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Everything posted by mikeszekely

  1. Megaman zero HARD???? only thing i found hard was keeping a rank above C. Unless Zero 2 is hard I have no clue what you are talking about. As its character designs I HATE zero he doesn't look a THING like zero and his gun its like a pistol. Where's his arm gun? If this didnt have megaman on it, it could pass of as another title. Its called technology I guess. Its been a while since X. And yes... the game was challenging. Its regarded as one of the most challenging games this generation. The only thing I can complain about.... is how the game never tells you what happened to Zero for him to change so much. And considering Capcom never explained how Mega Man evolved to Mega Man X (not the character, but the series) I doubt we will ever know. The game never explains why Zero looks different because, technically, he's not supposed to be different. It's sorta like how the Gundams in Endless Waltz are actually supposed to be the same as the ones at the end of the Gundam W TV series. That didn't quite work for me, though, so I rationalized it like this... Zero was damaged somehow (hell, you can see that much even in the game). When the Cyber Elf revived him, she repaired him with modern technology, hence the new look. Yeah, at first I wasn't down with the pistol thing either, but given time, I've grown to love Zero's new look. I also love the other character designs in the series, and the direction the story is taking. If it wasn't for the fact that I played the Japanese version of Rockman Zero 2 already, I'd probably be looking forward to the US release more than Megaman X7. As for the difficulty, if you collect, feed, and use the cyber elves, and take the time to power up your weapons, the game is easy. If you want a good rank, though, you can't use the cyber elves, and the game is hard as hell. So, I agree, the rank system is stupid. Wanna know my rank? I got an F... I collected over time all of the cyber elves, and I used all of the useful ones. Megaman Zero 2, if you haven't played it, is much harder. The simple reason is that the useful elves are harder to find, and harder to live long enough to find. The rank system is still there, but otherwise, Zero 2 improves on the first one in many ways. The story is a little more advanced, there's a new style system and a new EX system that adds more depth, the mugshot stage select screen is back, and they got rid of the useless Triple Rod, and replaced it with the much more useful Chain Rod. Oh, one final thing... Megaman and Megaman X are not the same robot.
  2. Actually, I think it's animeniacs.com now, but yeah, go with Keith on this. I buy all of my HK DVDs there. They're not always as cheap as eBay, but then again, they don't try to gouge you on shipping, either. Besides, they're pretty fast with the service. I live in PA, and if I make an order with them on Friday morning, it usually comes with the mail the following friday.
  3. I know. Thats what I did. But still... getting hit by a boss usually meant around 1/3 of your life gauge lost. Slow moving bosses were easy to handle... but the fast moving ones were tough to deal with. As for the redesigns.... sure it is nice to see old bosses renewed.... but they all looked like ppl wearing costumes. If they were going to redesign the bosses... at least make them look like viriuses. Yeah, I guess I can see where you're coming from about that people in costumes look. Well, different strokes for different folks, I guess. Are you liking Megaman Zero any better?
  4. Why did it feel different? Perhaps because most of the sprites were lifted from Megaman8? Or maybe because half of the bosses were Megaman 8? How about.... playing as Forte made the game extremely easy, while Megaman was a pain to get through? Or perhaps because Forte was basically Zero without his sword? B) As for Transmissions.... its bland design bothered me. That... and the fact that the game was infact a port of a Wonderswam game, jumps were terribly hard to accomplish and that the bosses were far too over powered. Oh... and the boss designs weren't very brilliant... but then again... I never liked the cosplyaing look for EXE. You thought it was a pain to get through as Megaman? I thought the opposite (except for that King level with the flying boss... oi). The game seemed sort of designed for Megaman, so it was no more or less challenging with him for me than any other Megaman game. Now Bass on the other hand... while his double jump allowed for a few shortcuts and the ability to be more careless about my jumps in general, without any powerups his buster was ridiculously underpowered. Still, it was fun to have the choice... although what I really want to know is when are we going to be able to play as Protoman? (The arcade games don't count!) Yeah, I see your gripes about Transmission... except I kinda liked seeing the classic characters' remixed looks. I still prefer classic, but you know, it's kinda neat to see someone else's take on it. As for the bosses, they're only overpowered if you go in with random chips. Stand by the boss's link and just waste chips you don't need until you have some chips you know are going to be useful. (For the last few bosses, wait until you can make a Z-Cannon PA). Even then, let your custom gauge refill before going in, in case you need to make a switch. I figured that out pretty early on, and I breezed through the game.
  5. Stop spreading lies. The Gravis Gamepad Pro has an abysmally bad d-pad, making it near-worthless as a game controller. Favorite boss... TOP MAN! Killing Wily in one hit using an utterly worthless weapon was worth everything else. ... Megaman 3 has some really stupid bosses, come to think of it. What can I say? I've been using mine for around two years, and I haven't had even a lick of trouble with it. On top of that, it's been compatible with every emulator I've used (that supported joysticks), which is more than I can say for some of the other pads I've tried.
  6. Not exactly. I didn't mean to imply that if you are a Megaman fan, you can't like Legends. Just that it seems that 90% of hardcore classic fans don't care for Legends, and a lot of Legends fans are lukewarm about the classic series. But there are definately some people that like both. Kinda like how lebhead likes both Macross and Robotech. Most of us Macross fans don't care for Robotech, but no one is dissing leb for it.
  7. I've written to both Capcom of America, and then recently wrote a letter in Japanese to Capom of Japan. While I think that Dash/Legends was pure crap, Transmission wasn't that bad. I thought it was fun, once you got into it... it's just that only classic/X/Zero really feels like Megaman to me. And while the King levels in Megaman and Bass were ridiculously hard, I LOVED the game. I even collected all of the CDs. Oh, and Abombz... MAME 0.73 or MAME32 Plus! 0.71 will both play the arcade games. Personally, I went with MAME32, and I got it to play fine with a Gravis Gamepad Pro. If you like to play old games on emulators, I'd reccomend that pad to anyone... cheap, but very comfortable and compatible. David... my personal favorite is Pharaoh Man. I'm not a fan of Top Man for his sheer lameness, and Dynamo Man was just cheap.
  8. McKlown - "Megaman fan" means people who liked the classic series. And while dedicated fans of the classic series are also often fans of the X series and Zero series, and may also get a kick out of the Battle Network series, many of us reguard Legends as not worthy of being Megaman at best, and blasphemy at worst. Maybe we would have liked it better if it was the same game, but not Megaman? JRock - I expect that 8 will be a straight port, the only changes to 7 will be identical except for remixed CD-quality music and the inclusion of a save system. 1-6 I think will be identical to the PS1 Rockman ports, with a save system, remixed music, the new help system, but same 8-bit graphics. It would be kind of cool if they updated the graphics, even if only to look like the Megadrive graphics. Abombz!! - I'm with you on Legends, but I'm going to have to go with David. I think 3 was my favorite. Megaman 2 and three are very close for most fans, and while most fans go with 2, I kinda played it out. 3 I played less, but it was so cool the way you fought all the Megaman 2 bosses again, and Protoman was so cool, the soundtrack was awesome, and Keith is right about the glitches. Yeah, it does suck that the Gameboy Megaman's weren't included. Maybe they'm make another collection... Megaman GB 1-5, Megaman Soccer, Megaman Battle and Chase, and Super Adventure Rockman. Keith - I don't work for Capcom, so I can't promise you anything. But as far as I know, the Megadrive and PS1 remakes both had save system. I expect that this one will too. As for the voices in Megaman 8... this seems like it's a CoA project, not something that Japan is working on. So... I'm afraid that we're still going to have to deal with Elmer Light for the time... Eriku... those monkey's at Capcom aren't evil! I've been praying for this collection since before there was a PlayStation 2 or Gamecube! Right now, those monkeys are like my best friends! But cheer up. Industry insiders are predicting another drop in console prices for the holidays. Bob Joe Mac - You can hope along with me that if this collection and Megaman X7 meet with Capcom's expectations, that a Megaman X collection might be next. Seriously, though, a Megaman and a Megaman X collection could be the only two games I'd take if I was going to stranded on a desert island. Gerwalk25 - It was just announced, so no price has been determined yet. But, Capcom has been releasing a lot of games at $40 lately. I kind of expect that this one will end up costing $40. As for the arcade games, they're pretty fun. It's a simplfication to say this, but it's kind of like the console games, but only the boss fights. No stages involved. Another cool thing is that you can play as Protoman or Bass (and in one of them, Duo). But it gets pretty hard.
  9. http://www.capcom.com/news/news.xpml?prid=450094 Straight from the source, so it's safe to get excited. For those of you who don't feel like clicking the link and reading the lengthy press release, I'll summarize. Remember how Sega released that Sonic Mega Collection for the Gamecube? Capcom of America is gonna do the same with Megaman. They're going to release "Mega Man Anniversary Collection" for PS2 and Gamecube in February 2004. It's going to contain Megaman 1-6 from the NES, Megaman 7 from the SNES, Megaman 8 from the PlayStation, and if that wasn't enough, the two arcade games Megaman: The Power Battle and Megaman: The Power Fighters. Then, just to prove that Capcom loves us, as you play through those classic games you can unlock new soundtracks, videos, interviews, and artwork.
  10. Who told you that retailers have these things sitting in their stockrooms for a week before the release?! I work for Gamestop, and I know for a fact that if you take the ship date as the release date, we get the game the day AFTER release. So, if the game was canned a week before release (which I believe it was), it would have been pressed, packaged, and ready to go, but NOT shipped. The only games we get before the street date are sometimes the really big hits, like GTA or Madden... and we sell those to the people who pre-ordered the games right away. Even in that case, Madden 04's street date would have put it at a Tuesday release... we had them at 8:30 on Monday night. Even when I used to work at Ames, we never got games before their street date, just music and games... again, the day before the street date.
  11. macross.zip is DYRL. Okay, I tried MAME32 Plus! 0.71 and regular command-line MAME 0.73, both with and without EmuLoader. I didn't play around too much with regular MAME without EmuLoader, but with EmuLoader I didn't care for it. EmuLoader was slow, and certain things annoyed me, like how I set a game to run in a window, and it was still full screen after I loaded it. MAME32 Plus! is a lot prettier than regular MAME32, from what I can see. The interface isn't as slick as EmuLoader, but it's faster, and works better. I had no problem configuring it, getting it to work with a Gravis Gamepad Pro, or getting the games to run in a window. I did run into the problem mentioned, that MAME32 didn't want to play some of my games. I'd let it slide, except one of them was Macross Plus. On the other hand, I couldn't get Macross Plus to run on regular MAME, either. This has led me to the conclusion that the problem isn't MAME or MAME32, but that I might have a bad copy of the rom. Anyone know some places that I can find it? I'll do a search for it in the meantime, but if someone wants to save me some time...
  12. I would assume that the game was at 100%, pressed, and cased with the inserts. It was still a go about a week before it's release date, so they cancelled it within that last week. Which would leave me to believe that there's a warehouse out there with a few containers of VF-X2s. And then that makes me think that maybe they really could release it now... since it's technically for a dead system, maybe if they don't advertise it aggressively, they can get it by HG now. That means that they could release the game at almost no cost this fiscal year, plus get them out of the warehouse. A few of us Macross fans snag the game, and Bandai quickly recovers their shipping costs. I know I'll buy it.
  13. I was never too big on the arcade scene... most of the arcade games I played had excellent ports to consoles. The only ones I was interested in, besides Macross, was Robocop, TMNT, and the two Megaman games. I just dl-ed a newer version of MAME, so I'll let you know what I think of it later.
  14. Oh! Another thought occurred to me... if they're finally releasing the American version that they intended to release almost four years ago, that means that not only will we finally be able to follow VF-X2's excellent story, but we'll be able to fly the VF-5000! Sweet!
  15. When I next go to work (I work for Gamestop, for those who didn't read the Soul Calibur thread), I'll check our computers. I remember it was supposed to come out on 1-7-00, and at 4:00 a.m. on 1-8-00 I had to take the exchanged student I was dating at the time to the airport because she was going back to her country. We were both really upset, because we were really in love, but we didn't know when we'd see each other again, and we'd never been in a long-distance relationship before. Well, by the time her plane had actually boarded and departed the Air Mall was opening, so I went to the EB there to see if they had it yet... and they told me that Bandai canceled it at the last minute. So, for those of you that were saying "I doubt they would redo the text," I was under the impression that the game was 100% when they canned it. I actually contacted Bandai of America, and they told me that it was "quality issues" that caused them to can the game, although I do suspect that HG might have had something to do with it. Yeah, I guess I kind of believe that they could really be releasing it now. I mean, if the game was actually ready to ship when Bandai canceled it, and if they canceled it because of HG, they probably had them sitting in a warehouse somewhere. They figure that they release it now for a dead system without advertising it, they might not have to fight with HG, but they can still get them out of their inventory at almost no cost during this fiscal year.
  16. Oh! You are far from being in a minority as far as Megaman is concerned.... many many ppl like Megaman. It has a huge following of hard core fans and casual fans (due to EXE). Well... there was nothing special about the physics.... just that it is the only Gundam to portray them correctly. As for Kawamori working on Gundam.... many Gundam fans have been expecting a Kawamori written Gundam show... if its true, they will not be disapointed. A few 8 year olds that think Megaman began with EXE, and then myself (who's been a fan since his original NES adventure). That's the entire fanbase for Megaman for western PA. Rationally, I know there's more out there, or Capcom wouldn't keep making them, but sometimes I really feel like I'm the only one here. Well, here's hoping X7 changes that... Personally, I think Kawamori and Gundam are a destined match. I know if I did movies or something, and was offered a chance to work on the sequel to what inspired me, I'd jump on that chance. And since he did say he's in the early stages of a new series, it really could work out that he's doing a series to air after SEED's replacement. As a Macross fan, I'm hoping that he's working on a new Macross, but as a Gundam fan, I definately won't complain to have a new Gundam by Kawamori. I won't mind if it's AU, because an AU series from Kawamori would probably seem more like early UC Gundam than the later UC series do. But yeah, I'd kinda prefer a UC Gundam. Just not another One Year War side-story, and something that he can work in before F91 (pre-CCA, even). Don't get me wrong, F-91 was good, but it didn't really feel anymore like UC Gundam than Gundam X.
  17. I'm all for it, but side-stories make better OVA's, you know? For a TV series, have to have fresh faces and fresher mecha.
  18. Somewhat true. Escaflowne is the typical case of love it or hate it. The number of ppl who like it is just about the same number of ppl who don't. Not to say its a bad show... but with 2 main characters full of angst..... it gives EVA a run for its money. B) . Correction... ppl like 0083 because of the animation and because it was the only Gundam series to get the physics right. Fair enough, Abombz!! I suppose you could argue that for a lot of animes, games, or anything really. I know sometimes I'm the minority because I like Megaman... As for Starust Memory, I'll have to watch it again. I don't remember anything special about physics or any special animation quality... I just remember spectacular mecha battles. But then again, that was back in the days before DVD... I don't remember a heck of a lot from back them. But getting back to Kawamori... for some reason (and I think it's possible, although maybe not likely) I still feel like Kawamori is working on a Gundam, possibly to go on after SEED's replacement. Don't ask me why, it's just a hunch. And you know what? I don't think it'd be a bad thing, although I really wish it was a new Macross TV series.
  19. No we are not. You are just saying that to make yourself feel better. I'm not saying there aren't many Escaflowne fans out there, I'm just saying that its not as popular as you might think. Who's trying to make themselves feel better? <_< I'm not arguing that Escaflowne is a popular series. I'm arguing that of the people who did watch it, though, the majority liked it. Not necessarily loved it, but liked it. The people who outright disliked it seem to be the minority. The overwhelming majority haven't watched it at all.
  20. Well, the next Gundam is a sequel to SEED, that's already been confirmed. It's unlike they'd start another new series, but hey... you never know. As for 0083, Kawamori only did design work on that... I got the impression from the original post that Kawamori is involved with this new series at a creative level. But hey, you never know! According to Bandai.... a new series aimed for the hardcore fans is due out late 2004 around the time the second Seed show is over. Yeah, I'd heard about that, and I figured that the post-SEED series must be more or less finished. They like to replace Gundam with Gundam in Japan (G after V, W after G, and X after W), and SEED is almost at the end of it's run. If Kawamori says he's in the early stages, whatever it is, it will have to go on after SEED. My mistake was in my math (as always)... 2003 should be Gundam's 25, right? So, if Kawamori is working on Gundam, it couldn't be for an anniversary. On the other hand, if he is working on a Gundam series, it could go on after the one that goes on after SEED. Speaking of that Gundam, I would love to see Tomino get back to it, but I'm not sure how I feel about a new UC series. Everything after Char's Counterattack doesn't quite feel like UC Gundam anyway, IMHO. As for Stardust Memory, yeah, Kawamori only did some of the mecha, none of the story or anything. But (and I could be totally wrong) I was under the impression that fans loved Stardust Memory because they loved the mecha.
  21. Anything from 2013-2039 is okay, as long as the story is good and Kawamori gets around to filling in the gaps in the VF-series. Also, a OVA based on VF-X2 would be highly entertaining. But the best choice is for 2051+, because of the possibilities. Maybe, tired of corruption within the UN and with a growing sense of nationalism, many powerful countries break away from the UN. Or maybe a colony declares independence. Or maybe a colony fleet stumbles upon the last outpost of Protoculture, and the story that some people want from during the Supervision Army/Stellar Republic conflict could be told in flashback scence (that way, you get the old stuff but you get new stuff and new VFs as well).
  22. Gundam... I was just thinking that myself! After all, isn't Gundam coming up on 25? Kawamori, after all, was a Gundam fan... and Stardust Memory turned out to be a fan favorite, didn't it? Considering the lukewarm response to more recent Gundam series, Sunrise would want to do something big to catch fans' attentions, and Kawamori + Gundam seemed to work before. Escaflowne... Abombz!, Melissa, and the Commander are the minority. I don't consider myself to be an anime fan... I only have DVDs from three different series. Macross, of course, then Gundam, and Escaflowne, which I thought was brilliant (although the character designs could have been a little better). Even my wife, who can't figure out why I'd want to buy Macross or Gundam, loved Escaflowne. But along with the other Escaflowne fans, I think a sequel would do more harm than good. Escaflowne told the story Kawamori wanted to tell, and ended the way it should have. Macross... don't write Macross off yet. Yeah, Kawamori might have wanted to quit after DYRL. And yeah, his interview in the Design Works book did give the impression that he's tired of doing variable fighters. And yeah, we're probably too far away from Macross' 25th for him to be working on something for that. But Macross is a mecha franchise that is probably only second to Gundam in fame. Toys, models, games, and other merchandise are still being made and still bringing in the money, even if Macross 7 and Macross Zero weren't the runaway hits they might have hoped for. I think Kawamori will continue to do Macross, because if he doesn't, I think Big West will get someone else to do them again, ala Macross II. That said... I kinda get the feeling that it's not another Macross. A brand new series... why not? Not much to say about this one. Of all those possibilities, the one I'd like the best is another Macross. I'm with Lightning06 on this one, we've seen enough of the VF-1, and Space War I is covered pretty well. I wouldn't mind if Kawamori concentrated on 2013-2039, and filled in the gaps in the VF series. I also wouldn't mind a series that deals with the time after 2051. Still, if I have to go on a hunch, I'd say the above possibility that'll turn out to be it is the Gundam one.
  23. Here's another. I think Amuro is trying to say "you're kidding."
  24. I totally feel for you! Not long ago, I went to my local mall, and when I can out, somone had dented the driver's side quater panel right above the headlight on my Mitsubishi! I didn't have have 10,000 miles on her! Now I'm saving to have the dent fixed and repainted, instead of getting the spoiler I wanted, because the repairs will probably cost less than my insurance deductible.
  25. If you have an Xbox, get the Xbox version. I don't want to hear this "The Xbox controller sucks" because the Controller S doesn't. Maybe the big one, but I've logged 20 hours in on the Xbox version with a controller S, and it's smooth like butter. The Gamecube version looses out because the controller sucks. I played the Cube version at work a lot, and it in no way shape or form works for SCII, unless you really like the big A button a lot, or you can play with the analog stick because the D-pad is just poorly sized and poorly placed. Still, get the Gamecube version if you don't have an Xbox. The only reason to get SCII for PS2 is if it's all you got. You need another videogame to play just to keep entertained during the ridiculous load times. As far as the exclusive characters go, yes, Heihachi is a waste, but I've got to tell you, I'm not thrilled with Spawn, either. I haven't played as Link, but let's face it... most of the single-player game is going to be in the Weapon Master mode, and you're going to use your favorite/best character(s) in WM mode. I kinda doubt that Heihachi, Spawn, or Link make that list. For me, it's Yunsung, Kilik, Maxi, and Talim. For those of you saying that you're going to skip SCII and just replay SC on your Dreamcasts, knock yourselves out, but I think you're doing youselves a disservice. Yeah, Soul Calibur was a groundbreaking game that was ahead of it's time. And yes, Soul Calibur II is not so groundbreaking. Does that mean that SCII is inferior to the original? Hardly. It just shows how far games have come since the Dreamcast launch. Soul Calibur II doesn't blow me away the way the original did because there are a ton of great-looking, great playing games around today. Soul Calibur was simply the best-looking game on a console period when it came out, and the deepest fighting game for it's time. SCII might not be as groundbreaking, but it still improved over the original.
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