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Posts posted by Negotiator

  1. I really enjoyed it. I miss fun adventure that we used to have. Not everything needs to be like dark knight. Like, eriku said, it's reminiscent of goonies and et. The kids were great and the banter between them was chaotically realistic. It felt good finally walking out of a theater and not feeling pissed off because of some over pretentious envisioning of a comic or 80s cartoon.

    I honestly didn't even care much about the cargo. The dynamic between the kids was enjoyable to see. They could have been in search for the golden monkey for all I care. (and I came into the movie really curious about what was on that train since the first trailer.)

    *Shrugs* maybe I liked it because it reminded me of those times as a kid... When kids used to go outside and have real friends to play with.

  2. I read somewhere on IGN that it will be region free and backwards compatible for the downloaded psp games. Still have not been able to find info on the HD/Memory space it will have, but pre-ordered anyway. I'll finally finish old games with 2 analog sticks!!!

  3. Depends what kind of games you like. Uncharted 1 and 2 are discounted now. If you have an hd tv, get a br movie you like.

    Also there's:


    Valkyria chronicles

    Metal gear



    I don't have move yet but have played it. The mini sports games are fun.

    I only mentioned exclusives cuz don't know if you have an box otherwise there's ssf4, Mk, tekken, etc...

  4. It could easily be someone else to put the blame on anon but anon was stupid in the first place to brag about their first attempt. They should/ could help try to find the person that caused this mess before FBI comes a knocking.

  5. See, to me it did and didn't make sense.

    In the basic sense I get it. She creates the alternate reality to deal with what happens to her before she gets lobotomized. That's fine. i get the idea. Within the reality she creates, she dances and takes peoples breath away, and while dancing she imagines a world where she and her friends are superhero soldiers. again, no worries. But it's WITHIN that construct that I think it breaks down.

    First off, why spoil the asylum stuff? Have it start with her in the brothel, start putting in weird flashes of 'reality' or whatever, and then keep the ending in place where she is lobotomized (Without a mark on her beautiful face I might add).

    Secondly, by making Sweet Pea actually escape in the 'real world' u add problems. So Baby Doll really DID light a fire, stab the guard etc etc; Does that mean the guard really shot Amber and Blondie? If so how did he get away with that? Did Rocket also die saving Sweet Pea from the cook? If so why wasn't THAT mentioned or commented on. The Doctor was all "Oh yeah, she caused problems. stabbed a guard, lit a fire helped someone escape..." Wouldn't "contributed to three deaths" make that list? if they're alive, why didn't they escape as well? And if three inmates were killed, why wasn't the place locked down tighter? We get told baby was only there a week! Does that mean it's kind of half true? She did a version of some of the stuff but not everything?

    Thirdly; wise old man bus driver guy....WTF? even aside from the fact he doesnt fit the mental escape scenario since she never meets him, he seemed to be there to give them a mission and then spout a badly worded fortune cookie. And even when some of the lines make sense (which is rare) they're just thrown in with no context!

    Despite all that, it was a fun romp. The first three action scenes are great (Though the one on the train is pretty lame) and the girls are all cute. Performances all round were solid, with the main villain chewing scenery quite happily.

    It's kind of like if the kid who writes Axe Cop hit puberty and discovered girls, and then they made a movie about it.

    I believe it was only baby doll and sweet pea that actually did anything. The other 3 girls physically existed, but I don't think they were ever part of anything that really happened, that's why there's no mention of them later on. She used their images into her fantasy after first seeing them on the table before she looks up at sweet pea. I interpret the old guy as the "angel" that guides her to free sweet pea.

  6. No, he is right, there is a neck shield. Press the antenna/ head laser back and it pops out enough for you to use a fingernail to pull it out the rest of the way. Doesn't completely cover everything up, but is does make it look a bit more sleek in fighter mode. Other then the gullet in fighter mode and it being a touch fiddly, I am a big fan of the current design...With that being said I pre-ordered the Kai :D

    It don't agree that the new one is a parts former though. None of the extra parts are necessary for transformation, just optional if you want to use them.

    By that logic a VF-1 2.0 is a parts former because it comes with optional anime hands

    I like the extras personally, if you don't like them you don't have to use them.

    never knew this, thanks!

  7. Returned my old copy got a new one. Still have to fiddle with it to get it to work. Other blu-rays play fine. Just this one. Anyone out there have any ideas? :(

    Do other dvd/bd discs play fine? Test both formats. One of my ps3s had a problem reading bds but read dvds just fine. I jammed an air compresser in the slot and gently/blindly burst some air and the bds read fine after that.

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