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Everything posted by ChaoticYeti

  1. If there is enough interest in it, sure. Apologize for the YF-25. It is my only battroid at the moment.
  2. Were there ever pictures without the nosecone brace in battroid, or was the transformation video the first time it was called out?
  3. Spend your patience as a currency you have plenty of.
  4. Next you'll hear people complain about all the VF-XXV variants.
  5. Sorry. They have gone far beyond those first kite based ones. I took down most of the revised pictures due to advice from a patent lawyer I met with. The stands I am making come with no licensed insignia's.
  6. Another batch of printed pieces after a pass of sanding and support removal.
  7. Finally got a shipping notification. I am salivating.
  8. Had some time this morning to whip something up. Saburo, PM me. We will work something out.
  9. Anyone with a lot of VF-0 experience want to chime on the gerwalk photo? Does it look to be holding it more solid? I just watched Jenius' review of the Yamato VF-0s, and one of his critiques was that the nose of the plane was loosely tipped down in gerwalk.
  10. Thanks. Not trying to be high and mighty. I just don't want to end up with a piece of junk.
  11. Well, if Tenjin said the color is wrong, I think everyone can relax...slightly.
  12. I do. Wait for the vid. I don't want to say anything yet. I don't have my order in hand from the vendor. It would be irresponsible to put a price to it yet, but I know what I want to sell it for.
  13. I'll have some time tomorrow. I could probably print a couple for you, too.
  14. Would it be identical to the one with the tornado parts? I could model it in a few minutes if it hasn't been already.
  15. I am not willing to put my time, money, and energy into something I wouldn't want for myself.
  16. I'd make more money in the long run by having a good product people like. At least, that is how I am going about it. I have literally had conversations like this: Yeti: "I want it better" Guy: "But you could make it cheaper to produce, so more $ for us" Yeti: "I'd rather have it be a better product" Guy: "But, cheaper..." Yeti: "Better" Guy: "Cheaper?" Yeti: "Better" If I go the kickstarter funded injection molded route I feel like I have a place I can use, but most places just want to achieve the cheapest to make product. There has to be a balance, especially with collectors. You guys will crucify a mediocre stand. If there is a cost/quality balance, mine is going to swing to the higher quality side.
  17. What is the point of making a shitty stand?
  18. It is too thin. I had this argument with one of the potentional injection molders. They talked about wanting to put as little amount of plastic through the mold as possible to increase overhead. I'd rather be making less per part and sell a solid bit of kit.
  19. That is the same way I feel. I have a few of the original ones and they are pretty awesome. I ordered some late last year and was greatly disappointed with the changes. I have not experienced any issues will paint striping, but the loss of quality alone is part of what set me on the path to make my own stands.
  20. You better believe I will. I have been sourcing and sorting bolts nuts and washers for a couple days now. My fingers smell like metal.
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