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Posts posted by Jefuemon

  1. A magnifying lamp (these are really a must have, even for general building), a size 20/0 paintbrush, steady hand, and a lot of patience.

    Oh, and a PE set from Jasmine Models. This is the first time I've used a PE set, and I've been really happy with it. I myself just need to pay closer attention to the instructions.

  2. Mortal Kombat 2.

    I'll go on record in saying I enjoyed MK1. As far as video game adaptations go, it was pretty good. Part 2 just sucked so bad, though. I remember the ad campaign, and all the cool characters they showed who were going to be in it.

    Oh, they were all there-for about 3 minutes at a time, and for no real reason at all. It's been the only movie I've seen in theaters that I almost walked out on (thinking back on it, I really should have).

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