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Everything posted by Veritas

  1. You're kidding right? Those are some nice and clean customs IMO. Nice job.
  2. Don`t tell me this is the movie version, if this true then they better cancel the project. 397100[/snapback] If that's a true conceptual sketch of the movie version starscream, I really don't know what to say. I wasn't totally expecting them to make the movie versions into live action counterparts of their G1 selves, but i also wasn't expecting this. He looks more like some kind of alien monster than a transforming robot.
  3. That is a neat little idea, if i had the room to do it, i'd try doing that myself. Nice job. BTW what made you decide to display it like that in the first place?
  4. Yeap...its a helmet. This was also in the older DW reimagination of Jetfire. 396964[/snapback] Yeah i remember his first apperance in the DW Series. That was just pure genius IMO, it bridged the gap between Skyfire and Jetfire to make him one character. The great art by Don F. helped too.
  5. Jeez, i never noticed that before, but you're absolutely right. That will really detract from the poseabilty he'll have in his arms if it's stuck like that. As for the new Jetfire design, one can only hope. That design is a definite departure from the one Don originally gave Jetfire in the DW series so you might just be on to something.
  6. Man i don't know how you do it, but it's just one amazing custom after another. Amazing Work! BTW do you keep any of your customs, or are they all commissions?
  7. Heh, I work as an enigneer myself and no where on our jobsite with the somewhat 20 different constuction vehicles that we have (Cat, Case, Komatsu, Gradall etc.) is there any vehicle that looks as remotely hideous as that. I'm all for it being painted in construction like colors... if that's what it came out to look like that is. I think a little more detail work could have gone a long way. Besides he's actually a cement mixer, which isn't really a construction vehicle per se. We use three different cement mixing companys at our jobsite and each has their own unique designs and colors correspondent to the company and none of them are painted like construction vechicles; Gray, Green and White. If you think about it, he could have really wound up being any color no matter what vehicle he is, but i just feel this was a let down compared to the potential i saw him having as a new and unique mold.
  8. Cybertron Quickmix (New Mold) Painted: http://tformers.com/ig.php?mode=album&albu...ize=800&start=0 You know I had high hopes for this release after seeing the unpainted test shots, but those colors…
  9. A little bit of info on the Movie from the Q & A Panels by Don Murphy at the Con over the weekend: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=98648 I really want this movie not to suck, so here's hoping.
  10. Boy you're not kidding about the bad quality. It's funny how Action-HQ still puts their watermark on it regardless. I'm still trying to figure out what prime is holding as a gun? It looks like a part of his truck body but i can't put my finger on it. As for Megs i've really gotta see some better pictures before i can pass judgement. Thanks for the links.
  11. I've been down for two days myself. It's good to see that i can get back in. Let's hope everyone starts trickling back again soon enough.
  12. Alt. Mirage out of package shots on TFW: http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=98335
  13. Man i can't believe how good this thing is looking. If the blueprints are any indication of what we can expect to see upon release this toy will more than pay for itself IMO.
  14. I for one think rumble looks pretty good.. Athough, i think it's kinda early to judge based on just walmart's pics.. They are notorious for maltransformed transformers (ala meister, skids, etc..) and plus, it doesnt help that they dont place the figures in great poses either.. I have a strong hunch this guys gonna look great when he's in your hands. 393397[/snapback] I see where you're coming from. For whatever reason the domestic alternator releases almost always have their figures either mistransformed, in bad poses or a combination of both. But compared to the prototype pictures that originally surfaced of Alt. Rumble (although blurry at best): I'm disappointed to see how much he's changed since then and IMO none for the better.
  15. Found this over on TFans: Vector Prime Repaint Time
  16. Man is his bot mode ever hideous. I'm happy the line is continuning... but not like this. The proto pics looked nothing like this.
  17. If that’s true that would be absolutely ridiculous. Takaratomy really is trying to bury themselves if they’re going to move ahead with selling Plastic Alternators at a price point higher than a Diecast Binaltech just because they package a miniscule female figurine with it.
  18. NP mate. As for the light blue parts, unfortunately i'm 99 percent sure that's going to be the final color. When he was on display earlier this year at one of the toy cons he had the same light blue on the parts in question and it doesn't look like that's changed.
  19. Alt. Mirage Official Pics: TFormers Boy are those some ugly guns or what?
  20. those are some great looking kits, nice detail work! it must be hard to come back to a project after being away from it for so long, but it's a good thing you did, those are top notch.
  21. Gen. 2 never had an official cartoon per se, but there was a Transformers cartoon that ran here called Transformers Generation 2 around the time the toys were still in production. All it really was though was the same original Transformers episodes dolled up with computer graphics in between sequences. There were some other minor changes if i remember but no new storyline or anything like that, just pretty much the same old shows with back then cutting edge computer graphics to break up the switching sequences from autobots to decipticons. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transformers:_Generation_2
  22. It looks like the next WST Dinobot is going to be Slag (YES!) and some other guy. http://tfw2005.com/transformers-1145049235.html
  23. Oh yeah definitely! I’ve got two myself, but I’m happy to hear that other people who didn’t pick him up the first time around for whatever reason, are getting a second chance at scoring one now without having to pay double what his retail was. He’s an excellent figure and an awesome centerpiece to anyone’s transformers collection, especially one built around BTs and Alts. And thanks for the story Black Valkyrie.
  24. Haha, as much i hope this doesn't happen, i have to admit your story probably has a good amount of truth to it as well. Here's hoping BandaiTT doesn't axe the transformers line.
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