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Everything posted by jvmacross

  1. Macross Delta Character Design Works..... As the book title suggests.....virtually 100% character design artwork.....if you want a Macross Delta book with more variety including the mecha I would recommend the recent Febri magazine Macross Delta special.... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=29133&p=1300010 Or keep waiting.....
  2. Wonder when the VF-31 book will hit the shelves?
  3. Nice shirt....been thinking about making some t-shirts for myself using the old Takani destroid illustrations.....someday.....
  4. As long as you never see the bottom of it its a nice display piece...looks great with the SAP too....
  5. Play-asia is the only site I've seen offering it....you can get it via a proxy like Rinkya.....
  6. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    Exactly.....as far as I'm concerned...the HMR M&M VF-1J's are what they look like in a timeline after the events in the DYRL film......
  7. jvmacross

    Hi-Metal R

    The closest thing to a 100% HMR would be a TV GBP set....of course, Bandai would probably release it with yellow tipped missiles! As long as Bandai keeps releasing the same SSP....it'll never be 100% SDFM no matter if they paint the valk correctly or mold the SP in TV colors/canon paint schemes...the Bandai HM/HMR SSP are DYRL type.... Still good enough for me....
  8. A Christmas Wish built on Hope(lessness)...... How bad could an ET Icarus be right?....right?!?!? As long as it looked good in one mode....I could deal with it..... Looking forward to the Bandai HMR Macross II VF-2SS.....but even if they also came out with a VF-2J Icarus....it probably wouldn't be 1/60 scale.....
  9. Well....they super-sized the HCM to make the Masterpiece VF-1's... Maybe they will do the same with the Takatoku SDF-1.... Only they'll pick the Henkei as their starting point! Hmmmm....a 1/2000 Henkei SDF-1.....I'd actually buy that! Didn't they supersize the 1/55 VF-1 recently and claimed it was also "coming soon"?
  10. That's the one! At this point, you may need to pick up an extra Sylvie or combo set to make one....
  11. Do you know if ET considered the VF-2SS line a success? Or is their Macross II line dead? I think there was a pic showing a green striped version...thinking that may never see a release.
  12. Wow....I've never seen anyone post that opinion!
  13. Toynami Super VF-1D Battroid..... Toynami still hasn't fixed the neck, never will....still sits too high....also, IMO the VF-1D head was sculpted a bit too big....good enough for now I guess....
  14. Some shots on the crappy Toynami stand.....
  15. Toynami 1/100 Super VF-1D Gerwalk.....
  16. Toynami's 1/100 Super VF-1D I would say this is probably the best Toynami 1/100 VF-1 has released. Everything seems a bit tighter (on mine, the left hand intake was tight and I did not want to mess with it too much) and connected better, it will definitely get loose over time with repeated handling. Once again, as in all Toynami 1/100 VF-1's, the lack of a connection point or some way to make the backpack hold its folded/unfolded position better will limit its "swooshability". It holds OK as long as you do not flip it upside down. This will definitely get "retired" once the HMR version is released.....and it'll get released, right?
  17. More Toynami 1/100 VF-1D pics.... Fighter Mode IMO....Toynami's release of this toy in 2016 officially makes ET's VF-2SS the worst Macross toy of the year.....
  18. http://www.play-asia.com/cosmo-fleet-special-super-dimension-fortress-macross-sdf-1-macro/13/70aquh?affiliate_id=723549&tagid=723549
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