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Everything posted by Robelwell202

  1. Is there a possibility of a 'Sheryl Guard' version of the VF-25, like the 'Minmay Guard' VF-1s?
  2. Not at all. HG was forced to avoid any mention of Macross IP stuff, and the word 'Zentradi' falls neatly into that catagory.
  3. not too shabby, really... Yesterday, I got a called for an interview for a REAL job, so, in a couple months, I might be in a position to start ordering the VF toys I want. Today, I just rode that 'Happy-high' for all I could. How was yours?
  4. Damn, I couldn't said it better myself! That fits me to a tee! While I look at the actual series called 'Robotech' with the same attitude as Rossi, it's the various factions of fandom that disturb and disgust me. It's just amazing to see the absolute venom and hostility that's thrown around, and the absolute blind assertions held be certain people (MEMO and Doug come to mind right away). Personally, I've had it up to (the proverbial) here, to say the least. This is, at beast, a legacy 80s cartoon series, and the people that own and manage that series are buffoons, at best. Anything that has come out after the original 85 has been met with mixed results, at best, and at worst has been a sstupendous failure. No, my issues are not with the show, itself. They're with the screwed-up fans, and Harmony Gold.
  5. Again, I can only answer for myself. I hate wilfull ignorance. For myself, I've grown up under the idea that there's no such thing as a dumb question, and to that end, I've asked many, many questions of people that know the stuff I want to find out. Seto, for one, has been extraordinarilly helpful in that arena, and there have been others, as well. Doug, though, lets his ego control him, and also, he does not take the time to look into things that might bennefit him. Fruthermore, his profane ignorance of things that other people clearly know only serves as a launching point for his ridiculous tirades and smear campaigns. I cannot abide that. I guess I'm a flawed individual myself, in that I cannot just blow his rants off as the ravings of an inadequate, undereducated mind, but that they're things that enrage and disgust me. Add to that, I am loyal to my friends, and in the most recent set of attacks, he's targeted a good friend of mine, JT. I don't like it. I wish there was more that I could add, but... this is pretty much it, as far as I'm concerned.
  6. And what's even more ridiculous... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...mp;#entry812449 Here he is, complimenting a fan's Macross Zero project, and he's been on record with a violent hatred of anything with the Macross Label attached to it! Then again, I know exactly why he's being so gregarious about this project. Doug cannot read the subtitles for the actual series, so anything that makes it easier for him, he's all for it. See, since he can't put the subtitles for Mac0, or any other Macross titles, into MS-Sam, he hates it. So, when English dubs come out, all of a sudden, he's happy! Disgusting!
  7. This coming form a guy that violently hates everything with the 'Macross' label attached to it... I would be VERY cautious when regarding anything DougBendo writes, folks. He's not the most honest, or gracious, person on the web.
  8. Uh, sorry Pete... You're wrong, again. Bendo's referencing the final episode of Frontier, where Ranka appears with Sheryl in the mind-link with Alto. There's roughly 2 whole seconds of her in sprirt form, where Doug claims she's out in space, naked, for all to see, during an 'intergalactic space battle'. Insofar as her age is concerned, 16 is the age of concent in Japan, and since Frotnier's not able to be distributed in the US, the US standards of descency do not apply. Needless to say, any self-respecting intellectually-developed person could see, right off, that the footage in question is in no way exploitive, sexually or otherwise. Gubaba made a point that she could even be in a unitard, for all that it's worth. Bendo is simply putting up this idiotic argument to have some kind of platform for bashing Macross, as well as tryiong to recover something from a previous argument (That being the one where I showed space combat footage from both Frontier and RT:TSC, and he got butthurt over it). Pete, check your facts before speaking for someone else, huh?
  9. I can only speak for myself, here. Seto may agree with me, or he may have his wn reasons. I withdrew from the 'RT-Masters/UN-Spacy' debate for a number of reasons, and none of them were ever intended to admit defeat. First, in the debate, it was a cross-continuity question, and most of us here will agree that those can get rather sticky. It would be like asking "Could a fleet of USS Enterprises beat a fleet of Millenium Flacons?" It would make for some intriguing answers, but in the long run, there would be a lot of heated emotion thrown in for the simple fact that fans have thier loyalties and references. Either way, I tried to engage the debate as best I could. Now, during the course of this debate, I took a histrorical reference tack, stating that the UN-Spacy would win, even if the initial trikes proved ineffective, and the war was brought down to the level of basic attrition. Simply put, the UN-Spacy has more to throw into a fight than the masters did. Here's where Doug started to go over the deep end. Between myself and Seto, we provided some very good arguments (Albeit a bit subjective on my part) for our side of the story, but Doug wouldn't accept that. That's when the idiotic, inconclusive screen-caps, as well as the ugly language and ad-hominum attacks began. Now, I did try to engage the debate fruther, but it was pointless. Doug cannot debate, since his opinions and ego prevent acceptance of another person's argument, nor can he even accept that someone may know more than he does (A distinct and easy possibility, since he's a certified idiot and an illitarate one at that.). On my end, there was never any declaration of defeat or surrender (Terms I find ludicrous, since it was a simple debate about anime), but Doug cannot let himself believe otherwise, since his ego and insanity DEMAND that he be victorious over some vanquished foe.
  10. You wouldn't, by any chance, have spares of the following you'd be willing to part with, by chance? VF-25 VF-2SS (if they are, in fact, in the set)
  11. You really expect an answer? MEMO's just gonna blow it off, like all the otehr times he's been called out on it. He acts with impunity, and no one's going to change it. If MEMO had an ounce of guts, he'd answer, but he doesn't, so don't hold your breath.
  12. What I mean by 'alter' might be something of a 'wrong word' situation. I guess what I mean is, HG cannot use the Macross IP elements in stuff that they do themselves (RT:TSC, RT:SR, etc.) I hope this makes it a bit clearer. Remember, I am one of the resident idiots of the board, so be easy...
  13. Okay... let me see if I can distill this down to an idiot's perspective... With me being the idiot... HG owns the footage rights to SDF:Mac, in partnership with Tatsunoku. BW/SN own the characters, mecha, and other IP stuff that was used to make Macross. So, because HG and TATSU DO NOT own the IP stuff, HG cannot legally use Macross Elements except in distribution of the original animated series. No alteration of them, no useage of them outside of SDF:Macross and RT:Macross Saga. Am I getting this right, so far? Now... FASA comes along, and leases the rights to certain Macross designs, but HG pulls the plug, so no more 'Warhammer'. HG's got the MERCHANDISING rights to the stuff inside SDF:Macross, but they still cannot alter or use them in thier own productions. Does that fit? Please help.. I feel awfully confused.
  14. So, like your patron, Bendo, you're either too lazy or ignorant to read these posts that Seto puts up? Because they're too long? Okay... this gives a whole new dimension to your attitude and behavior of late, and this new dimention's quite unsettling. If I read this correctly, you have just admitted that you don't read Seto's remarks because his posts are too long. Never mind that you're supposed to be a moderator at RT.com and RTX.com, and one of your responsibilities is to examine, fully, the content of each post. But no... MEMO, for whatever reason, hasn't bothered reading the bulk of Seto's posts, and doesn't know the content of them. Thenn how could he be qualified to pass a judgement on Seto? I'll tell you... His buddy Bendo told him to. Bendo: "Seto's being mean to me! WAH WAH!!! He's not nice like you are! WAHHHH WAHHHH Ban his ass! WAHHHHHH" And, MEMO does his bidding. If you doubt me, take a listen to Bendo's last podcast episode. It's filled with JT-hate and Seto-hate, and all the latest bannings at RTX came a day later.
  15. Alto wasn't Emo... During ep3 (On your marks), after Sheryl's 'wardrobe malfunction' in the shelter-pod, he laughed right along with Sheryl when Ranka offered them her snack (I forget exactly what they were, but you get the point.) Also, during the first episodes, he's offering Ranka solid advise about performing on-stage, and from what little I know about Emos, they'd be more likely to offer you a spare razor blade than offer tha kind of advise. To me, Alto just seemed determined to live doen the 'Princess' reputation he'd acquired, since he was trying to get as far away from 'Acting Clan Saotome'. Add to that, he seemed rather annoyed as being the automatic toy-object of a stellar diva. Nah... he's all right for a guy. Personally, I'd've taken Sheryl up on everything she wanted, but... that's just me.
  16. Well, if you won't, then I will. He openly endorses Bendo's rhetoric, and compared JT's podcast to Bendo's, citing a coming 'Podcast War' that's probably not ever going to happen. He perma-banned Seto, and promised to re-instate Bendo when Bendo threw much uglier and disgusting crap out in the RTX forums, and who also becaome openly hostile when others put up arguments that went against his own opinion-based ones. Add to this, he's abused his power on RT.com, and banned people who've done nothing more than present logical debates and fact-based, document-backed arguments against what his opinion deems is thruth. And his latest line of thought is to try and weasel RT's lame excuse for itself into the realm of MW, so that he can be seens as someone who's attempted to bridge the gap between the two fandoms. Believe me, folks, he has no altruistic reason behind his methods. No, I've got no use for Captain Caps-Lock. EDIT: This post will probably get me banned on RTX, but I really don't give a damn.
  17. Okay, I figure it might be nice to add something about the guy who built the thing. This model is being built by Iceblue106, and he is a member on MW. He's the guy to direct questions to.
  18. That's kind of a personal question, and I don't know you well enough to feel comfortable in answering it.
  19. We, at the church of Viper-ism, don't subscribe to that uholy view of things. While you may view DYRL as a hedonistic pile of apocrypha, we in the church of Viper-ism freely acknowledge it's existance, and rejoice in this most holy of presentations, as it affords us a view of the Mighty Destroid Tomahawk, firing it's guns! While it is true that the church of Viper-ism presnts a unified front for the greater glory of Frontier, we do like to acknowledge what has come before, in paving the way for our holiest of holies, the divine tale of Alto, Sheryl, and Ranka. Blessed be the word of Kawamori!
  20. Damn, Pete... Couldn't you have, at least, invited him to something good? Like Frontier, maybe?
  21. Yeah... I think a lot of us guys are waiting for that holy grail... and will continue to wait. :/
  22. This thing looks like a throw-back to the bad ol' days of the 'Wing Commander' game series, specifically 'Wing Commander: Prophecy" and it's signature fighter, the 'Vampire'... I dunno... I'm not sold on the design at all. It seems that they've taken a good design (VF-25) and screwed it up. It just seems like someone went a hell of a long way to replicate DYRL's 'Strike Valkyrie' in Frontier... but that's just me.
  23. Glad I could help. I'm a relative NOOB when it comes to Gundam. I was refered to 08th MS Team by a couple people who shall remain nameless (Seto and Talos), because I like Destroid Tomahawks, and these folks said "Hey, you wanna see some damn good ground-combat anime? Watch this!' I was hooked by the second Ep.
  24. Story Time, folks... A long time ago (Roughly a year and some change), in a galaxy far, far away (Northwest Washington State, in the seattle area, to be precise), there lived a fan of Robotech. He'd seen it as a child, and thought moderately good things about it, although not nearly as fanatical as some people have. This man, called Robelwell202, had a particular appreciation for a mighty destroid, the Tomahawk, and he'd had it since childhood, when he saw it on a flier inside a 'Robotech Defenders' model kit some 25 years ago. Our hero, Robelwell202, had thought about the idea of driving one of these mighty robotic machines. He did so over the span of these 25 years. Sometimes, he'd think heavily, and then there would be some times that he wouldn't think about it at all. After all, big robots with guns? That's silly. Some time ago, oour hero got the idea to write a story about these big war machines. Being as Robelwell202 was, for a time, a long-haul over-the-road trucker, he had lots of time to think, and no female companionship to distract him. He began working details for this story out, and yes, he spent many an hour, and many a mile thinking. Now comes the time when Robelwell202 discovers 'Internet Forums', and the lively and honest (HAH!) discussions therein. He finds a site, Robotech.com, and starts asking questions. Some of his questions are laughed at, since it's obvious that no one cares about destroids, and he was obviously a defective person. However, some of his questions do get answers, and Robelwell202 is well on his way to beginning his litterary epic! Not long ago, Robelwell202 had become something of a wierd figure amongst all these Internet Forums. His story had become something of a small milestone in the phenomena known as RT-Fandom, and there were even a few people that liked it. Still, our hero Robelwell202 had developed certain friendships over the time he spent on this new-fangled thing called the internet. His firends had opened a doorway, a portal to a magical place called 'Macross'. Robelwell202 was stunnned! Robelwell202 was amazed! Here was everything he'd ever hoped for in a big-robot anime, without the bullshit content that Robotech contained. Robelwell202 began soaking up as much of this thing called 'Macross' as he could, lest it go out of style tomorrow. But, in all his exploration, Robelwell had not partaken of the original series, a holy thing that was known to priests and peasants alike as 'SDF:Macross', for Robelwell202 had said that he'd seen the Robotech version enough times. Then, the holy cult leader SetoKaiba came down from on high (Actually, through MSN-Messenger) and said "Verily, thou art ignorant in the art of Macross. To be a true follower of mine, thou must divest your ignorant ways, and partake of SDF:Macross. Yea, it is a 'cut above' that tripe you have seen before. This series actually makes sense!" Robelwell202 was skeptical, though. He'd been dazzled and amazed by Macross Frontier, he'd been totally confused and migraned by Macross 7, and yes, he'd reached the holy high-place of DYRL, but... how different could SDF:MAcross be from Robotech's Macross Saga? SetoKaiba looked down on the lowly, ignorant fool, and said "Verily, for if thou does not artake of SDF:Macross, I shall kick thy ass all over the place! (Not really folks, I'm rolling the dramatic effects for all I can get.) Watch it!" So, reluctantly, Robelwell202 began watching SDF:Macross, and a holy light bloomed in his head. "Holy crap!" Robelwell202 said. "This DOES make sense!" Story time's over.
  25. I'm throwing my hat in for a third option "Viper-ites" Promising casual fact-checking ("I dunno, I just like the show...), Macross Frontier, and beer! There, now we have three!
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