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Posts posted by treatment

  1. Well, you can look at several factors...

    1. - HG Blows, and would want a chunk of any and all future Macross releases, they said as much at AX in 2001.

    2. - The existing Mac Zero R1 DVD's do not have any subtitling.

    3. - Did I mention that HG blows?

    If we ever see them, it will most likely be years from now.

    What about the Hong Kong release of Mac0, they have subs don't they?? They are a region compatable with the US.

    No offense to anybody in HK, but a lot of their subtitled crap sucks. I bought several and it's really fortunate if you find a couple of them comprehensible.

    To stay on topic, I think if Macross plus was able to make it through to the US via Manga, I think given the popularity of Macross 0, we'll see it a couple of years down. Not anytime soon though.

    Oh and, HG BLOWS!

    Ya i have kind of heard that about HK releases. But I guess its better than nothing till Manga (or someone else thats credible) releases into the US market

    I'd hate to bring the HG subject up myself... they don't blow... they BLOW GOATS Woops... did I let that slip? :D

    Mangle's credible???

  2. fyi.

    Azumanga Daioh region-1 dvd pre-orders is up on RightStuf now!

    boxset = http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...tem/62172/4/0/0

    single-dvd = http://www.rightstuf.com/1-800-338-6827/ca...62171/4/0/-1843

    Incidentally, there's a brief English-dub trailer of Chiyo-chan at www.dubreview.com


    Guess it's the english-version of the legendary Tsukurimasho song.

    You have been warned. ^_^

  3. Only seen a few eps of the TV series. Didn't like it. Those action/comedy anime are not my thing.


    The OVA is very much different from the TV-series.

    There is no comedy in the OVA. They did not hold back anything in the OVA, either.

    I guess if we have to make comparisons with Macross franchise, the Kenshin T&B OVA is like 1000x DYRL over SDF-TV.

    Simply put, Samurai X Rurouni Kenshin's Trust and Betrayal OVA is one of the very best anime ever made.

  4. Hello.

    I found out about Orguss only recently, after finding the origions of the infamous Orguss Valkyrie. Odd as it is, I haven't watched a single episode and yet I'm a fan.

    I'm wondering if the DVD box set is any good. Anyone here have it and can judge?

    Or am I alone in my single fandom....

    The HK boots are the only way you can get Orguss-1. No-one knows if Mangle has the US-rights from the old US-Renditions.


    the good:

    [*] video-quality: good. prolly ripped from the last Japan-R2 set.

    [*] audio-quality: good stereo.

    [*] price: very decent enough. Avg $30 to $40 for the boxset.

    the bad:

    [*] character-designs: Abundant Minmay/Misa clones.

    [*] subtitling: horrible engrish. name-substitutions and name-mangling run amok as you progressed thru the whole series. However, it's a simple story so you can follow it even tho the grammar and name-spellings are pretty high on the weird-scale.

    As for the Orguss-story, it's kinda interesting pilot-turned-wandering-gypsy-due-to-time/dimension-warp-disturbance. Interesting sci-fi plot but average story-delivery. Pretty much un-interesting and really boring unless you're so into 80's sci-fi anime. The only good mecha design is the Orguss itself, tho it's pretty much weak and ugly compared to Macross and Gundam mecha designs.

    In contrast, the Orguss-2 OVA is a better story and has a better video animation production, as well as great character-designs improvement over the original Mikimoto-designs, i.e Orguss-1 Mikimoto-characters all look like Minmay/Misa clones. As others have stated, it only tries to un-necessarily and half-heartedly hook up with the original Orguss-1 in the last two episodes. Although it echoes Macross-II sequel-tradition, the closest story-parity/plot-relationship I can give it is prolly Gundam-MS-08th's relationship to MS-Gundam. Same people made Macross-II, Orguss-2, and Gundam MS-08th, anyway iirc. Very very much darker in tone and delivery than Orguss-1.

  5. Well, I guess the Spirit Rover is experiencing a Minmay-Attack as of Friday 3:55pm EST 1/23/04:


    The crippled Spirit rover remains in critical condition on the surface of Mars, engineers said today, the victim of ongoing electronic seizures that have caused its central computer to reboot itself more than 60 times over the past two days.

    Engineers successfully coaxed the rover to beam back limited engineering data during two brief communications sessions and they were relieved to discover the spacecraft's power system was providing the necessary life support. But Spirit's state of mind was clearly -- and unusually -- different in both sessions, ruling out any simple explanations for what might have gone wrong.

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