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Everything posted by chyll2

  1. if at all, HLJ style of listing can work in favor or against on both collector and scalper. So imo, they earn neutral scoring or rating for this aspect.
  2. thanks. I got one of these and I plan to use it on my 25A as well
  3. I am not weeping since I am okay with one. No double rule.
  4. tamashii online exclusive can be re-issued as long as their is something different/unique about it like special coating version. But thinking about macross, that just adds up to it being more slim to gets re-released as well
  5. NY got 25s now 18k https://www.nippon-yasan.com/macross/8318-macross-f-vf-25s-messiah-valkyrie-ozma-lee-custom-renewal-ver-reissue.html
  6. just finished watching the video. Really nice stand
  7. the holes in the base stand, looks like it is screws away from Wall mounting
  8. waiting for the video. come one youtube, encode faster! edit: This video has been removed because it is too long.
  9. sorry for misleading and stirring hopes up. I checked and checked it and finally understood (via google translate), that the listing is actually from Yahoo Japan, which currently, is already sold out. but who knows, you can try and order one. I have used it two times now for Auctions (so I have no idea with shopping proxy services). There is a fixed 200 yen fee, you also need to cover the cost of wire-transferring of payments to the seller and the domestic shipping (safe to say, add 1000 yen for both) and 5% system usage fee (which will be based on the actual cost of the item and shipping fee) for convenient sake, there is a calculator tool in their site as well. They can hold items for 30 days. EMS to US for this item, IF it is actually available, is about 17568 yen or approx 171.3 USD with the first 13k yen or so needs to be paid upfront in order for them to purchase one (or for this case, pre-order one) I heard Buyee is also a good proxy service, but it charges 10% commission but they can store 90 days (this can help save Shipping cost if you plan to purchase multiples in this time period)
  10. whoa.. that is better than what I anticipated!!! it is so much cleaner and has a better foot print
  11. i am exploring fromjapan for proxy searching and found this. If you are not sure about getting one at release date, I suggest check this I am not sure as well if From japan allow pre-order purchase and how this works. this is the item URL http://kakaku.com/item/K0000366763/ if you are going to use From japan, here is the link http://www.fromjapan.co.jp/special/order/confirm?lang=en&code=K0000366763&siteFlg=5&logkey=link_search edit:apologies for this, the item seller is actually yahoo japan which currently is out of stock.
  12. So there are many 25F issued recently and 25S is getting re-issued. Then you say, I want armor parts on these and what is the current pricing of armor parts for these. check the following links for YJA prices which does not include shipping and proxy cost. 25F armor parts http://page.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/182012670 25S Armor parts http://page6.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/f137709408
  13. @saburo any Battroid pic of that Armored messiah with tornado cannons? the super parts with tornado cannon is so bad-ass!
  14. prices in YJA already dropped. there are a lot of Buy out price for less than 20k yen
  15. I think it is really wavy in the anime.
  16. my account got two 25S, but I am still waiting for my local seller if they can source it since it is much more convenient for me. I rather pay them the extra than the folks at Custom. If ever I can get it locally, can HLJ account be easily transferred?
  17. HLJ will never take your money unless they already have the stocks. This is the same for re-stock, back-ordered and Pre-order. They will charge you when the items is ready to be shipped or to be moved in your Private warehouse. afaik, it is always pay later option, unless you tied up your Paypal account to your HLJ account.
  18. yeah, I think this will be similar with the recent restock at with 25F
  19. i am refreshing without any problems even after we have done pre-ordering. this is miracle!!
  20. thanks for the heads up guys. I placed order for two, will cancel the other one later on lol
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