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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. LOL that Defender version inspired me to make a Rifleman variant on Heavy Metal Pro with 2 RAC/5's, 4 tons of ammo and 2 Rocket/20's, all arm mounted... :lol:

    oh... 2 sets of missle pods per arm? hmmm...

    well i made a 2nd varient with 4 Rocket/10's and a 5th ton of RAC ammo. still live that idea even though its so plainly cut & paste unoriginal...

  2. Robot Chicken, I have never seen a Robotech reference on the show, that says something about the actual cultural impact and popularity of Robotech I think. (sadly there have been no Star Blazers references either)

    I THINK... that when they animate the skits, the producers usually have the rights to use the various toy images. because the legal status of Macross in the US, i doubt they CAN use Robotech images (due to the nature of world wide legalise)

    can someone more knowledgeable speak up?


  3. Why would a successful outfit like Bandai want to buy a proven failure like the Robotech franchise? Seriously, why would they? The show's track record is terrible and its amateurish merchandise sells for crap. The only part of the franchise that's actually worth any amount of money is the international rights to the original Macross series, and they don't need to pick up the whole franchise to have those.

    they would if they ever wanted to sell merchantdise in the states. Kill HG's hold on Macross's name and you can finally get to see all the product without additional hassle.

    i think it's why i've never seen much attemps for FASA to mass produce models for battlemechs, beyond the resin kits, and one vague toy series (not talking the TV toy tie-ins, thats a separate rant).

    merchantdising is the backbone of anime. Bandai made a killing with thier cheap-junk Gundam kits when Gundam Wing aired 4 years after it's release in japan. they had advertisements. the product had support.

    Robotech, because of the constraints placed on HG, enjoys nothing like that. no merchantdising, not toys avaible at Toy-R-Us, no series on TV. im very certain because of american bungling and legal actions, the various owners of the various portions of macross, could CARE LESS about the idea of merchantdising anything related to macross in the states, because of what HG and the company involved in the FASA Unseen (its name eludes me atm, 20th century products?) did in the 90's.

    when i was younger, i had wished that someone would make bandai/Hasagawa quality kits of various battlemechs (at least the older, more intelligant designs and artwork. ill will hurt you if you even dare suggest TRO 3060 was good art) but the game is probably dead in its current form. No new video games, no books...

    no merchantdising, no product. :(

  4. Question: this email address ikido55@aol.com used to be on my contacts as a actual person. sometime last year, the email account started spamming me. Now i had learned that someone stopped using it, possibly lossing access to it. So i Sweeped it (my email is provided by Hotmail), placing it on my blocked list. now reading the details says it automatically deletes emails after its placed on the block list. now it does work, 99.9% of the time as i never see the same email spamm address twice... except ikido55@aol.com . how is this one email account able to consistantly appear in the junk folder, when others get blocked successfully?

  5. Translated one of the tables in the book, since I'm working on the production blocks.

    interesting... i was hoping to see something that ive seen looking at some Legacy F/A-18 and older P-3 SE manuals when dealing with specific BuNo's of aircraft, where some lot numbers cross over (either because a batch was being built along with another, from different plants) but thats not the case here. its pretty consistant, save a few times where obviously something else was being build in significant numbers besides VF-1 airframes...

  6. i would have done it anyway, just tell the judge 'Look, your honor. i was doing for school work, experiance, because i like it, etc. and i am not concerned what HG wants, desires, etc. Im not making money of it in sales. i might make some $ if the project lands me a job to do actual copy writed work, new or old but its still nothing more than fanfics. So stop bothering the little guy before i talk to NPR, FOX and maybe CNN, and after letting the world know you're trying to take down the little guy instead of, oh, i dunno.... OFFERING ME A JOB since maybe my work is BETTER than the sh*t your other company associates could do? hmm? no comment? Ok, im outta here. CyA!' %$#@ HG!!

  7. i just wish someone/s with more money than brains would buy the RT rights from HG so then they can make their money back with Macross property rights from japan (and thus putting RT into a box ala Raiders of the Lost Arc). has HG ever tried to get the rights to air macross anything? or if they did, have the japanesse basically told HG to scr*w themselves silly, in spite?

  8. Pardon my ignorance, but if I were to donate...which organization(s) should I donate to that would have an immediate impact with regards to relief/aid? The Red Cross...Salvation Army? I've heard and read about donation scams and I'd hate for my donation not to make it to those in Japan.


    the biggest screw up you could do is get scammed. so be very careful of who you give to, donation wise.

  9. Damian... on the engine nacelles? at the very back of the stripe next to the exhaust 'feet'... on some of the older model kits, they had numbers like 217 on this Imai VF-1J or LOLz, 217 on this Max VF-1J kit.

    now the numbers being the same is just plan slobbiness on part of the markers or artists... but what if you just run with the idea of those numbers being like Serial Numbers for engine nacelles? on the presumption that when VF-1 Valkyrie's engines need to be removed for extensive servicing or repair, the whole assembly is removed, either the entire leg or just the lower leg from the joint? reason why im suggesting is, because the leg supports so much weight in battroid mode, that it requires special procedures to remove the FF-200#-series motors, something that O-level (the squadron owning the aircraft) cant do. (this presumes that on what ever vessel the aircraft is assigned to, that they have spare motors or complete leg assemblies on board. *shrug* just trying to apply my understanding of how Powerplants works from a real world, carrier navy POV...

    anyway, think you could put that number in that location?

  10. i just showed the 1st page pics to my dad (who is a Career BF Goodrich Landing Gear techrep guy) commented about the pics. He said that 1) the brace too small/thin [i didnt try to explain things like SWAG or other overtechnolgy methods to reenforce airframe components during transformation sequences] and 2) the launch bar is a bit too short... you should model it in the upright position when the Valkyrie is taxiing (since he said if the launch bar droops and catchs something, you either bend it [Pilot goes Opps to the CAG MO] or sping the aircraft around REALLY fast [Oh sh*t]. you really should look up aircraft landing gear configs to see ideas what the bar would like in taxi position since, unlike any aircraft build after perhaps VF-4, they still used more modern catapult shuttle designs...

  11. I heard that the commercial failure of Macross Zero and overall lack of confidence in the Macross name circa 2007 was so intense that there were few backers for Frontier, right up until the Deculture Edition aired. When it proved a hit with unexpected ratings, then Bandai et al joined the game big time and marketing hype kicked into full gear.

    no sh*t. if you poop on the product, or screw away how you conduct the project... of course, it'll be looked upon as hacked crap. it was great right up to the last because of the rush job. there was sequences missing that would have made more sence to make it a 6-ep OVA... in the end, it took too much time between episodes, the toys & models made wasnt as popular as result, thus the whole stigma attached to Zero...

    but Zero is still better than MII:LA... at least they made more stuff...

  12. i'm floored at your work (especially the nose gear). I worked Support Equipment in my time in the Navy but i always liked watching the airframes doing lift checks on Hornets & Hawkeyes (my dad did contractor level work as a 'gear man' so i had more than a little reason to want to know more about AC landing gear systems).

    Just looking at those beautiful CGI of the enterior bays... breath taking. I especially applaud the venier details since they retro'd their purpose a few years ago...

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