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Posts posted by Cowboy17

  1. 1 hour ago, Boobytrap said:

    That link goes to a DX VF-31J but I believe you ;). Other than maybe trying to get a VF-22 Milia some day to pair with my Max I've given up hope of adding the YF-21 or VF-22 Gamlin to my collection for a (relatively) reasonable price. I can only hope that Arcadia one day takes a stab at a V2 or Bandai does a DX version.

    i can't believe how ridiculous they got in such a short period of time. Everyone is asking like 500 bucks for these now

  2. its not really a class war. the op apparently has made threads like this before. These things are expensive for a reason, though. He does make a good point about them being fragile and we don't expect expensive things to have these problems, hell i even made posts like that about yamatos and arcadias as well but as some others have pointed out its been 3 threads now that's he's created like this.  Im not sure why, unless he just wants to either be validated by the community or to intentionally create a flame war

  3. 18 hours ago, slaginpit said:

    Paying 300 dollars for Collectables for Mid to high end collecting toys that break is just plain ridiculous. If I peruse  the for sale thread there are a lot of valks there. Which means there is a lot of turnover on this birds. I know some it may be collector attrition but I think its pricing fatigue and just the many QCs even in 2017. Of all the transforming toys it seems Macross is the dodge of transforming toys.

    Im not so sure about that.  Macrossworld isn't even the tip of what is available out there.  Even if you added up all the valkyries ever for sale on MW, ebay, madarake, jungle, yja, etc etc. I don't even think it would be enough to say "there are a lot of turnover on these birds". Thousands of each release are produced. Thousands. 


    Although I understand  your point of being angry that 300 dollar collectibles break. Valkyries have always required a lot of "anime magic" to make them work, and unless you simplify the design down to chunky monkey tier, it's going to be extremely fiddly to make it look like the anime.  All of that means lots of parts, lots of small moving parts, lots of engineering required, and trying to keep materials cost down to stay in a certain MSRP area - all of which is not a good combination for durability. Expensive, fragile shouldn't come together in our minds.   

    People point to transformers as an example of "what about this, then?" but transformers have a MUCH larger market, the companies involved are larger (larger than yamato/arcadia anyways, not so for Bandai of course) and have more resources, and there's more volume and probably more margin as well. 

  4. On 4/23/2017 at 11:21 PM, spanner said:

    I can agree with what KB said. I love the toys and I love the series. Even as wishy washy as Delta was, its still Macross and I still love it!

    I can't think of any toys that I have ever bought over the course of my life including model cars, figures, rc cars, planes, boats, bike, tanks bla bla bla that has not had breakages and as much as some Valkyrie's been known to have that problem and being quite expensive its a thing and a risk I accept. Nothing is ever been nor will ever be perfect anyways. I am far more worried about buying a brand new car and having a $50-100K lemon than a $250 toy with something fall off or a detail not correct to the anime..

    Macross is something I have dearly loved since day 1 and im not going to stop collecting the toys because one of two have a leg or something that falls off. Yeah they are expensive but that adds to the charm and besides its only money and more will always come around.

    I loved Macross going back to when i was.....7 or 8 and Robotech first aired.  But I have a confession to make.  I HATE recent Macross. Like, really hate to where I think the overall franchise is pretty much garbage now and I don't see it getting any better with Kawamori and Satelight around.  But you know what? I still love the mecha, and I still buy the toys!


    I don't nearly have as much as some of you guys do, but I am starting to pile up and stopping collecting is not an option. Instead i'm looking for a bigger place!

  5. 1 hour ago, Boobytrap said:

    Not all hobbies are affordable. I'd love to collect high end Italian sports cars and floor them up and down the Autobahn. Unfortunately I'm not a millionaire so that's not going to work for me. As it is collecting Macross, 1/6 figures, and Gundam is about all I can afford. If you want to collect high end toys you have to expect to pay high end prices. You also have to accept that not a single one, no matter how well it is designed and how much we pay, will be 100% without flaws (paint chipping, parts breaking, proportions off, etc...). Of course some issues can be worse than others, like Arcadia VF-0A/D, and should not be tolerated in any toy.

    Anyone is perfectly, and understandably, within their right to not pay high end prices for a toy that may break. Perhaps a better route is to pick one that doesn't cost as much so you aren't as upset should something bad happen. Maybe HMR would be a better route. Or going even cheaper, Toynami's. Of course the cheaper you go the lower the quality goes.

    In the end it is a subjective decision as to whether what you want to buy fits into your budget and expectations. If you can't find something you can afford that also meets your standards then maybe it's time to move on to another hobby.


    You think buying 300 dollar toy planes is an unaffordable hobby? Just pray you never get started on camera stuff....or watches.

  6. 4 hours ago, Mog said:

    Part of the reason 3rd Party Transformers are more successful is twofold:

    * There's umpteen versions of the numerous Transformers out there (Don't like the version that's too beholden to the cartoon?  There's one that leans more to the G1 toy.  Want something more like the IDW comic book version?  There's a 3P toy for that!)

    * There's a ton of gaping holes that Hasbro/Takara has never bothered to fill with official releases (Dinobots, combiners, Jazz, Hound, etc.)

    You really don't have those kind of opportunities with Macross.

    If a manufacturer gives us a TV Hikaru with a 1S head and a maroon stripe (rather than bright red), we'll scream bloody hell murder.

    Other than SD's/joke machines, there's not much opportunity for variations.

    As for untapped/"ignored" figures, the TV SDF-1, enemy mechs, and one Destroid type are really the only items that haven't been mass produced in a larger, non-Hi-Metal R scale.

    If I was a third party manufacturer, I wouldn't consider Macross a highly lucrative market. <shrugs>

    Transformers is a waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay more lucrative market than Macross, and OP bringing up good 3rd parties as a "they can do it, why not bandai" forgets one thing

    3rd Party chinatransformers aren't paying anyone for licensing.  Major cost burden that they don't have. 

  7. 1 hour ago, Chronocidal said:

    If I can get these through HLJ, I'll probably spring for both of them one more time.  A roughly $60 markup from the original price I got my Yamatos for isn't that terrible at all.

    Milia's 1J just has a special place for me as the first transforming VF-1 I owned (an old Matchbox reboxing of the Bandai Joke Machine), and I can't ignore the Max release if I get one of them. :p

    I still have the Max joke machine Matchbox rebox tucked away in a box somewhere. I loved that thing!

  8. 1 minute ago, hachi said:


    Was there an English version of this post? I'm curious since Japanese manufacturing is known for quality control stuff and there are ways to minimize waste. I worked in a factory once and some waste is due to carelessness or old/defective molds. And even when a part is defective we find ways to salvage it and make it usable.

    oh god japanese quality control. Even in the software world some of the well-known principles are applied and certain areas of management have hyped them up so much its become a meme in the office.  

  9. 59 minutes ago, spacemanoeuvres said:

    I was bidding on that one too hahaha I went up to 375 shipped and was actually relieved when I was outbid!

    Would have ended up as one of the most expensive valks in my collection. 

    i stopped at 275, and even then that was HELL NO territory. 

  10. this thing has turned into gold over the past 8 months or so.  Ive been trying to score one on ebay - like most valks could be had around 250 but then something happened and now they all go for well over 300.  I just tried bidding on one that eventually sold for 380. N O P E.

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