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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. There is absolutely no way Myung would have "anything" to do with Myung if he raped her. The answer lies in the reason why Guld is on meds, he's prone to extreme rages. Guld was in love with Myung, already jealous of Isamu, and when he saw the two of them together, he went absolutely batshit & went all "hulk smash" on them. Yes he ripped Myungs shirt, but (I think) clearly stops his attack when he see's himself in the mirror.

    I honestly don't see how anyone would believe that 1: Myung would sleep with Guld later, let alone put any degree of trust in him, or 2: Isamu wouldn't have killed him right then and there, instead of leaving Myung alone with him as he joined the military.


    I agree, he just went batshit... and later felt so much shame that he misremembered the event, to the point of making Isamu the fall guy... Guld is 1st generation zent, a people still greatly getting a gripe on Deculture, thier natural inclenation to violence first before rational thought. He punchs Isamu, he grabs at Myune's shirt, tearing it dramatically for the camera, before looking in the mirror and seeing the monster that he is or could be. Isamu & Myune, BY NOT REPORTING THIS ASSAULT, uphold their love and friendship (because, you gotta admit, Isamu is a total apeface at times) for Guld. Both of them know, first hand, how hard it is for Guld (which is why Guld almost snears when he's talking to Isamu during the gliding scene, because he feels contempt for people feeling sorry for him BECAUSE of his genetics)....

  2. Ah yes, the new VF-1D head... I remember when I first got Macross Ace and saw that. It was a really interesting design, partially since I always thought the old head was ugly as sin. Awhile ago I used the sketches in the back of Macross the First tankobon vol 1 to add the head in to the VF-1D I was drawing at the time. It came out pretty well, I think. I did up two color side views for Mr March's site, which allows a comparison here with the TV-style VF-1D side view he already had.

    Regular VF-1D (done by Mr March)


    Macross the First-style head VF-1D


    Virgin Road MtF-style VF-1D, just because it turned out awesome


    are you gonna edit those images with the Hull Number (102) & UN Spacy? hmmm? hmm? i'm ploting a cruise jacket with one of those side profiles.... *drools* :)

  3. I'm all for a more "adult" feel for the next instalment but maybe they would miss the ideal anime demographic if they go that way. I've read that Macross Plus was not very popular in Japan when it was released and by the lack of posts on it, I feel it very well may also be the case in this forum.

    for the record, i LOVED M+, TU very much.../

    +1 for Ghost Train's sediments...

  4. Personally I'd like a run in with a Supervision Army fleet somewhere near the center of the Galaxy...

    in the previous TV series that's been out to even discuss the Protocultures, have they even mentioned the Supervision Army or the Inspection Forces? this subject is like Lucusfilms junk: they made it up as they went along... in some cases, discarding somethings...

    did the SA & IF go away as well as to simply be replaced with the Zentradi/Meltrani serving the Protocultures, per DYRL (they can't be one & the same since the concept predates DYRL)... when they made up the SA & IF, what was their real-world insperation at that time (1980-81?) The US & USSR, perhaps?

  5. So.... Macross the 1st, is Retcon of the Macross property (and another attempt to make Macross theirs alone from the old school material in possesion of Disharmony Mold)...

    Now i like that Retcon VF-1j head unit (hells & handbaskets, id rather they retcon the VF-0 line art AS the VF-1 as well). But instead of a manga, i want a retcon'd anime of macross SDF... from Episode 1 to 36. maybe less, to avoid even more legal BS from HG...

  6. Hmm... Ok, i'd see it... BUT BUT... will it be ONLY in japan? the only reason i can think of not being in the US for example is if the movie has very 'WWII-we-should-won' political stance... that seems to be a big something that the japanesse are into (i hope not)

    the brief 1 second of AA fire from the midship battery. that gave me a mechachubby :D

    is that only teaser out? with 6 months left surely there should be another, right? (or do they do that many in Japan compared to state side theather ops?) o.O

  7. I'm not sure if anyone's actually dug into it and done a detailed translation of the bit about the VC-19V "VIP-calibur". From what I gathered while skimming the book a few hours ago while chatting with Talos, the VC-19V is derived from the either the Block 17 or the Block 20 version of the VF-19C as a dedicated (probably non-transformable) official-use light transport for high-ranking military and government personnel. It can seat five in the passenger compartment, and a crew of two in the cockpit.

    This is actually something that's been done before in the real world, though it was done with bombers instead of jet fighters. During WW2, the US Army was using a derivative of the B-25J Mitchell bomber (designated VB-25J) as staff and VIP transport planes. Two of the six VB-25Js produced ended up as the personal transports of General Eisenhower and General Arnold.

    Y'know, I haven't bothered to check... I doubt it's ELINT or ECM, given the way that the pod is mounted. Might be photo-recon. Kinda reminds me of the FFR-31MR/D Super Sylph from Yukikaze.

    The US-3A COD Viking comes to mind as well, as far as real world comparasions are concerned...

  8. So i'll assume that the VC-19 is a basically a moke airframe without transformation in the main body and cockpit fuselage, outside of the engine nacelles... maybe Gerwalk if the arms are included... well i guess it's an example of if you have money & stupid... LOL

    what exactly does the recon pod do? Elint? ECM? Photorecon? when they did that conjectur, what real world aircraft or system was thier insperation?

  9. I keep seeing people bitching about reton info & specifications for the Vf-19 series but maybe there's another way to look at this.

    One way, is that, unlike Star Trek, where pretty much one person's been in charge of keeping the cannon material straight (Mike Okuda), is that more than a few pep's get to write all the nice fluff for us to salavate over... and they might not be talking to each other to keep thier notes as straight as we'd hope...

    another, unlikely but if this was REAL, then i'd figure it would occur...

    the specs change because of location. A VF-19 might operate at certain figures and specification on one system (on-plant & local space within that system) and will very likely have different specs in another system. the numbers will always be non-specific because noplace will be the same in terms of athmosphere density at surface range, temperatures, etc...

    anyway i just hate reading about fussing and finger pointing (unless finger is said used to cause farts... o.O)

    where is this pic of the VC-19. what is it

    and i LIKE that phantom VF-19. that looks preeeety.

  10. Interesting design, this 'VF-32'. Is this supposed to be a local planetary interseptor, simular to the role the F-16 (or the japanesse version of the Falcon, forget the name & specs...)

    the artist gets BZ's from me. lotta thought & love put into the artestry...

  11. I think we should reboot TNG before we get a Macross reboot...

    or we should finally get Battletech (a properly never realized outside of 13 episodes of highly forgetable semi-cannon material, as far as TV or cable is concerned) before Macross.

    IF, the Gods help me, IF they finally get past the legal battles amoungst themselves in Japan, get over the steel nails and glass hurtles that Disharmony Mold still places over the propery, only then will people in all corners of the world (well, maybe not in aphyganville, those arsewhipes...) will get to partake in Deculturing.

    that, would be teh cool if or when that happens.

    but you gotta finish the japanesse legal fights and finally get HG to support the endevior, not hamper or even prevent it but anything happens.... everything else is pointless fan whapping...

  12. post-2409-127603566621_thumb.jpg:lol: My 1st tatoo... mind the saran wrap and large amounts of lotion to heal it... hurt like hell but is gorgious on the back of my right calve...

    for a brief moment, i was considering the VF my whole lower leg (still plan to add the Circle thingies and VF above my ankle and exhaust thingie on the back)...

    :D I got it done at CJ's Piercings & Tattoo in Cleveland, as part of the Civility Program i'm enjoying while on Terminal Leave...

  13. I'm pretty sure I have one (if not more) of these lying around. I went through the same thing a couple years back ;). Let me poke around when I get home today and see if I can find it for you.

    Those versions of the Imai kits that Revell had gotten... yeah, brings back loving memories. Awesome kits to build. Remember driving my mom nuts with all the 100 & 72 scale kits i hung from the ceiling...

  14. Not surprising... Space Station Liberty IS the unofficial propaganda mouthpiece of Harmony Gold after all.

    As is typical with this, he half-assed his research. That's par for the course with Robotech die-hards though, and Chris Meadows (Robotech Master) is definitely a die-hard.

    It's not like this'll damage Harmony Gold's rep any more than it already has.

    Battletech fans have hated Harmony Gold since the 90's, because of the original "unseen mecha" lawsuit, and most mecha anime enthusiasts on the various websites scattered around the net hate them either for bastardizing Macross, Southern Cross, and Mospeada, or for keeping Macross sequels out of western markets.

    Really, their reputation was already poo, and this is just more crap being heaped atop an already mountainesque dunghill.

    Battletech fans hate Disharmony Mold because they failed to understand the legal back story (me included). FASA, after reading the 'propaganda' (Ok, based on the podcasts, maybe he's pro-HG. doesn't mean he's on the payroll :ph34r: ), clearly screwed up with their lawsuit to playmates, first. after that, they got it in the rear as reprisal. I didn't get a pro-this/pro-that from the blog. just clarity, since i've read various versions of what happened in the legal case. it seems cut and dry. FASA screwed up. and because of that, it rippled across dozens of fronts. what changed after that?

    well, one thing, FASA was more selective on illustrations for their mechs. They went out of thier way to make sure the designs didn't look like HG products (or perhaps anything else being made in japan at that time) which is why there was a maked decline in design art (3060 curvetech and huge honking barrels, anyone?).

    You also saw how the computer games was affected. from the many, many designs (yeah Activision's take on CBT designs was quaint, based on the computer tech availible on Win95 systems and then Win98) to less. and less consistancy since the property changed hands (did Activision drop mechwarrior because of the Lawsuits of FASA/HG? probably, since they dropped Star trek properties just as quick a decade later with Nemesis's epic fail in box office) no consistance vision of the game exists...

    meh, im ranting irrationally. *waves*

  15. Occam's Razor: CGL asked to license the designs, and the owner of the property said yes (probably after much wrangling). HG can't really do much if they don't own the rights and a higher power decided to license them out (see: Macross Frontier toys).

    Herb Beas (the BattleTech line developer...and by the way, it's "BattleTech" again, not "Classic BattleTech") is keeping mum about how he and the gang pulled it off. I don't think we'll ever know, but it had to have been a hell of an effort. Right now, as far as the BT fandom knows, they rights to the artwork exists - publishing old stuff and making new stuff. Since Iron Wind Metals is effectively a separate entity no one knows if the miniatures will go back into production. The new MechWarrior game features a Warhammer that draws very heavily upon the "Unseen" (which they are not any longer) but is still its own design, which says to me that Smith and Tinker may not have the license either (that, or they just decided to reinterpret the designs - their Atlas doesn't look like the classic Atlas either - then again, we don't know how long any of these companies has been sitting on any news).

    My personal answer: don't question it...just accept, enjoy, and throw a snicker over to HG.

    So what is HG's status on Macross? Do they still claim some sh*te on the original artwork from Macross-TV?

    The warhammer art, i think, is from the their upcoming 25th anniversery book, in homage to one the versions of the orignal box sets back in the 80's. *looks at the entry on DSC's main page* Well, it's the pose of the artwork... but that design... hmm, have to look at it better. it's too roundy for my tastes.

  16. http://www.dropshipcommand.com/forum/dcboa...=7784&page=


    Uh? I was gonna post on DSC but i've been a lurker for years on DSC, as well as ©BT. So i figured i'd ask here, since it's the legal How-teh-&^%$-did Catalyst pull it off? that sparked my curiousity on this topic.

    So, since i think all of you are smarter than me, explain to me in little words (or mind-thrust me with the big words) how this is gonna work and how, if they even care it seems, will Disharmony Mold will react? :wacko:

  17. I wouldn't really call the Invader following function as that valk was designed based on the A-6 Intruder.

    in my mind's eye, during the first attack in DYRL, i see VF-1's and VA-3's in flight, to the toon of Def Leppard's Rocket

    i see the Invader as a contenporariy of the Valkyrie, just like Intruders and Tomcats... plus i just like how 'Bomb-truck-ish' the VA-3 is. it's the Y-wing fighter of Macross.... :lol:

  18. The VF-1 probably had the most inefficient transformation system AFTER the VF-9!

    The VF-1 required the engines to separate from the fuselage to complete the transformation process. Eventhough it was momentary, it was an incredible vulnerability that could easily be exploited by a crafty enemy. Even the Zero used swing bars...

    *hits the Retcon button several dozen times*

    pretty sure if Macross was edited or recreated for modern audiances, the transformation method of the VF-0 would be used for the VF-1 as well.

    why? because the newer method is better, more believable and still cannon. line-art is fine but it's the toys that sells a TV show and since most VF-1's made by the PTB, use the swing method. anything else is anime magic...

    wait... whut? ^_^

  19. I spent a month out at sea waiting to see the last two episodes.... and i really need pants....

    obviously the DVD's will be worth to masturbate to, story wise. The triangle is open ended, something not quite done before (ok maybe how M7 ended left lots of honest reasons for the M7 OVA's but really. they made those for $), reasons for a sequel of sorts.

    doesn't look like a second season is to be had but....

    glorious. ^_^ 10, 10, 10. all my bitching aside, i give the series a 10 (then again, i gave M+ 10's too)

    of course.... does this mean Alto is gonna be a polygamist? :D

  20. it's just reminders of why we burn heritics with glee....

    and to think i spent $ on those comics, the fool i was (So young, so loved homotech when i was little)

    though the original organic look of Harmful Goblin's STD-3 comes from the Paladian books, correct? funny... Homotech themselves hit the Retcon button. I wish someone dry humped the button so we can get a macross SDF recon brought to the US finally, without any legal dogs following the feces droppings... :/

    Teasing aside, TU protoculture for reminding me of how old i'm getting *smirk* been a long time since i've seen anything 'Comico'...

  21. and Admiral Hunter and the SDF-3 will fold in to be teared apart by the Vajra... ;)

    /me pulls into port to flog RichterX with chains and wet noodles.... <_< Heritic! You shall BURN! BURN at the steak! (You want your steak to be Well done or Very well done, sir? :lol: )

    (Off topic) Who do i ask to get my name tag edited? from pensives_wetness to Pensive's Wetness?

    (On Topic) for the finale, d3v, your suggestion is probably what will occur (it would be so fitting since it's Alto's higher calling, after all...). Now the worry part is execution. how they gonna pull it all off?

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