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Posts posted by TehPW

  1. I always thought it was just a silly translation error in the script.....

    but I'd take that silliness over TSC's attempt at being "serious" any day.

    okay jokes over.............which one of you did this?

    can't see it, not viewable by the public. and i'll be F^%$ing damned if i ever bother to even desire to post anything other than pictures of piles of dog crap on that site...

    Sorry, just wanted to be over the top dramatic, my distaste for Robowreck & Disharmony Mold... ^_^

  2. it's not even worth creating an account for commenting, its so innane. Ninja Scroll was into very cool, but it was a One-shot OVA format, not a movie... somebody just told a tool, write up something & post... idiot probably saw the TV interview that was aired metioning Robotech, why it was even mentioned...

  3. There wasn't a thread about this because, occationally, Real Life posses questions you'd rather ask here than say, Facebook. Post pics of your Cats. Dogs. Fish. Humour stories. lessons learned. Insight into the mind of your uber-retarded dog (who's still smarter than you sometimes).

    ill start with my adventures from long ago...

    back in the mid 90's, i was stationed in Jacksonville, FL & living in a small 1-floor 'house' amounst woods & trailers. just east of the old Dewey 10-year houseing site of WWII fame (now offically parkland). Back then i lived with another sailor, and both of us had dogs. My roommate's was a Belgin Terv, named Deco (Decarta). Mine was this uber-retarded mutt hound named Tazz. Now Deco & Tazz pretty much ruled the back woods. Armadillos trembled in fear, usually because Deco would enjoy shaking the crap outta em. Tazz just barked. alot.

    several times during my stay in that part of Jacksonville, they got loose and hid, being gone a day or two, much to my dismay. But they came home, horrifically dirty & hungry, but generally well off & pleased with themselves...

    I also do fish, but storied about my experiances with aquariums will come later...

    and thoughts about 'emergency mobile rations on 4-legs' also apply here...

  4. well i just watched a spanish subtitle of the last battle of False Diva (or The False Songstress, per wiki) on Youtube and i was memerized. In terms of cannonity, is this movie of the events that happened to MF during their engagement with the Varja & MG? I could imagine it being something along the lines of propaganda sent to other fleets.

    still all that mecha pr0n was Pretttttty! ^_^

  5. actually Gubaba, i would have been happier with larger caps... maybe neon lighting. but really? isn't this horse amply humped enough? It never came out in public. would the UNS allow a hero's name to be sullied like that? Hell, no, the coms traffic between Isamu & Guld, during the guild squence would never see the light of day and Guld was likely double promoted to the highest warrent rank, if not Captain, and Isamu & Myune would likely never mention it either. (They never did before, because of their sympathy to his genetics)

    think enough is enough. Until i get god power to smite Harmony Gold from the planet and Cameron or someone created a single TV season of M+ episodes (since im good, i just want 7 seasons of Macross, each year covering a different series in the property), *sigh* i dont wanna think about it... :(

  6. maybe it's got a visor on the back of it's head so the space bugs can't sneak up on it? :D

    but there's no advantage for it. all the view it provides (unless the head actually rises up from the airframe) is some views from a certain angle above the back of the plane, and nothing directly behind the plane... even the firing behind is useless unless the fighter banks upward suddenly... it's just a gribble, nothing more...

  7. Zen72/JT, is by no means a troll. He's posted several times in this thread, or one of the previous in the super thread. I don't think there's anything wrong with it, as it is related to Robotech, and does relate to some of the topics here, like the LAM, some drama, and acknowledging the original series.

    Yes, you can be a total Robotech fan, and engage in the discussions here, and not be hated. There are other Robotech fans who post in here and in other threads, and all are welcome. It's only been when they come here only to insight flame wars and such, and spam, both of which Zen72 hasn't violated.

    Now, in regards to the Regent, I do agree that he was one of the more badass villains of Robotech. At least in the novels, he wasn't so complicated, like they try now to do with EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER in the entire franchise. They have so much empty backstory on every character, and everyone is so closely related, it confines the large story that's there, but that's the problem with the current writing and such.

    It's why after the original 85 and Sentinels, I really don't like anything after. Shadow Chronicles is just one glorified "buy me cause I character drop" show, with no content. Had they actually created more characters with no affiliation to the previous shows, it would've been better, but it's a problem that they've forced themselves into long ago. The great thing about Macross, is that while there seems to be at least one character that is related to a previous series, OVA, movie, or whatnot, the shows don't stick to one central character. It's a big franchise, and to confine it with a drawn out plot of what happened to some damn ship like in Robotech is doing it a disservice.

    Also, what has been discussed here as well, is that the issue of confining the franchise also shows a lack of creativity. Even though Sentinels was hoaky, and had some issues that weren't so great, at least it was more of an attempt at branching out, than staying retracted in a small box. I think Carl at least knew that Robotech needed expansion beyond the original episodes. People can agree or disagree, it's my opinion on that. I'm not debating if Carl was a great story teller or not, as I can only go off of all the info I have, which isn't much. It's just an observation on the two different approaches of Tommy and Carl. Personally, I'd rather have the hoaky "saturday morning cartoon" Sentinels that's over the top and grand in some sense, over the current story that tries too hard, seems forced, and lacks any effort.

    *mumbles* Put that linkie on your tag line & people might take a look... otherwise it just looks like spam...

  8. Great pic of Sylvie. Always thought her freckles were so cute. She'd be my second choice....I voted for Hikaru. Flying was his life prior to Space War 1 and his skills earned him many merits. I can only imagine the incredible achievements he did with the Lightning...oh and Misa was a great take home prize too ^_^

    Isamu, for all the reasons already spoken for... why wasn't the 2 lead pilots from MII:LA not on the list? oh NM, they are there, sorry...

  9. Hello all!

    An invitation to The Protoculture Times:ONE MORE ROUND. Talk some Robotech II: The Sentinels....some Voltron.....some RT fan sites....some shout outs....

    Oh yeah...and interviews with Greg Finley (Gloval), Rebecca Fordstadt (Minmei), Michael Bradley (Yellow Dancer) and James Luceno (New York Times Best Selling Star Wars author and one half of Jack Mckinney of the Robotech Novels)


    It may not be for everyone, but I had a fun time doing it!

    Best regards!

    JT aka Zen72 aka John

    don't we just bannify spam trolls or tools who just don't post here (4? where else do you spam, boss?) and least i took the time to post a avatar, Lolz

  10. Hmmm (googles a few images). I'd almost say that the Tornado (fighter) is the inspiration source for those thrust reversers. Of course, we've only seen a side view of them with the VF-19ACTIVE. So... not much to go on just yet.

    Sketch, is it possible some thrust is generated from above the engines vis the two wide mouth vents on the upper dorsal shoulder blades of the airframe? either somehow linked by ducting from the leg nacelles to the shoulder block or self generating within the shoulder block? something that produce the same amount of thrust put out by those foot-exhaust mounted deflectors? looking at the pics, i actually am intreged...
  11. The Macross version of Minovski particles.


    yeah.... but the only source of these crystals are from dead Varja, correct? Thus creation of the term, Conflict Fold Crystals? After all, Macross Frontier fleet did gleefully declare war on one particular faction/nesting group of Varja and forced them to leave their planet*. maybe the Japanesse might think that's cool but History shows that Might Makes Right makes for famous and reviled peoples, depending on which side of the winner's circle your in... :(

    *yeah, yeah, yeah toss in the bear cans into the stew, including that it was Macross Galaxy controlling the Varja & Ranka communicating that it was good idea for the Varja to leave since the foreigners were invading but still

  12. <!--quoteo--><div class='quotetop'>QUOTE </div><div class='quotemain'><!--quotec-->If I remember the scene correctly, the Space Jockey has been petrified. Which generally takes a lot of time (barring the atmosphere of LV-426 and the make-up of the Space Jockey itself. Maybe they're made of stone?)<!--QuoteEnd--></div><!--QuoteEEnd-->

    I still wonder what kind of Xeno would emerge from something that big and I too wonder where it went.Maybe a victim of time and hunger since nothing known to eat on that rock with no life.

    in Alien, I vaguely recall during the decent of the grounding ship of some kind of scream outside the vessel as they passed low mountains around them. Perhaps the creature?

  13. The Thunderbolt is weak as sh*t? Really? I think ill go back to wrapping presents & Listening to NPR than even give that doosh even a wink of thought. serious, that guy the a$$hat Robofan you been bashing about?

    Just a reminder, youtube allows even the stupidest people they're -15 seconds of fame. I mean, Robotech is what got me interested in Macross but please! his comparison is like, oh.... pointless. My cat could own his line of thought simply by walking over my keyboard... LOL ^_^

    *plays FOO Fighters's The Pretender*

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