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Posts posted by treatment

  1. I strongly suggest that any true Macross fan who wants to buy this CD purchase the original (it can be ordered online through several stores) and thus support Big West, rather than buying the Sonmay version which as far as I know is an unlicensed bootleg.

    Look at it this way. Macross has to make money for BW. If it does not make money, BW will not consider releasing future Macross animes.

    A large part of the income for an anime franchise comes from merchandise royalties. Thus by buying bootlegs you are taking money away from BW and lowering the chance of more Macross being made.


    Is it BigWest or Victor that profits from the soundtrack?

    fwiw, the MZero soundtrack ain't all that. It's pretty mediocre stuff. You'll be better off getting Evangelion CDs.

  2. Actually, Meltrans only exist in DYRL and the story stops there. No stuff about Millia's daughters at all.

    However in TV, Millia is a Zentran and had a daughter and some more daughters (M7), while in Plus, Guld's father was a Zentran.

  3. hmmm. trying to remember...

    Best english-dubs:

    [*] Tenchi Muyo (OVA)

    [*] FLCL

    [*] Fruits Basket

    [*] Cowboy Bebop

    [*] Macross Plus

    [*] Dai-Guard

    [*] Dual!

    [*] Gundam 0080

    [*] Gundam MS-08th Team

    [*] Oh! My Goddess (ova)

    [*] Outlaw Star

    [*] Orguss-02

    [*] Excel Saga

    [*] Fushigi Yuugi

    [*] Trigun

    [*] Voices of a Distant Star

    [*] Read Or Die (ova)

    [*] Ninja Scroll (ova)

    [*] All-Purpose Cultural Catgirl NukuNuku (ova and dash)

    [*] Big-O

    [*] Photon

    [*] Getter Robo

    [*] MazinKaiser

    [*] Buttobi CPU ^_^

    [*] LA Blue Girl ^_^


    [*] Ah! My Goddess (movie)

    [*] Adventures of Mini-Goddess

    [*] Irresponsible Captain Tylor

    [*] El Hazard (all of them)

    [*] Rorouni Kenshin/Samurai X (tv and ova's)

    [*] GTO

    [*] DBZ (funimation)

    [*] Rune Soldier

    [*] Video Girl Ai

    [*] DNA^2

    [*] Mahoromatic and Mahoromatic-SMB

    [*] Inuyasha

    [*] Please Teacher

    [*] Steel Angel Kurumi

    [*] Ai Yori Aoshi

    [*] Full Metal Panic

    [*] Chobits

    [*] Kare Kano (His and Her Circumstances)

    [*] Nadesico

    [*] Ranma 1/2

    [*] Princess Mononoke

    [*] Record of Lodoss War (ova)

    [*] Gunsmith Cats

    [*] .//hack

    [*] Hand Maid May

    [*] RahXephon

    [*] Street Fighter II (movie)

    [*] X

    [*] YuYu Hakusho


    [*] Robotech

    [*] Robotech

    [*] Robotech

    [*] Robotech

    [*] Robotech

    [*] Macross II

    [*] Orguss-1

    [*] Maison Ikkoku

    [*] Shin Kimagure Orange Road

    [*] DBZ (pioneer)

    [*] MS Gundam

    [*] Char's CounterAttack

    [*] MS Gundam 0083

    [*] Gundam Wing

    [*] G-Gundam

    [*] Love Hina

    [*] Neon Genesis Evangelion

    [*] Fist of the North Star

    [*] Lodoss War (Knights)

    [*] Star Blazers

    [*] Blue Gender

    [*] Urusei Yatsura (CPM and Animeigo)

    I prolly forgot a bunch of others since I usually watch anime in subs. ^_^

  4. First of all, I am going to assume the US and the UK DVD versions are identical.

    Now, I have seen the movie in three forms -- I rented it on VHS in Japan, and the end credits roll against a black background. I have also downloaded it from the internet, which I assume was a fansubbed version of the JP release, since the opening title read "Tengoku no Tobira" in Japanese and not "The Movie", in English. This version also had a black background during the end credits.

    However, the big-screen release which I attended in London featured some extra scenes that ran through the ending credits, so that there was at no point a black background. These included Faye losing at the races, for example.

    So here's my question: on the new DVD release in the West, do these scenes appear in the film?


  5. When BoB has nothing in his mind, he lets TOTALY useless stuff bugger the hell out of him. :p

    When Hideki first found Chii and brought her home, he dropped a MD as he carried her. What do you suppose is in it? If you have official info better still. Thanks!

    Btw, I've never read the Tokyopop's Chobits manga, I've only watched the dvds, but there were no explanations about it at all.

    It's Chi's previous memory.

  6. Last I heard and read from Renewal-owners and reviewers, there's a tremendous difference in video, audio, extras, and packaging difference in favor of the R2 Renewal over ADV's and Mangle's EVA-wackjobs.

    There's also a tremendous difference between the price: $400+ for the Renewal vs around $150 for ADV's Eva-tv. Boxsets, I mean.

    I guess the R2-EVA dvd-singles was just recently out at $30-$35 a disc. I'm now tempted to order one myself.

    Yes, no subtitles.

    add: here's the discussion over at AoD-forum regarding the new EVA Renewal R2-remasters


  7. I fall into the middle-ground after finishing this new one.

    Starbuckett was a bad idea. A really bad idea. It prolly would have worked if the acting and the actress was good, but she wasn't. She was just flat and lifeless and fugly as a character.

    I know it's a tall order to re-do or re-place the original Starbuck, but this Starbuckett-compromise just did not work out.

    Other than her and the obnoxious pit-crews, the other characters (boomer, adama, apollo, beltar) were good upgrades from the original.

    The new Cylon Centurions were okay overall. The upgraded ships (cylon and colonials) were really done and animated well. The battle-scenes were spectacular.

    The one thing that this new Galactica was thoroughly missing was the humor of the original, perpetuated by none other than Starbuck. The very presence of Starbuck in the original alone was good comedy in itself.

    Also, the dark aspects of the new show were just so cheap.

    The new show's writers and actors should have watched and study how to do dark aspects and dark humor from the X-Files.


  8. just finished watching it.

    All I can say is....


    The space-battle continues to be the best part of this show. it's a friggin Macross-DYRL battle remake!

    without the transformation and main gun stuff.

    The characters still were cheesy. Only Adama and Apollo really acted good and gave it real good. The rest were all Mehhhh. With the capital M. Especially Starbuckett.

    Oh, yeah. The asian chick Boomer. She can't act, but she's still HOT! And she's even more hotter as ......


    omg! i'm busting out laughing here. hahaha!

    by your command.


    oh, man. noriko spoiled it already. lol!

  9. wtf?!

    wtf happened to Apollo?

    that was freakin' lame and really cheap.


    btw, Anubis.

    the Viper MK-2 and the other battlestars were cracked.

    Sci-Fi channel's repeating it right now.

    Whoa! I see the Cylons Centurions! They've been upgraded!

  10. Hey, how are the new Cylons? Do they still have red lights flashing left to right on their eyes?

    I haven't seen an actual walking Cylon Centurion, yet. There was just a head-relic in the museum.

    There was the Cylon female spy, tho. Baltar's lover.

    I'm not really sure how they're portraying Baltar, tho. It seems like he's not the evil traitor anymore.

    The Cylon fighter-ships have the flashing red-light, tho. Pretty good effects.

  11. I'm watching it right now.

    The lowdown:

    The first half was pure cheesy drama crap.

    Yes, the famous Starbuck is now a woman. And she's a dyke with no character charisma at all. Just a pure wallflower with really corny lines.

    The Galactica pit-crews were all morons acting like morons. Way too cheesy.

    Boomer's one hot asian chick! Too girly and too cheesy, tho.

    I guess Apollo's the only actual hero now. I like the way they upgraded his character to the forefront instead of re-relegating him to the original's second-stringer to Starbuck. He's got more angst. Pretty well done, I say.

    The space battles with the Viper, the Viper MK2, and the Cylon ships were done pretty well. Better than Babylon-5 and Star Trek visuals. They have some of the patented Macross drunken missile effects.

    Overall, not bad. The second-half (space battles, Apollo) pretty much redeemed the show for me. I hope they take away the cheesy drama in the future episodes and just focus on the space battles.

    Oh, btw, the Skull Squadron of DYRL will still kick Galactica, Cylons, and Vipers combined asses.


  12. Nice.  Is the animation supposed to look kinda choppy at places?  Sometimes its smooth as butter but other times seems like the frames are skipping choppily along, though... anyone else notice anything similar?

    I've noticed that both the Infusion and ANBU-AonE Mac Zero ep # 3 are choppy in places especially during the CGI Valk action scenes. When it's just the cell animated characters talking things seem fine.

    I downloaded Mac Zero ep # 1 from another group and it was not choppy at all.

    As I'm new at downloading, I'm not sure if it's a problem with the download itself or with my hardware/software set up.

    Anyway, I've still got my original R2 DVD to fall back on, even tho it's only raw Japanese :)


    The Anbu fansub has some intermittent layering/macro-blocking issues.

    here's a snap from timecode 3m:56ss:


  13. Animeigo has rapidly gone down hill in the last year or so, so I wouldn't trust the quality of their previous works as an indicator of their current ability. ADV would likely sit on it forever or slap it out the door with a half-assed job. I think Bandai would do a good job of it, plus they're the company most likely to release it (only ADV has the necessary money besides them, but I doubt ADV would want to piss of their partners, HG). I'm waiting and seeing when it comes to Genoen as to what the change in ownership does to the quality of their anime line.

    Same reservations here about Animeigo, too. Animeigo excels at restoring old titles, but I don't think the 1999 DYRL dvd needs any a/v restoration. If DYRL needs an upgrade, it will prolly need a 5.1 or 6.1 and DTS upgrades for R1.

    I'm also thinking Bandai might get it coz of their sheer weight in the industry, tho Pioneer/Geneon and ADV would prolly put up a fight for it.

    Funimation did a pretty good job on Fruba and have lots of money from the DB/DBZ/DBGT franchise. They also now have Kiddy Grade, so they're a dark horse to snatch the DYRL R1-license.

  14. I listed 4kids just as a throw-away joke-option, even tho I believe they still have money from their Pokemon releases.

    Of course,  I wasn't expecting somebody to actually vote for it, but somebody did and it wasn't me.

    I didn't list TokyoPop both because of the recent Trash-7 fiasco and because of the infamous Initial-D crap-tweak release. 

    I also didn't list Media Blasters because of the still-ongoing mono-audio issue on their releases

    What about Urban Vision?

    I honestly forgot about Urban Vision.

    Could they have the money, luv and expertise to handle DYRL?

  15. Yeah. Seriously, why is 4kids on the list? And all this time, I was expecting TOKYOPOP to be on the polls.

    I listed 4kids just as a throw-away joke-option, even tho I believe they still have money from their Pokemon releases.

    Of course, I wasn't expecting somebody to actually vote for it, but somebody did and it wasn't me.

    I didn't list TokyoPop both because of the recent Trash-7 fiasco and because of the infamous Initial-D crap-tweak release.

    I also didn't list Media Blasters because of the still-ongoing mono-audio issue on their releases

  16. This is the necessary video-codecs:  http://download.divx.com/divx/DivX511Bundle.exe

    That's the one without the ads/nagware. Do not install the player since it really sucks. Just install the video-codec.

    If you don't have any audio/sound, here's the AC3 audio-codec: http://www.anime-infusion.org/ac3filter.DW.Dolby2.exe

    Either or both shouldn't need a Computer Restart.

    Besides RealPlayer and QuickTime, Windows MediaPlayer and WinAmp-2 are both good players for this fansub. So does PowerDVD and WinDVD dvd-plaers, if you have them installed.

    Fwiw, it took me about 12 hours to dl the episode.

    Thanks for providing those links, I can now get both audio and video.

    Sound is excellent and picture quality is very clear, however, the video keps pausing and skipping a lot, especially in the CG Valk action scenes. It's just short pauses of like a half a second and then a skip ahead of maybe a second. It is very frequent and very noticable. It doesn't happen much during the cell animated character parts. I downloaded ep# 2 & # 3 and it happens with both. This is my first time ever to try downloading anything.

    Any idea what could be causing this? My computer is fairly low spec, actually you could say 'antique' these days, PIII 700MHz, 256 ram.


    I'm not sure as I didnt notice any pausing from my computer.

    It could be RAM or cache-buffers/pagefile related. Or something else.

    Fwiw, I would still suggest you upgrade your RAM to at least 512mb for snappier overall system performance on everything. You current 256mb is really a bare minimum even for a P3-class computer.

  17. hahahha.  Nice, how old are you all? 13?
    The only one who's 13-yo and below here is you. Read further down.
    Do i know where the flaws are in this release? No. because i refuse to watch infusions' work after i saw the hack job they did on various series before this one.  Why do you think infusion came to MW boards to "get in touch with Macross fans?" because their repuation on IRC is already established as a not - so - good group. They came here to make nice, saw that they can use the opportunity to curry favor here, and expand their audience this way, as pretty much everyone on irc that leeches fansubs knows about Infusions "quality" of work.

    Then you're a complete asshat dumbfrakk to "criticize", diss, and TROLL something THAT YOU HAVE NOT SEEN YET!

    Do you honestly think that us MWers will just hold our tongue and not post anything against Infusion if we do find something that was wrong with their subs?

    And there are plenty of groups that don't do licensed shows once the licenses have been announced so as not to infringe on the distro rights of the NA rights-holders. Infusion is NOT one of those groups.

    SO frakkING WHAT?

    Hate me, whatever. Do yourself a favor. Go get any one of the other groups' M Zero 3 (groups NOT named AJ that is) and compare for your own damn selves. You'll see where infusion REALLY stands.


    Do us all a favor and stop coming and posting here.

    You are not here to discuss Macross.

    You are only here to troll.

    You deserve to be perma-ban.


  18. I think most of us MWers either have the old fansub, the LD, the region-0 bootleg (mi and fx), and the official Region-2. Some of us prolly even have the COTB crap.


    I'm _still_ hopeful that DYRL will get an official Region-1 release in this day and age and with all these excellent and better A/V technology at their disposal.

    So, which R1-shop would you prefer getting it for R1-release. Try to state your reasoning.

    Consider that an official R1 will have an English-dub, whether we like it or not.

  19. Besides Hikaru blowing up Bodolza, there's another noteworthy Hikaru kill.

    Hikaru in a VF-1A blowing up a Nousjadeul-Ger in front of Delta-One. Then turning around for one of his money-shots.

    One of the best fanservice in mecha-anime.

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