring to the table. It'd be interesting to see a similar technique to MP-36 Megatron's legs applied to the Yf-21/VF-22 to maintain the thin profile in fighter, but allow for the bulky flared look in battroid. Anyway, Bandai are proving they're no slouches in the engineering department, although I wish they'd found an easier solution than the cramped double hinge on the 262's wing mount. Really close tolerances aren't beneficial on a highly articulated and extensively painted toy. Got my VF-31 yesterday, and managed a transformation to GERWALK and Battroid. I was working on a model for a model show today, so I didn't really have the time to mess with it too much. However, my impression is that this is a solid figure with some nice engineering to ensure everything locks into place. The joints are really tight throughout (the bicep swivels are so tight I'm afraid of snapping the lower arm off without bracing and going slowly). The poseable hands are great for fighter, but prove useless otherwise, as the fingers don't close and the optional hands must be utilized if he's to hold his gun. That's crappy, IMO, but whatever. Overall, though, this thing is really nice, and the tampo and paint are amazing.
  19. Hey now, no stego prejudice! I've always liked the stegosaur, and as it happens, when I finally decided to get off the fence and actually dive into the 3P Dinobot pool, I went with Fanstoys' wonderfully G1esque Iron Dibots, and Sever (Snarl) was the first one I had in hand. The only Dinobot I owned as kid was Sludge (still my favorite), so Fanstoys' Stomp was my first order (still waiting for him to be restocked at TFSource), but Sever was available and I bit. Glad I did- wonderful, solid figure that churns my nostalgia like buttah. The only negative I can think of is that his dino head can't look up without disrupting the sculpt. Otherwise, he's the best representation of G1 Snarl available, and even if Takara decide to release all new MP Dinobots at some point, I'm not sure what they could really improve on over Fanstoys' Dibots. I've mentioned before that I think Swoop was the weakest of the original Dinobots in alt mode due to the concessions required for transformation, and that has seemingly carried through to all the modern takes, including Fanstoys' Soar, who by virtue of its faithfulness to the G1 toy and toon incarnations, remains rather blocky. It is what it is. To date, I think Derrick Wyatt's take on Swoop is my favorite, as he made a much more organic, sleeker looking pteranodon, and the thin, lithe bot mode suits the character. I wish he'd made Snarl and Sludge, as I'd love Animated versions of both to complete the G1 team.
  20. Wow, seeing the state of that large plug, I can't help but cringe. Glad I went with Captured Prey- they didn't install plugs, and my Megs came factory sealed. Dangard, don't give up on transforming Megs just yet. The barrel rotation issue is pretty easily remedied if you sand down the ridges on the double hinge that holds the whole barrel assembly. I forced mine, but having seen pics of broken barrels, I rotated just the piece that the barrel attaches to. However, it was very tight, and very hard to rotate, and after the fact, a couple of the ridges on that hinge were smashed flat, but I was fortunate to not have broken anything. I figured mine was pinned wrong, thus not allowing for the intended tolerance, but it seems this is a QC issue experienced by lots of folks. It's not insurmountable, however, and you're fortunate to have forewarning of the issue, as well as suggestions on how to fix it. Sometimes it's good to wait for the slow boat.
  21. I had the same issue, but was able to rotate it into place, gritting my teeth all the way. It was so tight, it ended up scraping off one of the raised ridges. Poor QC, there. Anyway, I know some folks have taken a file to those ridges . If you decide to force it into position as I did, I'd suggest gripping just the part to which the barrel attaches, not the barrel itself, as it could snap off. I think filing the ridges until the barrel moves easily is the best option. Forcing it just greatly raises the breakage potential, and this figure is too nice and too expensive to break him.
  22. I have leader ROTF Prime, an amazing work of toy engineering itself, so I'm not really feeling any temptation to get this figure. I stopped collecting Bayformer figs after ROTF, as I'm not really a fan of the look, and none of the Bayformer figs from DOTM, AOE, and the upcoming Last Knight interest me. For those who do like the aesthetic, hopefully these are the MP figures you've been waiting for. Honestly, I may change my tune, at least for Prime, once reviews start popping up, if I find the transformation interesting. Doubt it though- I've pretty much lost all interest in anything related to the Bayverse, and I already have a nice collection of figures from his first three movies when the engineering in those toys was often complex and interesting (and sometimes frustrating, too). I'm hoping the next G1 MP fig will be announced this year, hopefully a new seeker mold, something surprising like Reflector or the Insecticons, or another Autobot car. In the meantime, I'm still enjoying looking at my Decepticons with their official leader- worth the wait.
  23. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Congrats to everyone who've received theirs- looking forward to getting mine on Friday. Hadn't really ever paid attention to the head on Messer's valk, but after checking out the posted pics, I get the vitriol aimed at it. Kinda like a Uni-Kamen Rider sort of thing going on there. Fugly nugget aside, I love the overall paint scheme and skull emblem in fighter, which is why I got the 31F. Had I done my homework, I might have passed in favor of Mirage's, or the one with the radome.
  24. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Paid for mine yesterday; DHL are leaving me a message as I type for Friday delivery. Nice start to the weekend.
  25. M'Kyuun

    Bandai DX VF-31

    Just paid for mine- think I got fleeced a little: $219 USD through Amiami. Regardless, it's done, and since overall reception is good, I'm looking forward to getting it in hand. This and my 262 will likely be the only Delta birds I get, unless that Sv-54? (the F-104 look-alike) gets a release, and it's transformable. Or a new VF-22. Or a VF-9 Cutlass.
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