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Posts posted by Graham

  1. Graham, I'm certain there is at least one scene in the TV series that shows Regults flying in the atmosphere. Somewhere near the very beginning of the series.

    They can jump pretty high, but I don't recall seeing them flying.

    Anybody else seen them fly or not?


  2. After much thought, okay about 30 seconds worth, I voted Macross 7.

    I'd love to see super-detailed VF-17S/D with FPs, VF-19F/S with FPs and a VF-11C with FPs in 1/48 scale. Heck, I'd even buy the VF-19Kai, although I'd probably draw the line at Mylene's VF-11MAXL Custom.

    Of course, I love all Macross, so whatever Yamato decides to do next in 1/48 scale be it Zero, Plus, 7, D7, II or FB2012 I'd be as happy as a pig in crap :D

    I'm just imagining my display cabinet filled with 1/48 VFs from every series. Now that would be a dream come true.


  3. Hi Graham,

    I did happen to see quite a number of those at quite a big stationery/book shop in Hung Hom beside my fiancee residence Whampoa Estate, KL. Kind of took me by surprise as i never expect a bookshop to stock so many varieties of toys especially Bandai SOC, Gundam FIX/MSIA, Takara Transformers, Bandai Power Rangers, Yamato Macross toys, Kamen rider and even Model kits from Bandai, Hasegawa. Pick up 2 sets of 1/100 Bandai VF-2SS which i have being looking for high and low for a low price of about HK $120 each which is about SGD$27 or USD$15. Great bargain for a hard to find reissue item.


    You are probably thinking of the big Jusco department store in Whampoa Gardens, although there are also one or two toy shops in that area which stock Macross toys.


  4. Yeah... maybe Graham is right... I had a misconception about HK... I thought buying a macross toy in HK was as easy as buy a bulb :p

    Buying Macross toys in HK is easy, just don't bother with the Department stores, when there are lots of toy/hobby shops that specialise in Japanese toys located in Mong Kok, Causeway Bay and Wanchai districts.


  5. While the game looks great so far, there are a couple of minor thingsI've spotted in the movies that bother me: -

    1) Regults flying in the atmosphere. Should not be possible. Space - yes, atmosphere - no.

    2) Some of the cut sceen movies show the VF-1 with all 4 wing hardpoints carrying AMM-1 missiles, but the gameplay show a mix of AMM-1 and UMM-7.


  6. GBP-1S full armor or VT-1 Super Ostrich would both be cool in 1/48.

    A Stampeed would rock, but I can't see it ever happening, unless whichever MW member was making the resin conversion kit finishes it, so I can show a sample to Yamato, hopefully so impressing them that they decide to put it into production :p


  7. Luckily none of my 1/48s have a problem with the landing gear collapsing under the weight of the FPs. Anyway, for fighter mode with FPs, I prefer to use one of s i t h l o r d s display stands to have it flying with gear up. Looks way better that way IMO.

    I agree about the arm FPs not locking in place firmly enough. I wish Yamato had designed this area a little better. When I pick up the toy in fighter mode, I usually just squeeze the legs together slightly, to stop the arms w/FPs drooping.

    And there is no seperate left and right FP missile pack. This is correct, not Yamato being lazy, as shown on page 40 of the Macross Design Works Book.

    Regarding the closeness of the double RMS-1 missiles to the rectangular UMM-7 micro-missile pod, when you watch DYRL, you can see that in the space scenes, the VF-1's have their wings full open (or near full open) to gain maximum benefit from the wingtip roll thrusters.


  8. Ah, if you are talking about Department Stores and not Supermarkets, which are a completely different kettle of fish, then yes, the Department Stores here in HK (Jusco, Sogo & Mitsokushi) all have fairly large toy sections with lots of Japanese toys and models like Gundam MSiA, GFF & plamodels, the Bandai SOCs as well as the more kiddy stuff which I ignore like the Kamen Rider toys, Transformers, Ultraman, and toys from those Power Ranger type shows. No Macross stuff at all though. The department stores in HK are usually very overpriced. The only department store here which doesn't have a decent toy section is Seiyu.


  9. Guys, I was thinking, if one of the many talented artists here wants to come up with some suitable artwork, I could arrange to get some 'Macrossworld HK Shopathon 2004' T-shirts printed up. What do you think?

    Maybe we could call it 'Superdimensional Shopathon"!




    Great Idea Graham!

    But it's going to be cold in January...how about a embroidered jacket with Macross logo on the front, and "our" own logo on back?! (are custom embroidery in HK cheap?)

    But if we really do wear T-shirts, are we going for Iron transfer or silk screen?

    Hummm, I am not big artist...but I hoping someone from the Macross community could give us a hand?


    I have a friend with his own garment factory, so getting either t-shirts or jackets made up should be possible. Although, I'll have to check the price for such a small production run.

    I was thinking silk screen and/or maybe even a small embroidered logo. iron-on is just so tacky and wears/fades/cracks too easily.


  10. I'm glad this topic has been started as there are a few things I want to discuss about the SV-51's armament.

    TheMacross Compendium, lists the SV-51 has having "One fixed Gsh-231 12.7 mm mini-gun." There are two things that bother me about this.

    Firstly, I'm wondering why calibre 12.7mm (.50")? This is such a weird choice of calibre for a combat jet/mecha. No modern jet fighter has used internal .50 calibre guns for years and years as they lack the range, penetration and destructive power of the 20mm, 23mm, 25mm, 27mm & 30mm cannon used by most modern jets. Basically, 12.7mm guns would only really be effective against infantry, or soft skin vehicles, i.e. trucks. I presume the SV-51 was designed to fight against contemporary jets & tanks, other VFs and also possible future alien threats. Against these threats 12.7mm, would be next to useless.

    Secondly, staying on the subject of the 12.7mm gun, all the line-art and CG art of the SV0-51 clearly shows it to have gun ports in both the left and right wing roots. So why is only one 12.7mm gun listed. Is this perhaps just a typo and the SV-51 should have two internal guns. If not, what is the other wing root port for? targetting equipment?

    Moving on to the SV-51's gun pod, which the Compendium lists as "One standard Gsh-371 55 mm gun pod with 120 rounds and one standard spare magazine stowed in unit's special aft gun pod rack". I find it strange that the SV-51's gunpod is 55mm, the same as the VF-1's GU-11 gunpod, whereas the VF-0's gunpod is 35mm calibre. So which came first? Did the SV-51 copy the calibre of the VF-1's gunpod, or did the UN Spacy decide to adopt the 55mm round later after seeing it's combat performance. This would then mean that the VF-1 was originally to have a 35mm gunpod.


  11. I agree.

    As for the Hikaru paint scheme... gah! How the heck are they doing this then? Are they going to make a great mix up and tell the SDF story with DYRL designs or what? :blink:

    Or is it just a paint scheme you unlock?

    IIRC, the game is supposed to be based on events in the TV series, but uses mostly DYRL styling.


  12. Um...I think some of you may have a misconception about HK. Even here you cannot buy cool high-end collectible toys like Yamatos in Supermarkets!

    At best, a few of the biggger supermarkests might stock a few very old 1/144 Gundam kits with really beat up boxes (other shop's deadstock), but that's it.

    Most Supermarkets here have either no toy section on just a small one, selling really cheap made in China junk, like little plastic fire-engines or buses or crap like that.

    However, back in 1986, I do remember a few of the Supermarkets here stocking some of the really cheap small scale Macross models.


  13. I think Takatoys will be offering 'UN AIR FORCE' and perhaps also 'UN MARINES' stickers on his upcoming 1/48 Low-Vis sticker sheets. I plan to get some for my Low-Vis toys.


  14. Save your money. The only Macross toy I ever threw in the garbage.

    LOL....that's also what I did.

    Actually, I tortured the fool things first (cut, burned, drilled & shot them), before throwing them in the garbage.


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