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Everything posted by Toonz

  1. Toonz

    1/48 BR "blue camo"

  2. hmmm....i really can't recall the shoulder plate color...maybe i should check out the tv series again..... gee...if it's meant to be white, then why is it that it's blue on the 1/60?
  3. born in malaysia, rooted in singapore at the age of 8......
  4. go out no more.... you got to finish them soon.... we are waiting....
  5. that's a really nice hand! looking forward to recasts!
  6. looks good to me! but did anyone also notice these 2 pages? voltron DYRL
  7. Toonz

    custom 1/48 CF + FP

    jung, you are UNTHINKABLE!!!!!!! what do we get if we ADD JUNG AND WM CHENG TOGETHER??
  8. i use to have the original set and i GAVE it away.... stupid me....don't know how to treasure toys in those days....
  9. i'll say yes! it's just a question of TIME...
  10. you can always do a repaint if you want a different color.... *hmm...pink fast pack?*
  11. let nothing change your interest in macross. welcome to MW, you'll have loads of fun here
  12. you got to be agressive to get the girls
  13. did this sometime back...
  14. i play along feel free to add text
  15. you did it again jung! glad to see it finally.....
  16. Toonz

    CM's Figures Set # 2

    hmmm i'm still waiting for my series one from hlj....
  17. huh?! i haven't been online for 3 days and i'm so so so late for this party?! any beer left for me? i like the stand but will it hold a fighter mode with gunpod attached? hmm looks like it doesn't... not too sure about the vf-0 despite the fact that it comes with a lower price tag...got to see it in other modes though.... i'm crossing my fingers for a vf-0 made in larger scale...
  18. may macrossworld live on and increase in numbers!
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