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Posts posted by treatment

  1. My question is , would it help macross ? would it be good for fans ? would it be possible to cover a more deep plot within the unanimated macross timeline ?

    I think the bigger problem, as has already been said, is that Macross manga misses out on one huge part of Macross: music. Losing such an important aspect of a series in manga form, really counts against any substancial Macross manga being made.

    Not just the music.

    The transformation-sequence and the vocal-performances are also quite integral to the Macross franchise. At least to SDF-tv, DYRL, M+, and M-0. Even M2 had good stuff, even tho it's non-canon.

    I think the manga will only be good for M7. That way, the M7-music is muted for the benefit to most of us.

  2. the theme song, why in gods name is it so god awful!?

    i've only seen the show a few times, i just, i just dont' understand how they decided that was the song for this show??! egad!

    The opening themesong is pretty kewl. It grows on yah. It is kinda fruity, but it's fun.

    I hated it at first. Both the English and Japanese versions.

    Now I really like it. Both versions. I don't have the full English-version, but the full Japanese-version is quite a vocal-range accomplishment.


  3. Finally, the 1/48 VF-1S has arrived! I'm in awe of the execution: it's very well done, and the proportions are excellent to say the least. Thank you all for making my first Macross acquisition a choice one!

    I am now engulfed in an internal debate about which armour parts to put on. Which one, to you, looks the more aesthestically pleasing? Symmetrical-looking super engine or an asymmetrical-looking strike cannon?


    Strike for the Hikaru-1S. Period.

    Strike or Super for the Roy-1S.

  4. I guess it depends on the location. I heard of horror-stories about Fry's, but I guess we're a bit lucky here the two branches here in SD have very good customer-service/returns stuff than any of the local Bestbuy, Circuit City, or GoodGuys. I know coz I've returned some stuff and there weren't any hassle at all compared to the hassles BB and the others have given me throughout the years.

    At any rate, Fry's is known to sell used stuff, but the DVD's (especially anime-dvd's) are genuinely always new at Fry's with pretty good pricing.

  5. Well, I don't shop at BestBuy or Suncrap, but Fry's is selling the Signature Series titles for $14.99 and the Signature Series movies (like the Tenchi movies) for $10 in retail.

    Here's a partial listing of the current Signature Series releases: http://www.pioneeranimation.com/search.php...view=newrelease

    The only caveat from these re-releases that I know of is that the Tenchi-OVA Signature Series is only audio-2.0, whereas the Ultimate Edition is in audio-5.1. Trigun's always been audio-2.0 in the original, iirc.

    Oh, yeah. The packaging cover-designs really looks like the corny Playstation2 Greatest Hits games as you can see from the attachment.


  6. 1.Ariana Winston was piloting a Cyclops when she died... it was a 2-seater version and her companion died also, although I can't remember his name.

    2. Horse's real name is "Tyle". He was named after his father. He got pretty pissed when Inquisitor Lenore Q-shu (or however you spell it) insisted on calling him by that name at Aidan's trial.

    correct on both counts.

    I would ask another that even I can't remember it fully. It is non-canon (iirc), but was one of the original early BT sourcebooks/playbooks.

    [*] Who was the Star League officer that was sent into the future by Gen. Alexander Kerensky?

  7. Wow.

    Didn't know we got classic battletech/mechwarrior-trivia going on here.

    how bout this easy follow-up to the last trivia:

    [*] Since you all already know Gen. Winston of the ELH was killed, what mech was she piloting when she got killed?

    [*] What is Horse's real name?

    edit: friggin kb.

  8. Well, as bad as the reason was in the original Macross, atleast they had a reason. Macross 7 does't have any real reason for transformation. And don't tell me for targeting, that's pretty lame.

    We don't know for what, in story, reason the new Macross Battle vessel transforms. You certainly don't know that it doesn't have a "real" (in story) reason for it. Maybe the SDF showed them that the main weapons work better. Maybe the main weapon can be made more powerful/damaging at the cost of a radiation or something that necessitates it being held away from the crew areas of the ship.

    The real life reasons are because both anime are replete with transforming mecha and that's the ultimate.

    Battle 7 makes alot more sense than SDF. It's a pure military ship with no civilian housing, etc. Yes, having articulated fingers, etc isn't realistic, but it's quite so for a much smaller valkyrie as well. Realism and transforming hominid/jet mecha are almost (if not) an oxymoron anyways.


    You don't make sense. The SDF-1 was a pure military ship in both it's original Supervision Army role and the UN-Spacy role.

    The "Macross City" part was just hastily incorporated into it when it folded to Pluto.

    How does that make less sense than Battle-7?

  9. What do u base that on?  Is there any hard data on relative sales? 

    M7 had a bunch of spinoffs and a full OVA that followed it...  DYRL had what?  Flashback 2012 (which included as much, if not more of SDF than DYRL)...  Outside of its evolution of the technical lineart and such, DYRL is almost in MII territory ("movie in a movie" versus alternate universe, which are realistically the same thing).


  10. Also, I think Guld knew it was a suicide mission... it makes sense that he felt guilty for all that had happened.  When he finally realized what had happened all those years ago, it seemed to me like he wanted to atone for it, and make sure that Isamu and Myung would both make it out alive. 

    One other thing... Considering that Guld was entirely linked into the YF-21's computers, I doubt he would have had any chance to defeat Sharon.  Where Isamu could shatter his viewscreen, and fly by his own sight, Guld depended on the flight computers for EVERYTHING, including vision..  She could have changed what he saw without even bothering to hypnotize him, because all the visual systems were electronic.  All she had to do was make the computer think the plane was pointing a different direction than it was, and steer Guld right into the ground.  >_<

    But Guld likely didn't have a link open.

    Sharon only got into the YF-19 because Yang was busy trying to hack her from the backseat, which required an open computer connection.

    That's an interesting trivia, JB0.

    If that was the case, then why didn't Sharon take over the YF-19 when she got to Yang? She brainwashed Yang and almost succeeded brainwashing Isamu, all the while basically leaving the YF-19 untouched, unlike the X9.

  11. Owww, they're not that bad. They're actually kewl and fun. Very poseable. A little loose on the joints, but no biggie. At least for me. ^_^

    Wish it had some missiles and a Max-1A and Kakizaki-1A to complete the Skull squadron.

    slightly close-up version

    yeah. The 1/48 stole Nataku's trident as war-spoils from a previous "encounter".  ^_^

    Sweet!!! How did you get the armor to stay on?? Mine keeps faling off... <_<

    The arm-armor pretty much snaps snugly after some repeated attempts before.

    If your's keep falling off, you either just need to use some sort of light-glue for permanent-fixture, or just keep at it until the armor gets used to the curvings (around after 3-5 tries, ime).

    fwiw, the Hikaru-Strike is the best one coz it's the only one that has the holes for the arm-armor and the whole pack itself fits snugly and tight on first and subsequent tries, unlike my other previous banprestos.



    re: Max-1A

    Yeah. I seen the pic of the Max-1A before so I know it existed. I'm still hunting it down to this day.


  12. Owww, they're not that bad. They're actually kewl and fun. Very poseable. A little loose on the joints, but no biggie. At least for me. ^_^

    Wish it had some missiles and a Max-1A and Kakizaki-1A to complete the Skull squadron.

    slightly close-up version

    yeah. The 1/48 stole Nataku's trident as war-spoils from a previous "encounter". ^_^


  13. Fleet of the Strongest Women?

    Non canon.

    Since when? It's part of Macross 7, which is an official part of the timeline.

    I just watched that episode last nite and I will have to concur with Panon as the episode not being canon. From MAHQ archives, this particular episode was never aired and prolly not really an integral part of M7.

    I could guess a reason for leaving it out after watching it. The FSW-episode tried to tie M7 into DYRL and MII, which is really directly counter to the whole basic premise of M7 being a sequel specifically to the TV-series canon, not to DYRL-canon nor is M7 a prequel to MII.

  14. Actually, Meltrans only exist in DYRL and the story stops there. No stuff about Millia's daughters at all.

    However in TV, Millia is a Zentran and had a daughter and some more daughters (M7), while in Plus, Guld's father was a Zentran.

    Nope, Meltran exist in the TV continuity too, as the female military force.

    Protoculture splits into 2 factions.

    Zentran = side that used males

    Meltran = side that used females.

    Protodevilin attack, all previous protoculture hostilities put aside, and some fleets are melded together to help fight against the Supervision Army.

    err, maybe I missed it, but where in TV did it specifically said the female forces were named or referred to as Meltrans instead of Zentraedi?

    even in M7, Millia referred to herself as a Zentraedi and never a meltran.

    Besides DYRL, only MII had specific referrences to Meltrans .

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