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Everything posted by Negotiator

  1. Thats risky with early shoulders especially so close to a tiger.
  2. What's everyone think of tf prime so far? I think they're up to ep 8 now. I didn't like the first 3 eps, but have grown to like it. Reminds me of Bw. Kids are less annoying as the eps continue.
  3. watched .hack//quantum ova 1. I really liked it. //roots was so frustrating, didn't bother watching the last disc or continue the games. Just didn't care about those characters anymore. If anyone else had a slight interest in .hack, quantum is worth checking out imo.
  4. Haven't tried crisis2 yet. What kind of vid card do you have? Also bf3 is looking pretty sweet.
  5. Shoulders open up, but SK didn't pull the ankles down. The canopy and seats are different. Just a lil concerned about the pilot...
  6. oh i see now why those 'nacells' don't come down with the legs, because they're cannons.
  7. currently converts to $150.04 U.S. + if it's 40,00 yen for shipping. Comes to $198.84 ....sigh this is getting so expensive
  8. i think they change every week. should change on friday.
  9. the dx-27 is a great design, it's only real flaws are paint apps coming off due to shiny plastic (which is preventable) and kinda loose joints. my doesn't flop around like the early edition 1/60 yf-19, but not tight like a 1/60 vf-1 v.2
  10. Watched the shanghai clips. I like her new cut. I think it frames her face better. The back could have been left long to get the same effect, but eh...
  11. Awesome thank you! I accidentally made a duplicate but that one can stay in ship mode while the other is in bot mode. I saw the thing for the vf-25. Wonder what it takes to get that. Hopefully will be back from work in time for the show.
  12. I watched 6 eps now but not sure how to actually get the sdf1 to show up in my apt.
  13. I've ordered from Hs, hlj, od, ae, and amiami, and have not had any issues, except maybe from ae but that got fixed quickly. Heck even ebaying something from Japan has been great. Can't say the same from ordering anything from from hk Anyways. Ppl with vf-27's have your ankle locks gotten pretty weak when in battroid. I really don't like their use of diecast on diecast friction joints like the shoulders and foot/ankle joint. It's just getting loose.
  14. I just tried the pc demo. Graphics look way better. The controls are easy enough to get used to. Tho I think playing with a pad makes you feel like you're more in there like a hack n slash. I can understand people not wanting that because that's how the first game was. Tough decision. I do like inputting commands for a little bit of a power up sometimes >,>
  15. I liked the ps3 demo, but was still planning to get it for pc. So is pc version stuck on auto attack?
  16. Nice wide stance. The chest and neck look to be improved Over the vf-27. Dunno what I'm exactly looking at as far as back goes. Agreed that the price is too high but maybe they decided that Because its not a mold they could really milk? I dunno, I shifted From "immediate buy" to "wait and see".
  17. So the nacels on the back plate don't go down with the Legs. Oh well at least we have a proper gerwalk mode. Overall I like it and will be getting it.
  18. I think have to watch 6 episode. They are currently on M7.
  19. Thanks. Ok made acct. Found way to theater and It started playing the MF 2 trailer. It went straight to playing M II. So if I understand this correctly, I just let it play the 6 random Episodes and I will have an SD-1 when it's done?
  20. will the macross stuff come to US home?
  21. It's just clear coat and works very well to protect paint apps
  22. She actually wore it in the beginning of her story arc. Hard to notice the first time viewing.
  23. I actually just go there to see what should be in stores and then hunt for them at the usual stores. You can try kohls too. I got jazz and tracks there but my local kohls has since been baren.
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