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Posts posted by Negotiator

  1. Speak of the devil, I just won an auction for a new in box matchbox sdf-1, it's the TV version, it's new, and I got it for only $80 after shipping. I'm gonna repaint and maybe customize it with some styrene pieces like I did all my star destroyer models.

    Be sure to post pics when you're done :D

  2. eh, I didn't mind the fan service at all, I thought it was enough...unlike stuff like ikki tousen which is ridiculous, just my opinion.

    Agreed that alot and probably too much is crammed into the movie. I was going to show it to my brother who hasn't had a chance to watch frontier yet, (he's a fan and

    has spent alot on valks too), but I don't think he'll understand what's really going on without watching the series, or at least care about any of the characters. I dunno, maybe I'll make him the experiment and see what he says afterwards... :lol:

  3. I haven't taken pictures of Sakuya yet, but I found pictures of the upcoming V4 Kos-Mos from 4chan's /toy/ section.


    That's alot of hardware she's packing... notably extra breasts :blink:. Not to mention she'll also include the staple heads, hands, and stands.


    It really does look like her hair is on figma joints thankfully.

    From what I hear, she'll retail for 4500 yen. =\

    :o I was excited for kos mos, but I've only played through the first game. Are her boobs really that big later on??

    Wish they would make some claymore figures. I'd buy all of them!

  4. Is there more than just the Konig in your order? I'm in the US and EMS for my Konig was 4000 Yen. Seems very unusual for SAL to be more than EMS.

    Nope, just the standard edition Konig, not even the special one. I don't understand why it costs so much to ship with SAL even with the big boxes, considering that I had Yamato and Bandai valks shipped from Amiami before using EMS that was around that price.

    Ya it did seem pretty steep, which is a little concerning when they ship out the sdf-1

  5. I'm sure it can all be written off somehow. They'll throw enough curve balls at you and wont give any answers. Meanwhile was watching EoE, and had another "oh sh*#" moment.


    I think there was a shot in 2.22 where there were a bunch of lances on the moon too, but that

    wouldn't connect to EoE because the lances turned into lcl.

  6. That maybe quite a wait considering how "unbelievably fast" Funimation get's its stuff on the market:D

    2.22, 2011 so Not too bad. Hopefully eva 3 will be in theaters by 2012 or less. Trying to keep

    A yearly eva fix.

    Now regarding post EoE...

    initially I passed the preview for movie 3 as just a nod

    To the series, but just watched the end of 1.11 again and koaru say,

    "The third one again huh, you sure haven't changed" this is regarding

    Shinji. So what do you all think? Have they met before? Did anno watch

    Too much bigo?

  7. been holding off on watching this until earlier today, but just can't wait anymore and OMFG!!! i looveed it.

    I love mari's quirky personality, and even rei is much more than a robot.

    Asuka's always been my fav character and...

    ..when I saw what happened to her, I was like OMG, YOU DID NOT JUST KILL ASUKA!" but thankfully she's still around, I suppose this is the equivalent part in the series where she gets mind raped and gets put out of commission

    for awhile. Going to be interesting what she pilots next. Her and her eva were the fighting spirit in EoE and provided

    pretty much the only action. The character deserves much more than sitting around for the next 2 movies.

    Shinji did a good job, and good to see Rei didn't die this time, that was such a tense moment! I'm still on my high/excitement. Hurry up funi, I want my BR!

  8. I don't think we'll be seeing very many "improvements" to the CGI. Mainly because of the costs involved (at a certain point it'll cost less to just remake the whole movie, and no one's going to do that).

    Replacing Yoda in Eps. 1? Fat chance of that happening. It'd be easier to refilm those scenes.

    I think everyone needs to step back and remember that these movies are part of a business, and that the business wants to minimize costs. Because of that, I doubt we'll see very many improvements other than the transfer to the new format. If the company's going to spend more money, then we'll be seeing a new special-special edition released in theatres, like last time they spent a bunch of money to fix things. Maybe even in that crappy faux three-dee format to boot.

    well, there is this part from one of the extras. I don't think it's all for nothing:


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