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Posts posted by Chindenathus

  1. Yeah. Definitely worth buying as long as you are not super picky about paint job (as you are bound to find some sloppy spots, if not a lot), and don't mind the slightly compromised proportion of Baikanfu's look (shoulders sit a little low).

    This is one of the rare gokin toy that you can totally see how complicated and how much work they have put into the design to make everything work, yet the collector don't have to go through very complicated transformation or part swapping process to enjoy it fully. It has a complicated structure, but yet so simple to combine and move the thing around to pose. And in the end, all the bits and accessories hide neatly in the little display hill top. Gunbuster is a marvel to transform, but there is some parts swap involve. Baikanfu on the other hand feels very clean and hassle-free. Can't be happier about how stable this toy is too.

    The Iron Gear pleasanly surprised me in much the same way. It is surprisingly elegant in it's design and execution.

    There is no mandatory part-swaps for anything. It really is for all intents and purposes a big heavy (and Expensive)


  2. How much does MP SS go for at Wal Mart? THey had several at Frank & Sons today ranging from 70 to 90. Takara Skywarp is 80-90 at the same Vendors. I buy frequently from these guys so would realistically be looking at 70 for Hasbro Starscrem and 75 or so for Skywarp... Also if someone could compare the QC and materials... I'm expecting the Hasbro to be cheaper and less (if any) die cast similar to the Prime/MP1... I definitely prefer the G1 colors (which I didn't get the Takara SS and I hate being a guinea pig for a first release) but Skywarp was my very first transformer back in the day....

    Go with the MP Skywarp if you had to pick just one. Thus far it is the finest release using that tooling IMNSHO.

    That and Skywarp was my first Tf too, so I'm probably a bit biased.

  3. The Tornado's the newest plane I know of with det-cord. Modern planes (to me) means 1990+ or so. Which is still 17 years ago. And with the Sv-51 being more advanced than anything we have now it's just kind of odd. Or maybe it has something to do with heatshield placement etc.

    The JSF series has the Detcord canopy breach charge. It apparently has to do with having a two piece canopy.

    "Froaty" probably thought it looked mean, and on the SV-51 it does.

  4. Here you guys go. A better view of the 21's under foot.

    Looks like a Macross/UNSpacy "Buster"(#) Vernier tucked up in a focusing bell the arch.

    I would think it would help with ballancing in Gerwalk, and battloid, especially while in space.

    (#) Buster as in "I ain't afraind of no ghost", basically those little circles with the

    lines through them that are verniers all ove rthe VF-1.)

  5. I am glad you like 'em Mowe. I think it will look damned fine next to my Gunbuster.

    ...The only thing is, the ankle movement seems abit restricted.


    The Iron Gear has no ankles whatsoever, it just uses it's big blocky feet

    at whatever angle is needed. The edges of the "Feet" are chamferred

    (rounded at an angle) so the can maintain stable contact while stepping.

  6. Bumblebee always gets picked on. He's been destroyed more times than Waspinator from Beast Wars :D

    You overstate.

    Waspinator was the "universe's chew toy" at least a dozen times (more like two dozen).

    Bumble got the "Shaft" maybe three times across various media.

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