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Everything posted by Old_Nash

  1. One thing is certain. If there is no reboot / remanke / retool the franchise, does not help re-release the DVDs in Bluray without something new. The new generation wants materialde first. If so why bring the old He-man back? Or Transformers (Prime is adrunk), or even the ThunderCats.
  2. I just saw the trailer and really enjoyed it. Cobra Commander using the helmet closed and not a mask stolen from Anakin. A mix of IDW comics with Resolute animated movie. Although I do not know if you can overcome the first. That to me was superior to Bayformers. A simple script almost faithful to the original, not that thing full of effects that was not worth the ticket cleared in the a**.
  3. In early 1990, Brazil's main station, began displaying Robotech in the afternoon. Through an informative magazine (at the time intervals were rare and inconsistent), I know what was actually Macross.
  4. I bought an Xbox 360 because of Ace Comabt 6: It does not takemuch, and the worm gives 3RL ... I hope to launch urgently to WiiU.
  5. Well, first of all, do not really like Macross 7, It was far from what I expected, even Macross II (which I saw recently), but like the plot of Frontier. Kawamori wanted to show us that there are more people involved than the military (who used the music of Minmay as a weapon), who wish to terminate the future wars or conflicts. What might have gone a little way, as the "hero" had proved abore and sometimes "bossal *". And there were many times that I failed to see the show because of him, or situations that caused (I was hoping he dropped ...). It only changed the picture (and not much I must say), eggs over the Dynamite, where he is a little less boring. But I recommend to anyone who wants to follow the saga of Macross. Note 1: How 3 oldmen can wash and polish alone a HWR-00 MonsterMk II every weekend? Note 2: Bossal in Portuguese means jerk, cocky, ignorant and one more adjectives!
  6. Well, if one gives even reboot/retool/remake in Robotech, to forget to use Macross, Southern Cross or MOSPEADA. Starting from scratch, giving a new origin, or to redesign the characters, as they did with that ... what ... the section of Robotech II: Sentinels. Where was clearly defigurante mutation that made the characters
  7. I wonder the same thing. The Animation today is much better, easier and cheaper to make than it was 10 or 20 years ago, no longer used much acetate, is all directly on the tablet and go to the monitor. Expense of a reboot as they did with He-Man or Thundercats? Until I write something better than good old Agrama XD
  8. Why not do like that game ps1? Use only "tiozãos" to interpret the characters XD
  9. No doubt. Not quite out there. I just did it would take to learn to adapt, not that it is doing something serious. It was only an exercise of imagination. Something that anyone could do. I could use another anime, Eureka Seven, and say it wascolonized in a world where "veritechs" could only fly oversurfboards. In my view, could even adapt to the Macross 7 for Robotech universe.
  10. What did he envisioned (thankfully I was wrong), that HG could catch the Frontier and transforms it into a side of Shadows Chronicles. Since both were almost done, I said almost, at the same time (R:TSC, 2006; MF: DE, 2007). In addition to that we could see it from another angle, and have a new technology. Outside a context that has not been explored. Of course, the SMS could become a kind of "Elite Guard" of the regular army in this version. But I let it go, after I saw AstroPlan (HG but this could use at will).
  11. I even wrote a summary of how they could adapt to the Macross Frontier for Robotech universe. The Frontier colonization fleet would be independent of REF, which left Earth following the philosophy of Kyle Linn, ie, not depend on the UN Spacy for nothing. Explaining the new symbol, other than it was before. The Vajra were a variation of Invid that evolved it from direct contact with Protoculture. Alto would link with the Linn family, a bastard son of RickMinmai, which would explain his ability as a pilot and great skill in the arts. Ranka was half-Invid, daughter of Lance (Yellow) with Sera (Sorji) (totally plausible, since the ova they end Love Live Alive"together"). Already Sheryl, would not change much.
  12. WOW!!! No fan-service gross!!!!
  13. It is the former WildStorm comics. When they began making the revivals, it was one of the first tobring back old mateial for young people. At the time had some cool ideas. As the arches Returns, which says that New Thundera was conquered by the Mutants and Mumm-Ra, after the disappearance of Lion-O. And Dogs of War, where New Thundera is invaded by Dogstar, who play with their slaves terror dinossaucers. The cool these arches, is showing the older ThunderCats (detail,WilyKit becomes surrogate mother to two puppies, and WilyKat WilyCub). http://www.guiadosqu...person_2605.jpg
  14. No, that's Captain Tygrus, an ancestor of Tygra. The Lynx-O is one that in part 2 of Omen, he smells of lizards from a distance, but it was too late. It stands up next to a soldier in a tower of vigil. Pumyra is already a female belonging to the B-Squad, and not yet appeared in the new incarnation http://www.nostalgiarush.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/Busty-Comics-Pumyra.jpg
  15. Centurions, a major milestone in my childhood ^ ^ I saved it fondly in memory. What would be a technological Saint Seiya (because of the waythe arms are plugged to users - as in the arc of New Atlantis,where Jake used the equipment for amphibious Max). Well you could roll a remake, but made ​​by Mike Young Productions, responsible for the remake of He-man in 2002.
  16. If the B-Squad alive. Please do not put the Snarfer. Or if they did, put it on mute and get quiet. (his voice dubbed in Brazil was a pain in the eardrums ...)
  17. Well, from the beginning he seemed a bit with the Jet Black. Now it's official ^ ^
  18. Just watched the episode 12, and just say something. Tygra has a lot of resentment towards the Lion-O. Not only about the Sword. The wound is much deeper thought XD
  19. I believe that putting more antagonists in this new version is correct. After all, the previous one, only had Mum-Ra, The Driller, the pirates of Hammerhead, the Ice Queen and that robo-caterpillar that no one knows who built that attacked Tuskans. The dangers of the 3rd World erm just do not believe that so great a planet, may have no more dangers than those seen.
  20. I would kill anyone in the Zentraedi bitten by one of these ...
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