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Posts posted by Negotiator

  1. Sorry guys, it turned out to be a screen facing the concert stadium that played some Ranka and Sheryl songs with some minor special effects in the stands. On the bulletin board near the stairs I just saw the dates 4/1-4/6. I went back today and just saw on the screen commercials for Macross Frontier False Songstress Hybrid pack, Nyan Nyan commercial, Ranka interlude, Macross Ace Frontier, and Macross Frontier ad by Bandai visual.

    Thanks totally forgot about this.(been too busy to keep up) Was that it then? Anything else macross related coming up?

  2. Who cares about reviews? It's an action movie with half naked girls, guns, samurais, and a dragon. It's going to be ridiculous. Honestly what do they expect??? These guys should enjoy something for once and not sit on their high horse expecting everyone else to make them happy.

    It could be a confusing mess of a story...or not..I dunno! But I think its main attraction are the visuals. When I see this Saturday, my only expectation is enjoying some half naked action. Anything more then that will be a nice treat.

  3. Is silver paint and a japanese box worth an extra $35 to you? :rolleyes:

    Silver paint, maybe....ok not really. sadly they're sold out everywhere and I grabbed the last one from a dealer. Just need a manageable classic megatron since I have the mp one. Tho I don't even want to bother touching mp megs.

  4. I stopped collecting playarts figs. Got a few advent children figs and lightning from ffxiiii. Totally unimpressed with kais' because going to a bigger scale should have yielded better face sculpts. Was excited for big boss but after seeing how accurate figma figs can get and at such a smaller scale, playarts is on my back burner for now.

  5. The rich get richer and the poor get poorer, right? Not a first day buy for me, not because of anger and dislike of the bird, but more-so budget reasons. Price are raising on everything, and I don't see my paycheck matching that rate. I collect other things too. Sorry yamato, will wait for a sale or the next version of the 19.

  6. Just started the Crysis 2 demo today, I was kinda worried that my rig wouldn't handle it, but it does wonderfully. The nanosuit abilities have been streamlined as well, with armor including strength and speed, and stealth by it self. It lets you quick change the abilities with the Q and E keys, making multiplayer a little faster. Can't wait for release.

    Haven't tried crisis2 yet. What kind of vid card do you have?

    Also bf3 is looking pretty sweet.

  7. Something of note is that the picture on amiami of the battroid mode isn't the exact same as the one in the magazine - the backpack area looks to fold up to produce a tornado-pack style turret; this is the area that was ????'d out in the magazine. I wonder if that's the extent of the new stuff? Even if it is, that's not too bad - it gives the backpack area more to do and might provide something for the people who feel that the gerwalk mode looks "too much like a plane with legs" :p

    oh i see now why those 'nacells' don't come down with the legs, because they're cannons. <_<

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