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Everything posted by Dobber

  1. In the first Pod-Cast, Ron Moore gives a small back story to Adama and Tigh. In it he says that Tigh is the more experienced one of the 2. He started out as an enlisted man and while serving on a ship as a chief, the ship come under heavy attack by the cylons and is boarded. the resulting fight turns very bloody and ends up in hand to hand combat. I believe he says it is one of the most memorable battles of the war for the colonials and Tigh is one of the few survivors. As the war progresses he becomes an officer and a fighter pilot. Adama, meanwhile, is a younger fighter pilot serving towards the end of the war. After the war ends, they both leave the service and meet for the first time while they are both serving on a Freighter. Adama admires Tigh sort of because he is the more experienced warrior of the 2. Adama later finds a way back into the military as a pilot and gets Tigh back in with him and he makes sure Tigh is pretty much with him where-ever he goes. It's a pretty cool back story and you should listen to it sometime, not sure if I told it totally right but that's the gist of it. The story is on the pod-cast for Tigh me up, Tigh me down. Also I think he says Tigh's driking Problem is a result of his action aboard that first ship. Chris
  2. True, but he's already got the Princess who could yeild much more important info, he's freezing Han without questioning him, plus the whole air of the Empire not liking non-humans ( at least that's how the OT portrayed it to me). It very well could have been Vader wanting one more prisoner alive, it's just after learining that Anakin built C-3PO, that scene can have a whole new meaning. Chris
  3. That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. Chris Also, modern fighters have unstable airframes, so they won't glide if they get fragged up. Just tumble and drop. Yeah, the compairison seems to make sense (to me anyway ) the time difference, also, between the Cylon Wars and the Holocaust is about the same if not a decade longer than WWII and the Late 70's Early 80's when the F-16 arrived. Chris
  4. If your friend likes Drama, he should definately like this show. As I'm sure you already know this show is all about the drama and the sci-fi aspect is secondary, particularly episodes 2,3, 6, 7, and 11. I will also be getting this set as soon as it comes out! For those interested, La La Land records is releasing the season 1 soundtrack this summer, rumered to be in June. It'll have BOTH theme songs on it too!! If you like the music you should definately pick it up. Personally, I love the music. I own the Mini series soundtrack and love it, and there have already been a few ques that I heard during the show that I'd love to have. Chris
  5. It's funny how that works. People seem to be put off by this show because of pre-conceptions....whether it's the name "Battlestar Galactica" , or the early shots of the vipers, or Starbuck being a woman. Then, when they give the show a chance they come around. Just wish some more people would give it a shot...I think people who ordinarlly wouldn't like sci-fi would really like this show. Drama first baby! Not that the show is doing bad or anything Chris
  6. Or maybe he just didn't care? All Astromech droids look the same, and after 20 years its probably a footnote in his memory. Plus, R2 and Obiwan never really hung out. I think the Vader not remembering is more suspect. 3PO even more so since he built him. I like to think that Vader DID recognize 3PO when he finally see's him in Empire. The scene when Han is going to be frozen in Carbonite, Chewie freaks out and starts tossing storm troopers, Fett raises his blaster to shot the wookie( who happens to have 3PO on his back) and Vader stops him.? Why? After all he's only a Wookie right. I like to think he recognized 3PO and didn't want to risk him getting even more damaged or even destroyed. Food for thought. Chris
  7. I remember watching the making of doc. on the Ep. I DVD. When it came too casting it seemed like everyone else like this other kid who was a little older than Jake and IMO much better in audition then Jake too. Then king George steps in and says something like Jake just has something about him that he liked. I swear everyone looked like they couldn't believe he was picking Jake over this other kid, it was hilarious! Then later on during filming Jake couldn't say Couruscant correctly.....the look on ol' George's face was priceless.....kinda like it dawned on him that he made a big mistake with this kid!! If you have it you should check it out! Chris
  8. That makes alot of sense to me. I also think that the MK II's are a little more rugged than the VII's, it never says so anywhere just my theory. Think about how some WWII fighters could absorb damage next to say what an F-16 could take. The F-16 is a FAR superiour (spelling) fighter than say a P-47 or any other WWII aircraft for that matter, but the damage a P-47 could take and KEEP flying and fighting would bring down a squadron of F-16's. I'm not trying to trash the 16, it's a great fighter, just trying to compare high tech versus rugged reliability. Chris
  9. Yeah I had that thing pre-ordered also from HLJ.....but I had to cancel it. I just couldn't justify nearly $200 before shipping for that toy....no matter how cool I thought it was. But damnit....I still want it!!!!! I have the HK DVD's and am really happy with them. Series 2 the Comet Empire was just incredible...best of the bunch IMHO! It's funny how the music can be soooo campy but then turn to such a beautiful score also...particularly at the end of the Comet Empire series. Chris
  10. Did anyone else think that Starbuck was a bit out of line in the past episode? coments about previous episode. She tells Lee...her friend and superior... not to "frack-up" before his mission. She pretty much tells Lee she has no faith in his abilities. Not exactly the best thing to say to ANYBODY before they are about to go into a extremely dangerous situation much less your friend......I mean GOD....she got pissed at him when he said be careful before a mission instead of good hunting! Then she had the nerve to pretty much say it again to the Commander. At least he flung it back at her though. I like Starbuck too, just thought she was being a bit of a bitch was all....at least more than usual Chris
  11. Erm ... Biggs? OMG, you dont know Biggs? Biggs was Luke's best friend. Biggs grew up on Tantooine but left for the Imperial Academy but later defected to the Rebel Alliance. He was the pilot holding off Vader in the Trench run and died doing so. Other pilots in the SW ep4 were Tiree, Dutch, and Porkins (fat guy in the Xwing thought he can control it after getting hit but crashed and burned). Damn it... I am a SW geek. I think he was referring to the fact that Biggs was killed and the original statement said "surviving" pilots! Yeah, there are 2 full scale Mk II's and 1 full scale Mk VII. I would just like to see a shot of it launching down the tube, and a good combat sequence show what this mother can do.......when it's not shut-off of course! ....Like possibly Apollo and Starbuck both flying the VII's and just ripping up a whole flight of raiders! Chris
  12. They were, but Boomer stated that the only ships haveing any success against the Cylons were either old or in need of repair/upgrade. Lt. Gaeta (spelling) later told Dr. Baltar that they would purge the CMP program from the remaining MK VII's so they wouldn't be vulnerable anymore. Apollo was flying a Mk VII in "33" when he destroyed the Olympic Carrier. You see a few in the opening scene of the same episode when the Vipers are racing out to intercept the Cylons as the fleet is jumping away. Then the 5 that I counted when they land....although that was stock footage from the combat landings at the end of the Mini. Finally, you see 3 or 4, can't remember, including the one Apollo is flying when he orders the rest of the squadron to land and get some sleep after the Cylons didn't show up after 33 minutes + an hour or two, in "33". Just really like the Mk VII design, it grew on me! I wish they'd show more of it, like a launch sequence or something. Chris
  13. The most MK VII's I've seen on screen at one time was 5. That was during the "combat Landing" footage used in episode "33". Since we hardly ever see the Mk VII any more and we haven't "seen" any get fragged I guess that's around the number they have. That sci-fi ships site says that without the computer controlled/enhanced flight computers the MK VII's are a real chore to fly and that only the most expierienced pilots would be able to handle them. Maybe they don't want to risk losing any more pilots to flight accidents with the difficult Mk VII when they still have user friendly Mk II's around. Or the VII's are a hot commodity and they don't want to risk them unless they have to...OR they are just too complex and require too much maintanence from the supply starved fleet and are just "down" due to lack of parts.? Chris
  14. Anyone else notice the shot of Grievous and Obi fighting on a planet? Neither were using Sabers...looks like Grievous tries punch Obi. Love the shot of the fighter exploding....watched it on quicktime frame by frame....you can see the pilot getting blown out of the debris! ala Empires Asteroid chase and the Tie pilot! Chris
  15. Loved the episode also!! Good to see them finally give us a good battle episode. I now it's a drama first, and I've been loving it!, but it's good to see a "Big-Mac" episode finally, as was said on the Pod-cast! Yeah, I noticed that new theme music also.....I thought it sucked. . I liked the old one much better, and the UK version even more. Chris
  16. I don't think it is really part of either universe. I was under the impression that it was on it's own with links to both universes. But, I guess it does "lean" a little more to the new one. Chris
  17. I think he just remembered it from when it was done on Space 1999 and liked it I agree about the spoilers all over the place I hate it also.........sorry about earlier didn't think it was a big deal since it aired here finally....my bad . At least they won't do it for season 2....looks like the US gets it first this time with a summer premier!!!!! Chris
  18. Here Ya' go. Quote from a RDM BLOG on sci-fi. "What made you decide to show glimpses of the current episode at the end of the opening credits? Oh, and could you please stop doing that? (:" This is a trick that "Space: 1999" used to do and I proudly stole it from them. And, no, I won't. Nice try, though.
  19. One other show did the same irritating thing. The first season of Space: 1999 would show clips from that week's episode during the opening theme, kind of giving the viewer a preview of what was to come. As a ten year-old kid watching the show when it came on, I thought it was cool, but when I got the series on DVD it kind of annoyed me. I do not know if anyone here is a fan of that particular show from the 70's as I am, but when I saw the first episode of Battlestar Galactica's new season, I kind of put the two together. I remember that as well, someone in another forum had asked Moore about that in an interview. I'm pretty sure he said he was gonna keep doing it. Chris
  20. While I would admit that the United States has done its fair share to aggravate the sensibilities of those within its military penal system, PoW or otherwise, I find your remarks about Battlestar Galactica's use of so-called Abu Ghraib interrogation techniques somewhat irresponsible. The US military drills into each recruit's head from day one to abide by the code of conduct and the laws of war when regarding the capture of enemy combatants. But when an incidence of mistreatment surfaces and becomes mainstream, everyone seems to point the finger at the US, when there are other countries much worse than we are. God, if I had been captured, I sure would have rather had womens' underwear put on my head, pranced around naked, and dragged by a leash for all to see. It sure beats having my body placed feet first into a wood chipper, or having bamboo splinters rammed up underneath my fingernails, or crammed into a 4' x 4' x 4' cage and left out in the sun to bake. If anything, Battlestar Galactica's references to interrogation techniques are more common to what the former Soviet KGB, or any of its Bloc nations would have done to prisoners. And another thing, a lot of us have not seen most of the episodes listed here. Don't go blurting out things like "Adama is a Cylon". Good thing I did watch last night. So please add a spoiler tag to your message to keep one from accidentally reading what he doesn't know. As for last night's episode, I enjoyed it a lot more than I did the witch-hunt episode, which I feel has been the weakest one to date, IMO. The series is shaping up to be a good one, and I have to admit, that while I did not care for it when the pilot first aired, I have turned around and become a fan. Sorry if I "BLURTED" out anything. I'm not trying to spoil anything for anyone....I know how it feels. However, I was discussing an episode that already aired and "we" meaning the people of this forum have been discussing the episodes as they air here. Secondly, RDM has already stated that there is a link to this episode and what happened in Iraq. Not trying to get political so CHILL! I was in the service also. I'm not knocking our service or the colonial methods seen in the episode. I was mearly pointing out how themes in the show are being drawn from real life events, NOT specific actions. I agree with you on how the world and/or the Media views the US and our actions, and your feelings on tecniques that were used as opposed to what has happened to our service men and women in the past. Please do not call me irresponsible when you don't know all the facts about me or my statement, THAT would be irresponsible Enough political talk and back on topic Chris
  21. After saying all of that. I hope they don't start making all major cast members Cylons. Boomer was good enough, now lets just leave the remaining 8 cylon models to be "other" people. Chris
  22. Wow, Great episode last night! Definate Abu Garb (spelling) referenses. I have a theory I've been suspecting, espesially after last night. I think Roslyn is a Cylon. I don't now anything about what really happens, these are just my thoughts so I hope no one gets pissed this is why I think she is one though. 1. In the mini-series she has that incredibly STUPID decision of staying put when a cylon missile is coming at them. She offers no alternate course of action, Lee thankfully saves the day out of dumb luck. Moore recently explained this situation, though as a weak point in the script that he really would've liked to have fixed in some way. That was the part of the mini I really hated because She came off as such an IDIOT!!! 2. In Episode "33" when #6 wants Baltar to repent his sins and the Olympic carrier is closing on the fleet, it's Roslyns decision to destroy it. She makes her decision only after he repents. Could be a coinsidence or maby not. 3. Last night Leobin says he or the human Cylons , can't remember which, can see the future, Roslyn, after watching the whole episode, clearly "saw" the future. 4. SHE HAS CANCER!!!! How are they gonna write themselves out of that!!! Maybe the Cylons made themselves too Human or she is just an older model and more suseptible to human illnesses, I don't know but this is something pretty big for a major cast member to have at the start of a series. 5. This goes with the last one as well....Other people have stated that it was pretty stupid for an otherwise intelegent woman to go 5 years without a medical or breast exam...again she maybe an older model cylon an doesn't want people taking too close a look at her and possibly discover her identity. 6. Leobin seems to have cnfirmed what Adama tells Starbuck before she leaves to interogate him. That he(Leobin) has a mission to accomplish and to be carefull with him, that he wants to put distrust in our minds. After all he goes through He still gets to Roslyn, wispers "Adama is a Cylon" to her and that's it, mission accomplished. He either succeeds in putting distrust in the colonials leaders or maybe it was an activation code for the sleeper part of Roslyn...possibly both. These are just my thoughts and theories, just curious what you all think Chris
  23. Oh Man!!!! A VF-11 would be a dream come true!!! If they do it I hope they do the nose right like the Yamato, Yellow sub, or Club M versions. I hated the Duck Bill variable version that was done....can't remember by whom though. No all I need is a darn FFR-31 Sylphid from Yukikaze!!! Damn you Yellow Sub what's taking so Long!!!!!!!or platz for that matter! Chris
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