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Everything posted by EXO

  1. Time to change names to "Yamato Liker".
  2. ...welcome to the club. Just remember I'm the master Millia lover. All pictures of her defer to me first, then I disseminate them when I'm done. Vostok 7 Thats more then I ever wanted to know Vostok. LOL!!! I think Decimate woulad have been a better word, V7... disseminate \Dis*sem"i*nate\, v. t. & i. [imp. & p. p. Disseminated; p. pr. & vb. n. Disseminating.] [L. disseminatus, p. p. of disseminare to disseminate; dis- + seminare to sow, semen seed.
  3. Man! My job just switched locations and I'm a few blocks from where they shoot that show. Maybe they would let me makes some molds there. Yeah, right!!!
  4. Anne Rice should sue those WW f***ers, or even better, Shakespeare should sue Sony.
  5. Yeah, something like Famke Jannsen... especially in Golden Eye, reminded me of the baroness.
  6. Are you guys all mad!?! The vampires are really in a war against the werewolves!!! I'm with MR. Ali Sama. WW: How the hell are we going to tie in with this new movie? I know, let's sue them!!!
  7. Cap, you need to put up a FAQ somewhere. The Legioss project gets a lot of a attention on the front page, but no actual explanation of what happened. I know you don't owe it to anyone, but it's just to avoid the... um... frequent questioning... just a suggestion...
  8. Follow the yellow brick road... Thunder Hammer
  9. YES YES YES YES, but I agree with JsArclight, pipedream to think Yamato would do this YES YES YES YES Hell I'll take a GBS, but what I really want is a GBP!!!
  10. I don't think the backups can ever take the place of the original... but... how many people are buying them instead just for customizing. As the little extras can assure, the back ups are made to be customized. Also, a lot of people would buy loose JMs just to get a part or armor they need. Why go thru the hassle when the recasts are readily available? Maybe you can't replace moveable parts with resin but the extras are well worth it and just as good... plus you get the clear canopy, which is a lot better than the original brown ones...
  11. I find the Simpsons to be suprisingly funny still and I really don't see it going away soon... is it? Unless one of the main voice actors die, why would they stop?
  12. EXO

    Mao Nome

    I found my promo poster for the Save The Breast Foundation
  13. LOL, Kanata... you're a garage artist... pretty cool stuff. I'm gonna have to hand over my 1/60 Monster "Bong" project to you, man!!!
  14. EXO

    Mao Nome

    Yeah, they were... I've seen girls in the same family that have a variety of sizes before. I'm for keeping them... That's it, I'm starting the Save The Breasts Foundation!!! Some girls are bigger than others, some girls are bigger than others, Some girl's mothers are bigger than other girl's mothers.
  15. EXO

    Mao Nome

    I have no preference, but I have been accused(disapprovingly) of being biased to dating the more "well endowed" persuasion by my best friend's wife. My answer: Hey it's not that I like girls that are bigger, it's just that girls that are smaller don't like me... EDIT: spelink...
  16. Let's cross, shave, and burn that bridge down!!! Man-Faye must cease to be!!! Ahhh, that was a good thread though... but someone had to lay a guilt trip on us... The people donning those costumes HAVE to know that they'll be talked about, right? I mean cosplay and internet pictures go hand in hand. It's one thing if you go to a private costume party, but if you go to a convention, good or bad, you're going to end up somewhere in the web.
  17. EXO

    Mao Nome

    2 words BoB, Tina Marie. Boy, that girl got it going on in junior high while all the other girls were still shopping for their training um... support...
  18. Man I want to go sooo bad... but January is the only month I actually do some work... Can we call the VCD the Superdimensional Magical Mystery Shopathon?
  19. Very nice! But ahem, can you post a new thread please? New artworks need new threads to do them justice! B) LOL... will do... let me just clean her up. Also, I just realized I don't have any grey markers...
  20. Back to the subject in hand... I'm prolly going to clean this up later, but here's Sylvie Geena...
  21. They were captured by the Zentrans. Hikaru and Misa managed to escape which cost Roy his life. Minmay and her brother folded away from Hikaru while they were trying to rescue her... eh, just go watch it.. Man Vostok, you're pretty good. You never post anything here. A person has to perfect his/her pencil style though, before they can go on to another medium. That's why it's a challenge. The pencil part has to be perfect before it can be inked, painted or photoshopped. It's the foundation of the drawn medium. Even a CG has to start in pencil somehow. Maybe digital artist use wacoms, but their pencilling skills is still a need. Sometimes though, over doing it with the pencil can do a disservice to a project. Sometimes I over shade and I forget I'm going to color over it anyway. Depends on the project. All in all, I got to agree with BoB, pencilling skills is the ultimate test...
  22. Misa and Hikaru crashed on earth in the Super O while Minmay was shaking her thing for the Zentrans.
  23. I kinda figured he and Misa did something while in the protoculture city I just thought it was more romantic and less BOM CHIKA BOW BOW! Sorry SK VF-X, we're just pulling your leg...
  24. I'll take one Hikaru 1/48, a box of condoms, a Roy 1/48, the new issue of playboy, 1 1/60 Super Ostrich, some ex-lax, and a couple of those trading figures... PRICE CHECK ON A BOX OF CONDOMS, THE OCTOBER PLAYBOY, AND MAXIMUM STRENGTH LAXATIVE FOR THE MAN WITH THE TOYS PLEASE!!!
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