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Posts posted by Jefuemon

  1. Speaking off getting off butts and finishing things....finally added decals and some weathering and am calling 1:100 Mr. Glaug done. This kit is horrible. DO not attempt unless you are like WM Chang level. :ph34r: LOL. It sucks. Old kit, but after all my setbacks, it turned out OK in my opinion. At least I have a Glaug. ..... Toynami/Yamato... <_<

    1:72 baby!

    post-12411-0-41442800-1335172205_thumb.jpg post-12411-0-18494700-1335172201_thumb.jpg

    Ah, the old kits can be a fun challenge. I'll still take a modern Hasegawa/Wave over this, though.

  2. I'm using the Spray-work REVO with the HG III brush, and I really like them. Been using that set up for close to 3 years now, and I've never had any troubles with it. All the models I've posted recently have been painted using that, including cammo patterns. The compressor is very quiet, and puts out a very steady stream of air. One word of note, though; if you go with a Tamiya compressor, you'll want to go with a Tamiya airbrush. Any other airbrush, and you're going to need to find after-market adapters.


    I also use the Spray booth. However, I still use the respirator with it, just to be safe. I do notice that there's very little fume smell left in the room after I paint using it, though. I also only use it in the winter time. When the weathers nice, just opening up all the windows is fine.


    My recommendation, get them. You won't be disappointed.

    Oh, one bad point, I don't know if they have a water trap available or not. When it's humid and you're trying to paint, you'll need one. That's why on rainy days, I don't.

  3. Heh, thought the markings were a little different on that one, guess it was just a lighter shade of gray. Still wish they would reissue that kit, or come out with a different set of markings for it. Adding missiles to mount on it would just be icing on the cake. :)

    I've seen it around at several hobbyy shops recently. Want me to check the price next time I see one?

  4. Interested in getting one. Last couple of trips to Tokyo haven't panned out. I can pick up a recast, but would prefer to get an original. Let's talk if you've got one you're willing to part with.

  5. Getting back on topic of what's on the workbench, here's whats occupying my time now, a Tamiya 1/350 Battleship Musashi. My first ship kit (Space Battleship Yamato doesn't really count), and the first real world kit that I've done in a long time. Not going too crazy with the option bits (my first time for those, too). Just done barrel replacement surgery, and have a real wood deck that I'll be putting in later on.





    I've also finally upgraded my camera. Goodbye 15 year old Fuji compact!! Just got a Canon Eos Kiss X50. Fun camera!

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