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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. A DX SOC 1/35 "Valkyries of Macross" YF-19 would be bigger
  2. Unless we hear something soon from Arcadia I have to agree.... I would think Bandai wouldn't announce it anytime soon as that would just cannibalize sales of the Megahouse and their 1/1800 future grail...
  3. I wonder who nabbed the 1/3000 SDF-1 TV license?
  4. Pre-order placed with HLJ....Will keep an eye out for the annual Black Friday sale from HLJ....I think there will be about 5 really good Macross possibilities on that sale....
  5. When was the last time there was this much Macross goodies available for purchase or soon to be available? It's just the prequel to The Year of Macross!!!
  6. So it seems like maybe there were enough pre-sells to greenlight the SAP? But, what if all the preorders start getting cancelled? Because it makes perfect sense for folks to drop the single for the combo....strange marketing....
  7. So this is a parts-former? Still in.....will wait and see if it is part of a HLJ black friday deal.....
  8. It would be odd for them to be showing off a Sylvie with fast packs.....but who knows, maybe there are folks who don't mind one without the fast packs.....guess we will find out soon enough....thinking the SAP-equipped VF-2SS is a Nexx......if it is also a Sylvie...will drop one preorder.....I prefer combo sets whenever possible...
  9. What was in the pipeline is all in this pic....No speculation or lucky guessing required...Arcadia can complete it if they wanted to....
  10. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    When the toys hit bargain basement prices....it is just hurting the retailer in the short run...the toy vendor has already made their money once the last case of toys is sold at wholesale to retailers....in the long run, the vendor will start to feel the impact of their toys constantly going on clearance if the retailers decide to scale back on what they perceive to be poor sellers/profit generators....or something like that...
  11. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    After the nostalgia wave has ended.....I wonder if the Vajra will eventually make it into the HMR line?
  12. .....the devil will be in the details!!! Hmmmm....that reminds me....wonder if we will finally get a Vajra at some point in the HMR line?
  13. The 1/35 transcends anything else currently out there or that has come before it....it is the coming of the long prophesized (dare I say speculated?) DX VF-1....it is the mother of all VF-1's.....the chosen one that will bring balance to the force....the one that will bring all other VF-1's and in the darkness bind them.....it is the Ayatollah of Rock-and-Roll-a.... The 1/35 VF-1 is in a league all of it's own...
  14. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Feel free to do that with a 1/55 Chunky Monkey and know that it will most likey survive in one piece and most likely undamaged! (Of course, you may start developing some rust on it after bathtime but just consider it as weathering! )
  15. Battle7...now so more than ever....
  16. Arcadia's Swan Song? Sure, why not!
  17. If "consistency" is the major factor......it's a no-brainer......you have to hunt down the Yamato versions (for DYRL types) asap. First, they are all available on the secondary market at decent prices.....for now. Second, if you want to wait for Arcadia to complete the DYRL Skull Squadron....you might be waiting a looooooooooong time. Third, Arcadia's "bright white" is crap. Fourth, bright white is really only for TV versions. Fifth, so if you want TV versions go with Yamato (as of now, The GBP/VF-1J combo is the only "TV" valkyrie made by them....but you are better off with the Yamato version to avoid the "pinkish" issues with Arcadia's bright white plastic...you can get a good deal on the Yamato GBP-1J in the secondary market right now due to BOTH the Arcadia and Yamato being available in the wilds of the secondary market). Good Luck!
  18. I think there is a good possibility that it will....it is such a niche product that it does not run the risk of cannibalizing into either it's Legacy or MD DX line or it's HMR line
  19. If this VF-1J comes out...I am confident that the VF-1S Fokker will follow..... I am sure some Great Mazinger fan hoped for a DX SOC version when Bandai released their DX SOC Mazinger Z.......
  20. Speculation Mode: ON I think the timing in which we are now seeing both an Evolution Toys 1/60 VF-2SS and a teased HMR VF-2SS sort of lends to the possibility that there was a recent re-bid on all Macross licenses...... The funny thing is, if it all turns out to be valid, is that Bandai still didn't think it was worth the effort to outbid Evolution Toys for the 1/60/DX version of the license.....and that Arcadia did not possess the vision and/or money for it....as they definitely would have had the skill to make it "right"..... Additionally, BW must be asking a ridiculous amount of money for a 1/60/DX version of the VF-4 FB2012 license, why would Bandai bother with it in HMR?......or maybe Arcadia outbid Bandai for it and did indeed get it and just wants to milk the VF-X one more time before releasing a FB-2012 version? Speculation Mode: OFF hey....when need a "Speculation" Special BBCode! That way you read it only if you want to!
  21. I said it before....it seems when it comes to the kits, it was decided to "FIGHT TOGETHER!!!".... When it came to the toys it seems....."CASH WAS KING....(all hail Bandai!)"
  22. VF-1J was the obvious first choice.....Hikaru is the hero of SDFM/DYRL......plus it can easily be released with TV-style clown hands and TV-pilot to make it close to 99% TV accurate.....I am pretty sure they will do this 1/35 with DYRL style cockpit (unless they can somehow release it with a swappable cockpit, VF-11 style???)..... Then the next easiest TV/DYRL release would be the Roy VF-1S........and if the panels will be removable....what if...BIG what if.....they can swap the parts/panels that make it either a RED/YELLOW/BLUE/GREEN VF-1S DYRL-type??? Some of the differences to keep in mind..... TV.... DYRL..... TV "clown" hands....(note hatches on the 1/35th DX ...I'd be happy with just magic hands that you have to attach! ) DYRL Hands.....(finally...no more chicken hands! ) And of course.....the pilots..... TV..... DYRL..... Any other differences between the TV and Movie VF-1?
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