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Fort Max

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Everything posted by Fort Max

  1. That's more or less what I'd reasoned but the robots abilities seem to be affected by the pilot as well the type, For intstance Mars only kicked those fireballs when soccer player Pierre was in control but Sirius used the sword. Except that in this ep they switched to Solar to do just that... I thought perhaps they needed Solar to get to the window but Mars did that as well in the last one. Also I'd have thought that Luna would be far better at hitting an exact point by being able to take steady aim from the ground rather then lunging upwards with a blade. I think we could argue this for some time but the simple fact is that any of those robots could really use any of the weapons. Kawamori tried really, really hard but it's just about impossible to produce an actual woprking design that can assume three distinct and differently equipped robot modes like Geter Robo.
  2. I've seen that one, but unfortunately couldn't get as close as I would have liked as they were refurbishing the USAF section at the time. Would have liked to be there on the day it was bought into the UK, though: Her Majestys Customs Officials: "Anything to declare, sir?" Yeah, I've been up there twice in recent years just to see that Plane. I'm not really a massive aircraft fan but that thing just fills me with awe and I feel kinda proud to actually be able to see one here anytime. It's an absolute ho to take nice pics of though as it's stored in really cramped hangers.
  3. The prologue to this ep demonstrated almost a total lack of actual story to tell. I did however like the "special training" very much. There was a couple of breif character intercation moments that surprised me, specifically Sirius and his treatment of Reika. The fight however was almost dull, and what has disapointed me the most so far is that there has been almost no attempt made to differantiate between the three Aquarions and why one should be used over the other. I give mad props to Kawamori for desgining this thing and doing so in a way that was intended to be produced as an impressive toy from the get go but one of the main criticisms levelled at the proto shots over at ToyboxDX is that they all looked the same and did nothing different and that is starting to show in the actual program. I'm still enjoying it but as others have said, I hope it actually starts to go somewhere with the plot.
  4. I also never saw this movie and probably never will. I thought it looked it looked avaerage at best from the first trailer, my friend however was well fired up for it. He did go to see it and he regretted it. A different friend also saw it and loved it so yeah there are people who like these simple movies. What really makes me wonder though is whether the people who go see a film casually to kill a couple of hours would buy said movie on dvd. As dvd sales now make up a significant cut of any movies profits then perhaps just ignoring them on the store shelves might get the message across to the film studios since they can't tell from a tciket sale whether that particular cinema goer liked it or not.
  5. Yeah, the DX Gokin Aquarion is going to be around 12" tall. And metal. As for ep 5, just gotta sit and wait...
  6. That looks like the Trans Model of the Nilvarsh type zero, something like a cross between an MSIA and a transformer. On HLJ allready, 3 different mechs slated for release, Nilvarsh is first unsurprisingly in June followed by Hollands purply robot in July and the blue one so far seen only breifly in the intro. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN932880 Edit, the dates have changed and one more mech has been announced. Nirvarsh type Zero - July Terminus type 909 (Holland) - July Terminus type 808 (unknown) - August Terminus type 606 - (Mathieu & Stoner) - ? These are all 2'800yen and are pretty nice designs. Very interested to see if they bother to do a cockpit shield for the 606 and how they do the panels on the sides of the legs in vehicle mode for all 3 Termini. Looking forward to these.
  7. I really have no clue what this show is like or about. Is SK behind the mech designs or the actual story as well? Just the mecha designs. Is it angst filled or are there adult characters? Only two kids are pilots, the rest of the resistance group is made up of late teens to twenty (maybe thrity) somethings. What are the mecha fights like? Cool, lots of swirly missiles like Seed and the surfing is done very nicely. Some of the pilots use the boards as blades. Is it more comedy based? Is it a serious drama show? A bit of romantic comedy and a couple of small moments of good humour here and there but mostly serious. How long is it suppose to be? 26 eps as far as I know. Are there fansubs out for it or just raws? Eps 1 & 2 have been fansubbed by Nanashi, so far they're the only group showing any interest but they're nice subs so I'm not complaning.
  8. I missed the summaries, I torrented a fan translation of the first volume the other day. Yes, it does start before the events in Destiny (one cool scene is a ZAKU warrior under testing) kick off but it could just as easily go on and run as parellel to Destiny as Astray did with Seed.
  9. In Destiny Astray the EA is having trouble in South America, I won't say anymore for those who don't want to be spoiled.
  10. Well, he hasn't really had time to do any womanaizing yet, when he starts on that I'll consider him Focker.
  11. I have to wonder if Shinn actually seeing who it was on that bridge might have been enough to stop him. Todoka made a huge sacrifice to finally end this forced war for Orb, with that many ships and MS lost I don't see how Orb as a country could carry on even if the EAF demands it. Sure their soldiers could fight on the EAF's ships but the pressence that Orb had would be no more.
  12. I have interest but as Graham said, only two eps are available in english and no toys are out yet (first one due next month), it's also a lot slower getting setup then Aquarion so not a lot to talk about just yet. I do like the direction it's taking and I like the way that the members of the resistance group are portrayed. I was particulary surprsied to discover that I actually like Holland as I didn't think I would.
  13. Overall, I really liked that episode. It didn't cheapen any memories etc and the Daleks "new" tricks weren't too far removed from it's original abilities.
  14. Ep 4 was weird, it didn't seem to move the story forward any or even like anything really happened. Seems like they're still only just learning how to fight those cheruberim soldiers beacuse all 3 harvesting beasts got away scott free. I'm also wondering what the differnce is between Nenshin Gattai and Sousei Gattai. I'm guessing that SG is only possible when under past life memory conditions. Still a cool show, I fought the whole learning how to crawl before they can walk lesson was nicely done.
  15. The 1st episode that was aired or the actual pilot that Fox showed...last? The show started off slow (magnified by the fact that Fox did not like the pilot which introduced everyone and explained everything forcing Joss and co. to redo a new one-hour one in 2 days), but try the DVD set...by the 2rd disc you'll be cursing Fox for cancelling this more than Family Guy, Futurama, or SAAB. I know all of those except SAAB, what's that?
  16. Any hope I had of seeing Gundam as a prominent force in the UK is long dead.
  17. That's cool, I like these comedy previews much better then actual spoilers.
  18. Sweet, that was an awesome show while it lasted. I'll be looking forward to this for sure.
  19. Almost certainly, in fact I'm shocked that they've gone straight to doing something like this. I'd of expected some kind of MSIA style figures (non-transforming or very simple one bot mode trasnformations) first. Perhaps the "Trans model" label that they have applied to the Eureka 7 mech figures will be a whole new line and expanded to Aquarion later on. As for the companys involved, all details can be found here, http://www.animenewsnetwork.com/encycloped...ime.php?id=4796
  20. Design of the toy and the marketing deals were very likely done before the first episode was aired. Was quite a risk for them to do this. Exactly my point, Bandai must have a lot of faith in either the anime or Kawamoris design to have gottten this toy to this stage just after only the 3rd episode has aired.
  21. Either the title or the artist is "Akino", not sure which. I was looking for it on CD Japan which said that the single is out Wed (27th) with an OST to follw in June.
  22. Do you man the newer style polyphonci ringtones? If that's the case then I'd quite like to know as well.
  23. That's a hundread quid this thing is going to cost me, now this seems like a huge risk for even the gaint company that is Bandai to be taking. Making such a hugely expensive toy of a completely new property that has yet to gain any real popularity. I hope it doesn't backfire on them and lead to poor sales and thus no more big risks with untested designs. That said, I will be buying one. This is far more my thing then Voltes V though I will get him too if I can still afford it.
  24. Just watched ep3 and there was nothing sub-standard about it. I've loved every minute of this show so far and yes that opening song wprks really well, seems quite simialr in feel to Rahxephons Hemisphere. God, September can't come enough...
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