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Posts posted by Graham

  1. The stands are great. I bought 3 from s i t h l o r d and cannot recommend them highly enough.

    My stands are currently being used to display: -

    1) 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru w/FPs, fighter mode w/gear up.

    2) 1/60 VE-1 fighter mode w/gear up.

    3) 1/72 VF-19A fighter mode w/gear up.


    Graham. Do you have the stands with 4" rods or 6" rods?

    My display stands are all the 4" version. Until I read this thread, I didn't even know there was a 6" version available. Naughty s i t h l o r d for not telling me.

    If the rods are interchangeable, I would't mind getting a few 6" rods.


  2. Guys, please bear in mind that from project start to finish it can take anywhere from 1 to 2 years to get a transforming VF toy into production, depending on the complexity of the toy and a whole host of other factors. It is a long drawn out and extremely slow and complicated process.

    Unfortunately, Yamato are not yet at the stage where they have Star Trek type replicators and can just press a button and instantly out pops a completed toy in the blink of an eyelid. These things take time! They will come when they come and not before (the M0 toys, not the replicators...duh!), so be patient.

    Also, it doesn't help things that Kawamori was very slow to provide design drawings for The VF-0 & SV-51. Also the guy is so busy these days that anytime Yamato needs access to him to clarify something it can take weeks to get an appointment.

    As for the scale yes I know, but can't say. However, as I've said before you may be surprised.

    No, I haven't seen a prototype yet.

    As for the lineup, remember the more paint variations Yamato release, the quicker they can recover their design and tooling cost, so don't worry guys I'm sure we will get the toys in all variations (Focker, Shin, CF, D.D. Nora...etc)


  3. Yet another case of members forgetting that Macrossworld is more than just the forums......sigh!

    The answers to most questions like this can be quickly and easily found by checking the toy/model sections of MW or the Compendium.


  4. I know it's been said before again and again but I have a short attention span and am too lazy to search for those posts but does anyone know when or if Macross Zero toys are coming out and who's going to make them?

    Thanks, I know that I ramble on about stuff that's already been talked about so please don't yell at me.

    Yamato are going to make them and they are coming sometime in 2004. No exact release date is given yet, but I would say we can probably expect to see the first toy sometime around the middle of the year.


  5. I'm not a big fan of US style Superheros. I stopped reading Superhero Comics when I was 12. To be honest I find the whole men-in-tights concept extremely lame.

    However, I did enjoy the Christopher Reeve Superman movies as a kid and also enjoyed the Lois & Clark and Smallville TV shows (nice lite 'switch off the brain and relax' entertainment). I really don't think we need another remake of Superman movie though. As others have said, Christopher Reeve nailed the role.

    Personally, I think Hollywood needs to give Superhero movies a break. Although the recent X-Men movies were watchable, I found both the Hulk and Daredevil to be real stinkers. And let's not even go into the last few Batman movies.

    Also, I'm glad Brett Ratner is off the project. I worked on one of his movies in HK once a few years ago (IIRC it was Rush Hour) and didn't get a very good impression of the guy.


  6. Actually, concerning the micro missles, are the ones in the FAST Pack (in the booster unit and the arm units) and the UMM micro missle pods meant to house micro missles on the 1/48 Yammies? Or are there different subclasses of micro missles?

    The UMM-7 micro-missile pods, NP-AR-01 arm FAST Packs and HMMP-02 back FAST Pack micro-missile launchers all hold different types (different size & shape) of Micro-missiles.

    The UMM-7 pods each hold fifteen Bifors HMM-01 micro-missiles. No info is listed for the name & model of the micro-missiles in the arm and back FAST packs.


  7. The stands are great. I bought 3 from s i t h l o r d and cannot recommend them highly enough.

    My stands are currently being used to display: -

    1) 1/48 VF-1A Hikaru w/FPs, fighter mode w/gear up.

    2) 1/60 VE-1 fighter mode w/gear up.

    3) 1/72 VF-19A fighter mode w/gear up.


  8. I don't think the VF-1J FP will come with a Strike Cannon.

    I'm planning to buy one non-FP VF-1J and one VF-1J w/FP. I'll display one in fighter mode and one in battroid mode

    However, the FPs along with one set of TV hands and one Hikaru TV pilot will be transfered to a spare Focker VF-1S, to make a TV accurate VF-1S.


  9. Not interested. As others have said, there are plenty of F14 models/toys already available from other manufactures. Plus a 1/48 F14 would take up too much valuable shelf space.

    My money and shelf space is reserved for transforming Macross toys.


  10. Yeah, I'm not sure exactly what everyone is getting so excited about either.

    If you want the FPs, buy them. If you don't, don't buy them.

    The MW motto: When in doubt. . . whine.



    That's a great moto.....and so true. Can I use it for my signature?

    Ya know, it gets me that people are complaining about the lack of a GPB together with the VF-1J. I bet if Yamato had announced they were releasing the GBP together with the VF-1J then we would have people complaining that it is too expensive. Whatever you do, you just can't win! It's a case of 'damned if you do, damned if you don't'. Oh well, like they say 'you can't please all the people all of the time' (or ever).

    Sometimes I wish people would be at least just a little bit grateful. :huh:


  11. Thanks for the heads up.

    I allready preorder the item.

    hehehehe is gona be a HUGE BOX!!

    Hey Graham... Again HLJ bring the news first than you! You need to talk with Yamato!

    Guppy... I guess you will be pleased. B)

    Of course, I knew this a month ago already, but like most stuff I have a gag order preventing me from telling anybody :(

    And it is really frustrating having to read endless post complaing about Yamto forcing people to buy the toy w/FPs, when actually I knew they were going to give people a choice of with and without.


  12. Hum, now that I've seen the Vf-22s schematics, and since we're in the topic (kinda), why does the Sturmvogel has so many rods in the canopy? It's not like it's a lot bigger than anything else to demand more structural support, and if clean it would have pretty much the same shape than the VF-19's, so no freaky shape stress problem there.

    And Macross DOES have a history of clean, F-16 / F/A-22 canopies (sp?), save for the 17 (which was based, after all, in the 117).

    Can anyone please take a shot or two at that one? :unsure:

    Perhaps in the case of the VF-22/YF-21 it's just a case of more armour protection for the pilot in battroid mode.

    Unlike most other Valks which have either a sliding heatshield to protect the pilot in battoid mode (VF-1, VF-11) or the cockpit is protected by moving inside the body (YF-19, VF-17), the VF-22/YF-21 leaves the cockpit very exposed in battroid mode.



    I voted w/ FP. I plan to display the 1J w/o FP and use the FP on my Roy 1S (hope they fit). I know that it's not totally TV accurate (wrong flightsuit, wrong hands, wrong color detail on head, etc) but it's good enough for me!

    The Hikaru 1S will provide the strike for my display.

    That's exactly what I'm planning as well, get the TV FPs just to put on the Roy VF-1S. I'll also try to order some extra TV type hands and an extra TV type Hikaru pilot figure to make a TV accurate VF-1S Super (remember, Roy never flew the VF-1S Super in the TV series, he died before the FPs came into use).

    the only other thing that will need changing is the color of the arrows on the head (DYRL is yellow, TV is black).


  13. The VF-1 starting from block 6 manufacture (the type we see in DYRL) had the holographic HUD, which allowed symbols to be displayed anywhere on the canopy. So as long as the threat is picked up by the various passive or active sensors on the VF, the holographic HUD can display threat direction at the appropriate position on the canopy.

    This type of holographic HUD is also seen in the VF-11B in the opening fight of Macross Plus episode # 1. Presumably there is also an audible warning to alert pilots of the direction of an approaching enemy or missile(s).

    Some VFs obviosly have better canopy visibility than others. Probably the top contenders would be the VF-11 and VF-5000, which has a very high mounted bubble canopy.

    For dogfighting, the canopy with the worst visibility would have to be on the VF-17, although I imagine that holographic HUD and advanced sensors probably make up for the poor visibility at least to some degree. Mind you, I think the VF-17 was designed as more of a strike fighter rather than a pure dogfighter, although for most of Macross 7, it seems to serve as a rapid response interceptor.


  14. Yes, it's confirmed that the Hikaru VF-1A and Roy VF-1S are being reissued in late October along with the new release of the VF-1S Hikaru.

    I'm 99.99% sure the reissues will have the updated nose cones, radars and flaps as the molds for these parts have been modified, it doesn't make sense to change them back again.


  15. I was never a fan of the HCM; a poorly representation of the VF-1 then the older 1/55ths and it seems like their fingers were prone to breaking. I have never owned an HCM and currently have no desire to persue one.

    I've owned 4 HCMs in the past 15 years and presently still own 3. None of the fingers on mine have ever broken. In fact, no parts have broken at all.

    Despite many people claiming that the HCM is fragile (when most of them don't actually own one), I've personally found it to be a very sturdy toy. About the only part you need to take care with are the VF-1S's head lasers which are quite thin and stiff to rotate.

    And yes, I do prefer the HCM to both the MPC and the Taka/Bandai 1/55.


  16. Yes, the 1/48 VF-1J Hikaru is confimed and will be released in either November or December, after the VF-1S Hikaru, which is being released in late October.

    The VF-1J Hikaru may or may not be sold together as a set with the 1/48 TV type FAST packs, this has not been confirmed yet.


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