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Posts posted by Negotiator

  1. For hotrod, Its really all about getting the ankles and hands in the perfect position and everything should be snug. Think yf-21/Vf-22.

    It took me hours to figure out what I was doing wrong. I thought it was just crappy fitting, but once you get it. It's sweet!

  2. Re: leader SS.

    Ya, I don't think anyone was expecting 100% accuracy. We all know there's going to be bot kibble, especially on jets. I think Its simply the "what if this damn electronic box wasn't here? How much more slimmer could it have been?"

  3. I can't help but wonder if they could have got leader SS more streamlined without the gimmicks. I'd say if anyone was curios about leader ironhide, that they save the receipt. Also make sure his knife is in the box. Mine didn't come with one, but wasn't a big deal for me.

  4. Charged fully. Though wondering if it means it's already shipped? Didn't get any shipping notice?

    It took them awhile to reply. I ordered Roger Smith and that will be released late November.

    this was there response:

    "Dear Sir and Madam

    Thank you very much for your message.

    For your payment, we will charge whem your order ship out.

    Best Regards,

    Goodsmile online customer support"

    Now that's contradictory to what their usage guide says:

    - When will my card be charged?

    - I've been charged, why hasn't my product been sent?

    The charge will occur as soon as you pre-order.

    So *shrugs* I dunno.... if I get...I get it, if not...oh well...money saved

  5. TFPrime Optimus Prime says it's available on HasbroToyShop, if you're looking to get one. The others won't be available until probably the 4th quarter of this year at the earliest.

    Thanks, just checked it. I think I'm going to hold off on that and wait for voyager prime. So out of shelf space already that I got to be really picky on what to get these days.

  6. Here my collection as of now.... :) still have all my 1/48 packed away, plus i need to get another detolf , i think they are $65 at ikea now.Plus i found new uses for the megahouse klan klan SMS support stands, see if you can find them!!

    Very nice collection and setup.

    You have too many vf-25s' :blink:

  7. Since Toby was mentioned, wouldnt he know, or quickly found out what kind of legal mess Hg and Bw were in before buying rights? I just can't imagine him and wb not doing their research on fans and not knowing that macross successfully exists. I really wish they just bought LAM rights to sit on it indefinitely to stall any half assed anime movies HG claims to want to make just to kill this property in its current form. BTW.. is it fact that wb really told them not to make any sequel yet to SC, or is it more bs from HG to stall because they can't write themselves out of the mess they made?

  8. Supposedly around December 2011. I find this disappointing, as Hasbro normally sells the toys on or before the show begins; yet in this case, the toys are a year late.

    Thank you. Yea I found it odd too as to why they had a 30 min commercial with no toys to sell. The delay is kind of a good thing for me. Dotm sound wave and dino are the last on my list for movie figs and maybe an mp hotrod. There's at least 4 vfs I plan to get too and those are really going to hurt the bank.

  9. I finished the first disc of Claymore. Its okay, but I wish it wasn't as predictable as it is. I already seem to have a sense of where this series is going. Maybe its me and I've just seen too much anime these days.

    EDIT: I do have one question. What is it about a Claymore's body that would make a bunch of horny rapist bandits say "no thanks"? Well except for the one wounded bandit that attempted it on the revenge/humiliation angle before he got whupped on.

    If you're going to invest in claymore and like it, it's worth disregarding the ending and pick up on the manga where it really starts to deviate from the anime. I think it's around chapter 50. The chapters are an easy read. There's many many scanlation sites to find them. Right now it's up to chapter 116.

    My 2cents...I don't think it's like berserk at all, it's more like dbz with a song of ice and fire thrown in for plot twists.

  10. Isn't that how the 1/72 model did it? I don't remember for sure, but I could have sworn that the model used the same procedure. Why is it a problem now? The models were quite well recieved imho...

    EDIT: That question was toward everyone, not calling you out Eugimon :p

    Yes, that's how the 1/72 model does it.

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