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Everything posted by MechTech

  1. Great idea! See, there's always something new to put Macross on. When they make toasters and hot pots like they do for "Hello Kitty," my wife is getting them for Christmas ! - MT
  2. That paint scheme is really snazzy! It's tough getting clean lines like that. Congrats! - MT
  3. Sorry jipe, that's all I have left . You REALLY want the Macross Perfect Memory book. I didn't have it and made a few mistakes using limited resources with what I built. The book is still around for retail if you Google it. LOTS O' SKETCHES! It's the greatest resource book next to the big expensive gold one! - MT
  4. BUILD IT! Build it! You know you want to ! I think you should give it a shot. Some of these guys are talking about filling seems and stuff. Toys have seems and you're cool with that. Every skill is on a learning curve anyhow. build it...build it...build it... - MT
  5. I searched and didn't find anything so I thought it was new. I didn't want to make a post like that wooden SDF-1 for the umteenth time . - MT
  6. Big F, I don't wanna know how you guys tested that out - MT
  7. Like everyone said, it's an older kit. It is a great kit to learn on and you can even repose/transform it when it's completed (noses have to be swapped out). I love it though. Before Hasegawa made their kits, this was one of the most accurate VF kits around - in styrene. If your brand new to building, this may be a little difficult. If not, this is a great kit to learn improved techniques. This was the first robot/Macross kit I built and I've been hooked since!!! - MT
  8. This is as custom and crazy a build you will find! I thought this was the perfect place to post. All in sheet metal! It makes our plastic stuff look like, well, plastic! - MT http://ironwork.jp/monkey_farm/botoms/2nd.html Now where's my GAT-22... - MT
  9. CA IS strong stuff. With ventilation and occasional use, you should fine. Too much of anything bad and your body will start calling the shots! The funny part is CA was invented during 'Nam to rapidly seal and temporarily stitch up wounds. That's why it bonds skin so well! - MT
  10. There is a lot of gluing and painting (it's not a Bandai kit), but I think it's worth it! Something happened to the first one I built and I even bought a second one. I just think it's a cool design and idea. - MT
  11. I was shopping around at HLJ and saw that others were buying it. I checked out the link and could only think, "what scale is that, it looks like a little toy!" I was disappointed to say the least. That HUGE connecting bar is...HUGE. And it should be white from what I recall from the anime. It looks like they fixed some sculpts, but at that price...phew! I'll have to wait IF IT DOES look better... - MT
  12. Heh heh, the "poop ship" keeps popping up like something that won't flush down the toilet. Everyone says how expensive it is, but a lot of hard work went into it. I remember the build up thread. - MT
  13. Paragon, welcome to MW. Here's what drawing I still have (and it's not complete. Something happened to my older ones. I hope this helps. - MT
  14. Nice collection and work! I hope to be able to get a display case someday myself! - MT
  15. The Sundowner's scheme DOES look great on there! Nice choice! - MT
  16. The cool part about Miriya's armor is that there is a little room on the inside for detailing. - MT
  17. The network nazi's have this site blocked. Can you imagine that? I get a lunch ya know!? - MT
  18. That's cool! Thanks for sharing. I need to be a celebrity and be on those shows! They get to see some cool stuff! - MT
  19. That looks great and the lighting engineering looks great too! - MT
  20. The armor is looking great and the hairspray idea sounds good. HMmmm, wonder what brand my wife uses... . - MT
  21. Nice custom and an original idea! - MT
  22. Great job with the club! Plan "B" for when ammo runs out . - MT
  23. I bet you could find someone to do it here or at Starship Modeler! Looks great and I think a loss to Yamato! They could have done the VT and VE versions with the cockpit molds. They're all about milkin' the molds for all they're worth (don't blame 'em). - MT
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