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Everything posted by ChristopherB

  1. Dear lord, look at the size of the gunpods being held by the VF-1J Hikaru and the VF-1S Roy Strike. Way out of scale. There are some nice looking items in the picture though.
  2. nemesis120, Thank you for posting the information. Yes, it definitely "counts." While it's not a model kit in and of itself, it will go under the miscellaneous category. I'll update the list as soon as I get a chance. Yet another item I need to become a "Hasegawa Completist." Sincerely, Christopher
  3. There is a whole list of stuff I would like to see from Hasegawa, while at the same time I'm getting caught up with previous releases. I got tired of trying to collect everything Yamato, Bandai, Banpresto, Doyusha, Club M, Studio Half Eye, and on and on. It was just costing me too much. So I settled on Hasegawa, and it still hasn't been cheap. Just when I think I have the entire list down, someone shows me something I missed, or something new comes out. Can't win either way. I'm still wondering where the 1/72 GBP armor is. Hasegawa seems to follow Yamato, and so we recently got the Yamato 1/60 GBP armor, but no word on Hasegawa.
  4. No offense intended, but I'm not sure that poor bootleg valkyrie is worth the time and trouble it will take to get the plastic smooth again. First of all, the plastic isn't of the highest quality to begin with, and so sanding will only reduce the thickness and increase the possiblity of a break somewhere. This is especially important considering the screws and other attachments you've added. Second of all, the amount of sanding needed will eliminate any/all detail such as panel lines and etc. I think you mentioned how hard it is for you to get a valkyrie to use. Once you get all of the details figured out, you could apply them to a nice Bandai reisssue, or at least another bootleg.
  5. Yeah, I thought of that too, and of course Jesse and I are friends, so I'm not directing anything at him personally. What I said still holds true and is aplicable to anyone that falls into the category of not wanting others to have access to items, regardless of what Jesse was specifically referencing. However, before even clicking on the topic, the title clearly says what Hasegawa is re-releasing, so before posting, you already now it is not either a new release, or a re-release of something else that he might have hoped for. So, bearing that in mind, I cannot divine that his "disappointment" could pertain to anything besides these two specific kits. That is afterall, the most logical conclusion. I mean, clearly the topic title isn't "Rare Kits from Hasegawa!," and upon "clicking" you become saddened to learn it is only a re-release.
  6. I'm really excited about the Deep Striker. The scalpers on eBay are going to be pissed, but this is great news for Gundam fans. Looks like I'll finally be able to get one.
  7. I just placed my pre-order as well, and I made sure I ordered (2) of each. (1) to build, another to give to my son one day. I'll even show him how to build it, and help him. Continuing the Macross tradition from one generation to the next, so that it doesn't die with us, should be our goal. In addition, I hope Hasegawa re-releases all of their out of production kits, and decal sets. I hope this pre-order pisses off all of the greedy bastards that thought their VF-19A and/or VF 22 S was rare, or planned to make a profit off the back of a fellow fan. They can kiss my big white hairy arse.
  8. Jesse, I'm not sure what you're "disappointed by," but I hope it's not the reissue of these kits! (Note: My following soapbox tirade is not directed at any specific person, unless it applies to them of course.) The emphasis shouldn't be rarity or hoping that the value of the previous release continues to rise. There should be enough to go around for everyone that wants to build the kit. Besides Hasegawa is a business, and they make their money off direct to customer sales, as opposed to the secondary market created by people that are not Macross fans. These people buy the kits not out of love of the hobby, but for the sole purpose of holding on to them until the value rises and then selling at a profit. I've never thought of Macross as a means to make a profit, and I've never hoped that a kit/toy would not be re-released, so that I can either make a profit, or gloat in the knowledge that I own something rare that others don't. Love of Macross means everyone should have equal access, and I applaud Hasegawa for more making these kits available again. The "You should have gotten one the first time" mentality that some people have is just wrong. I wish that every other Macross fan could own all of the same kits and toys that I do, because I measure value by knowledge that my fellow fans get to enjoy the same things I treasure. Sincerely, Christopher
  9. Great job my friend!!! I love it, thank you for sharing. So, what do you have planned next?
  10. RTHK, Wow! You've got a lot of valkyries. That's definitely cool. Everytime I see you post, your username reminds me of an old former MW Member. "RTH" (Rick the Hunter) You wouldn't be, "Rick the Hunter's Kid" would you? I working to rectify the fact that I've only built (1) Hasegawa kit so far. It is a Max VF-1S Strike Valkyrie, and given my limited skills, it turned out pretty good. I'm trying to track down the 19A and the 22, but no luck so far. Sincerely, Christopher
  11. Valkyrie, Thanks, I totally forgot about that one. I'll update the list. Yes, the holy grail for completists. I should have remembered, because I recently obtained it from Blackaces, along with the VF-1S metal plated. The clear versions would have been better if Hasegawa had also included interior details, like avionics, propulsion and etc. Otherwise, I have no interest in ever building a clear kit. The metallic versions are definitely not realistic, but they might look cool if built properly and placed a distance from the properly painted and decaled kits. Sincerely, Christopher
  12. newca, If you take a look at my list, there are (2) different "metal" coated valkyries listed: Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Metal Plated Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Strike Metal Plated The rare kit, is the non-Strike variant. Yes, you are right in that you can still find the Strike kit on eBay for a pretty good price. The VF-1S non-Strike version is a different metal color (silver as opposed to champagne), and you could only get it via a mail away contest or something like that. Hence the high price. Here is a picture of the kit: Sincerely, Christopher
  13. David Hingtgen, You have a good point. I was just trying to be consistent with my wording. Grayson72, Wow, you have quite a list. I don't care for the clear/metal versions either, but I'm trying to be a Hasegawa Completist.
  14. My most prized Hasegawa item is my 1/72 VF-1A fighter valkyrie, which was autographed by Shoji Kawamori.
  15. Hello Fellow Hasegawa Fans, (DYRL and/or TV Series Release Valkyries) 1.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A Fighter Valkyrie 2.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Low Visibility" Fighter Valkyrie 3.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Angel Birds" Fighter Valkyrie 4.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Clear Red" Fighter Valkyrie 5.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A "Clear Red Event Only" Fighter Valkyrie 6.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1D Fighter Valkyrie 7.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1D "Virgin Road" Fighter Valkyrie 8.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1J Fighter Valkyrie 9.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1J "Clear Blue" Fighter Valkyrie 10.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1J "Clear Blue Event Only" Fighter Valkyrie 11.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1J "Max & Millia" Fighter Valkyrie 12.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Fighter Valkyrie 13.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Clear Green" Fighter Valkyrie 14.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Clear Green Event Only" Fighter Valkyrie 15.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Metal Plated" Fighter Valkyrie, Limited Edition 16.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J/S) "Clear/Clear Event Only" Fighter Valkyrie 17.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J) Super Valkyrie 18.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) Super/Strike Valkyrie Version 1 19.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) "Metal Plated" Strike Valkyrie 20.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/S) Super/Strike Valkyrie Version 2 21.) Hasegawa 1/72 VE-1 "Elintseeker" Valkyrie 22.) Hasegawa 1/72 VT-1 "Super Ostrich" Valkyrie (DYRL and/or TV Series Release Battroids) 23.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J/S) Battroid Valkyrie 24.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1A Super Battroid Valkyrie 25.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S Strike Battroid Valkyrie 26.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1S "Minmay Guard" Strike Battroid Valkyrie (Macross Plus Valkyries) 27.) Hasegawa 1/72 YF-19 Fighter Valkyrie 28.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-19A "Ravens" Fighter Valkyrie 29.) Hasegawa 1/72 YF-21 Fighter Valkyrie 30.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-22 S Fighter Valkyrie (Macross Zero Valkyries) 31.) Hasegawa 1/72 F-14 Fighter 32.) Hasegawa 1/72 Mig-29 Fighter 33.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0S Fighter Valkyrie 34.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0S "Metal Plated" Fighter Valkyrie, Limited Edition 35.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0A Fighter Valkyrie 36.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0B Fighter Valkyrie 37.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-0D Fighter Valkyrie 38.) Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51 "Nora" Fighter Valkyrie 39.) Hasegawa 1/72 SV-51 "Ivanov" Fighter Valkyrie (Miscellaneous Releases) 40.) Hasegawa 1/72 Valkyrie Display Stand 41.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie Weapon Set 42.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1 Valkyrie Photo-Etched Detail Set 43.) Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #01 "Macross Plus Designs" 44.) Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #02 "Character Model Designs" 45.) Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #03 "Minmay Guard Version 1" 46.) Hasegawa 1/72 Macross Option Decal #04 "Minmay Guard Version 2" 47.) Hasegawa Macross Package Calendar 2002 48.) Hasegawa Various Promotional Posters 49.) Hasegawa 1/72 VF-1(A/J/S) Battroid Valkyrie Upgrade Parts It took me a little while to compile this list, and as you can see, it's quite long! Please feel free to post any corrections needed, and which kits you have and/or are missing. Sincerely, Christopher
  16. For the love of God, what happened to that poor bootleg valkyrie? The difference between before and after is amazing. It looks like it was slowly roasted over an open fire, and then buried in sand for a month or two.
  17. Valkyrie, Yeah, you've definitely got a good point there my friend! Hasegawa is the way to go. Hundred times better than the Imai/Bandai, cheaper than the Club-M, and a lot easier than dealing with resin. One on hand it's nice to have a top of the line Hasegawa Strike/Super with all of the bells and whistles, but you can build a really nice standard Has. kit with no pilot/weapons/photoetched parts for well under $50 to include shipping and paint. It just depends on how fanatical you are. My dream is to have a Hasegawa squadron of valkyries in all of the different schemes, and sitting on their own display stands. Sincerely, Christopher
  18. Defects... Try as I might, I found none. You did a damn good job, thank you for sharing.
  19. Definitely very interesting. Amazing pictures. Note to others: 1.) Look at pictures 2.) Click on link to read what actually happened 3.) Ask any questions not addressed by article 4.) End the day with the appearance that you know how to answer your own questions. Common Sense 101
  20. Since you brought it up, let me add several more to the list of weird decisions: 1.) The Virgin Road VF-1D does not include the VF-1D photoetched parts. I mean, what the hell were they thinking? 2.) The VF-1D photoetched set includes (2) parts that can only be used with (2) missile pods, but the VF-1D kit is not made for fastpacks. 3.) As if that isn't bad enough, the normal photoetched parts set which costs almost as much as an entire VF-1D, does not include these (2) missile pod parts. 4.) You need (4) RMS-1 missiles to make (1) DYRL style Super/Strike kit, but the freaking Weapon Set only comes with (6), but yet it has (2) pilots, and (4) box missiles. So you cannot use the Weapon Set to build (2) Super/Strike valkyries with the same DYRL missile load out. So if you want to build a "completely hooked up" Super Valkyrie with an actual pilot in the cockpit, you have to buy (4), count them (4) different Hasegawa items: a.) Super or Strike Valkyrie Kit ($16-$34) b.) Limited Edition VF-1D Kit ($16-$24) c.) Standard Photoetched Parts Set ($15-$18) d.) Weapon Set ($15-$18) Grand total for a "complete" VF-1: $77 (average price, shipping costs not included) Lord forbid you want a display stand, because that's going to cost you another: $12, but at least you get (2) in the box. I think that's it for now. No one ever said the hobby was cheap, but a little common sense goes a long way.
  21. I understand what you are saying, but I agree with my good friend Stamen0083, that I have not heard of the original Super/Strike kits as being discontinued. There is also another flaw in your logic. The new kit does not include everything that you would get if you bought the Super and Strike separately. Obviously, you can get a Super and Strike kit for basically the same price as the new one, plus have two separate valkyries, but you do not get the VF-1J head with the new kit. That is the difference, and so if you want to make a Hikaru/Max/Millia VF-1J Super, you can't use the new Hasegawa kit in and of itself. We aren't talking decals here either or DYRL versus TV series differences, just the VF-1J head. As I said, I'm not knocking the new kit, but it does not replace the original Super release.
  22. Best battroid version in my opinion. If you like to display not play, go for it. Personally, I wish I could afford a fleet of them, but then I would have to build and paint them all. Hasegawa rocks!
  23. First of all, thank you for the pictures of the box contents. You can buy the normal Strike kit for around $16.00. These kits are selling for around $34, which is double that price. You only get (2) different things: New Boxart Hayao Decals That's it. I'll buy one as a collectible, but if I want to build a Super/Strike, I'll go for the previous release and save myself a lot of money. My honest opinion is that if Hasegawa can sell the Max/Millia set, which includes (2) valkyries for the standard amount, then I don't see why we shouldn't be able to get a true Super/Strike valkyrie kit for double the price. I love Hasegawa and their Macross kits kick ass, but I'm disappointed by this attempt to repackage something but not give us anything more substantive.
  24. Wonderful job! I've always wanted to make a gerwalk Hasegawa, and it's nice to see that you took the initiative to do, what some of us have only imagined. I'm looking forward to seeing it completed.
  25. The VB-6 looks great, thank you for posting the pictures. The colors they selected are perfect. Can't wait to get one, or maybe two if the price is right.
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