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VF-18S Hornet

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Everything posted by VF-18S Hornet

  1. Wow almost identical to Yamato's work on the VF-17S, oh yeah here's my latest vent just to let you all know my frustration of not noticing this sooner, ARRRRRRRRRRRGHHHH!!!!!!!! :angry: :angry:
  2. you know I passed on that, saying to myself I got enough VF-1's and yet I go pre-order a DYRL VF-1A CF on Ami Ami along with the DYRL Movie Blu Ray and Tekkaman Blade, though Blade was supposed to come at the end of June but got moved to July, it looks like they will all be released at the end of July----- I'm pretty much screwed.
  3. Have been checking in for awhile but I have been in a bit of a funk with both my jobs as my first job is gearing up for ugh back to school and still have to deal with the moronicness of the warehouse as they keep shipping us crap we don't need and a spineless pre-madonna AKA Mr. perfect GM who can't seem do something about it but chase after me to put up chairs which is not my job. I have been down about my life and that I have been neglecting to post some pics on my thread that I started. Though I have been keeping up with everyone elses pics thanks to the notification I get on my e-mail. So I'll just attach some pics from my hardrive since I never did get a chance to upload them onto my Photobucket account.
  4. Treatment when did you get those option parts for your Roy?
  5. Hey Frogze how were you able to pose your soundbooster on your 19 in Gerwalk mode
  6. I was at my local comic book shop today, looked through a few books before making my selection, when picked up a copy of X-men #29 on page two, three, or four (should have gotten that too) featured the X-men battling two large robots. One of the robots though it head and parts of its body were different the arms resemble much closer to the Defenders double barrel gun arms. Looks like there is a Macross fan at Marvel.
  7. whoa!!! You're ninja71519863, I had no idea that was you there on photobucket. I'm maverickhunterx4 there, and I am also following your album. That's how I find out about these soon to be releases whenever I get on photobucket.
  8. I found her on Facebook, saw her pictures with her two sons, one who is taller than she is. She still looks so young that she can pass for a younger sister to her son, and the bunny is so cute that I commented on it's cuteness.
  9. I thought it looked like the same color as the VF-22S max when I first saw the photo's on ninja71519863 photoalbum on Photobucket. Maybe the F's get a lighter shade of blue while the commander Valkyrie gets a darker shade. Oh and by the way It's about time Yamato posted these pictures. Yeah I am going to get one F as I don't have the room nor money to have two I just photoshop an extra when I do a poster design of them together, working on some ideas on a graphic design project involving my SDF-1 and a few VF-1s on hand
  10. I rememberd asking about that screen cap way back when Yamato announced they were releasing a 1/48 cannon fodder VF-1A that had the DYRL head instead of TV head, but had the TV pilot. Wanted to do a custom based on that screen shot, even got the DYRL Fast Packs for it but never got around to doing it.
  11. Yeah I would also like an unpainted VF-19S and F Blazer to customize
  12. Yes that is awesome. and I can't believe that some dumbarse girl would not let him get his stuff but chooses to sell off his property like it was hers. Isn't that theft? She didn't buy the stuff with her money. The guy should sue her, I would, and have her thrown in jail.
  13. Okay Bobby in a dress that is super Creepy, instead of calling him capt' Bobby Capt' Creepy.
  14. you forgot Japan and of course China would be involved in the U.N.
  15. how come I can't see this, and why are the links are not found?
  16. About as normal as anymone elses though his goatee is like that gut who provided the VF-19P to Basara.
  17. You should know the new manager at my job has got the weirdest last name, it is Zola I'll let you run with that one
  18. Finally they have gone to blu-ray, it's too bad the collectors pack sold out too quick, so i'll live and learn to read the tv forums first before going to the toy section. I placed it on my wish list and preordered the regular version. And as for Ishiguro's passing, I say rest in peace my friend and thank you.
  19. I got the DVD some time ago when I was in Philly for the Autoshow sometime around 2005 or 06 it was in a video game store in the Gallery Mall. It was in Electronis Boutique or Etc at the time before it too became Gamestop. I menioned on these threads but every one ignored it.
  20. Whoa it looks like Kim is going to hit a homerun with Kawamorii's head.
  21. Just where did you get those VF-4's from and who's the manufacturer?
  22. I was going to add these photos to the Strike a Pose thread but that has been locked so I'll post them here to drum up some business as my manger would say when things are slow. Geez I gotta find a new line of work
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