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Posts posted by Chindenathus

  1. Here's the upc info from Seibertron, TF2006, etc.

    0065356932319 700783 TRA ANMTD VY SKYWARP A 02/13/2008 02/13/2008

    0065356934195 700659 TRA ANMTD DX SWINDLE A 02/13/2008 02/13/2008

    0065356934966 700801 TRA ANMTD VY WRECKGA A 02/13/2008 02/13/2008

    0065356934981 700644 TRA ANMTD DX BLURR A 02/13/2008 02/13/2008

    0065356934984 700751 TRA ANMTD DX WASPIN A 02/13/2008 02/13/2008

  2. Guys, guys (and gals?) do yourselves a favor and quit painting yourselves into an

    "idiot corner". Just preorder 1 of what you would like and be glad you got it for

    the "shelf price". Because we all know that when it comes out it will be sweeter than

    the "piss and moan" crowd paint it out to be (even if only marginally...) and I am

    quite sure nobody wants to have to face the spectre of paying secondary market

    prices for these.

  3. Why, why why - are Transformers ALWAYS (mostly) mistransformed? I'm assuming the ppl who transform them work for hasbro/takara - surely they get the memo on how to transform their OWN product? Sheesh.

    Well in this case, the color pictures of the TFA Grimlock on the previous page come from an

    illegally acquired "sample", so we can't blame Has/Tak on this one.

  4. Another way to look at it is we should count Bandai's focus on Gundam as a blessing for Macross universe. If Bandai gave up Gundam and bought full right of the Macross brand we would have weird thing like G Gundam or failure like Gundam X under Macross brand. Well may be a kung-fu destroid base on Spartan is not that bad... :lol:

    Uhm you have seen Macross 7 right?...


  5. Megatron's, I agree, is perfect. I mean, Frank Welker's Megatron is hard not to associate with the character, but it's a little 80's cheesy villiany in hindsight. His voice in Animated is more sinister.

    the same guy did the voice of Brainiac in DCAU and he also did several voices in the original Tf cartoon notably Shockwave.

    (Alpha Trion / Brawn / Shockwave / Sunstreaker / Wideload / Spike Witwicky / Dion / Vector Sigma)


    What happened to the big plane robot toy from the new TF animated series? Laugnaugh or something. Haven't seen pictures of it since the old protos.



  6. The red parts look very easy to disassemble so fixing the finish on them

    should be easy as long as you remember to be patient and let it fully dry.

    Just hit it with a thin black or brown wash to pick out the detail (or use a panel line marker).

    Then mask the the signal lights, headlight, and seat parts. Then spay it with

    a layer or three of gloss coat. Then after it has dried completly reassemble.

    Problem solved.


  7. And as much as I want to love earth mode Megs, his copter fom seems unimaginitive and kibbled. Love his bot form, though, as well as his Cybertron bot mode. Cybertron Megs' alt mode just makes me wanna turn it every which way and quit with a WTF shrug.

    Cybetron Version Megatron's altmode always struck me as looking like the hover tank in the second image.

    Ether way his earth mode is a future earth version of his Cybertronian mode.



  8. BTW my main dissapointment for animated Leader Megatron are that his rotors look too small. .

    The rotors are the right diameter for an osprey style craft but the blades are bit thin. I imagine

    it will have a gearbox for the rotors as an action feature. Also remember the following:

    1. In the Future!

    2. This isn't Macross, Realism is a far second or thirtieth behind style and playability.

    3. To gain the equivalent lift of a larger rotor with a smaller one all one must do is increase RPM and pitch(+).

    (+)There are limits of course...

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