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Pat S

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Everything posted by Pat S

  1. I saw nugundam.com had one of the expensive ones for sale. I bought a Studio Half-Eye VF-5000b from there the other month, and had a good experience.
  2. Don't you think Macross has even less mecha design variation than Gundam? Is the VF-0 any different than the VF-1 really? The SV-51 is a bit different, but in the different arena, I think the YF-21 and YF-19 already did that. I mean, there are only 3 or 4 basic mecha designs in this whole new OAV. I haven't really enjoyed any Gundam outside of the UC storyline, but I have to say that at least Gundam shows spice things up with a new badguy design every few episodes Even if it looks similar to something else, it's not usually just a paint stripe or head change like with the VF-1's.
  3. 3 loose mini Alpha's sell for $102, and 3 carded ones sell for $51. Same seller, same day. http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWA:IT http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWA:IT
  4. Man, I'm getting these confused. These are better quality than the ones we have right? We're still missing the Love Live Alive soundtrack. Major Jonathan has LLA, so we need this to complete (or mostly complete) the collection.
  5. Legioss, what bitrate are the Pit Inn songs?
  6. fearyaks: Got my set from Voyager, thanks for the tip. Love these things. I didn't know that the magnets would stick to the coins. All of mine are surfing now.
  7. Look at what I bought... http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...me=STRK:MEWN:IT I'll try to figure out how to copy it to the PC. Anyone else have a setup that can do this?
  8. Dudes, sorry about that, I didn't know they had that policy now.
  9. Man, he's got huge arms. Check out the other pic on the site.
  10. If you can handle the alternative lifestyle stuff going on, this flick was pretty good. http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0213682/
  11. I wouldn't read too much into these new pics. They're obviously older and from prototype pics. We have seen a red alpha though earlier in this thread, and it looks the same as this new picture. Hopefully they work on both the red and the green, as they look pretty far off from the show.
  12. Awesome movie with a serious tone... http://www.animefringe.com/magazine/2004/04/feature/03.php Edit: Nevermind, I didn't know that this was also called Twighlight Samurai which you mentioned above.
  13. I think that a lot of people haven't seen the two I linked to above, and definitely the Dune Electric Heaven one is a really beautiful song, and goes well with Macross Plus. I had never heard it before this video. It's 5 minutes long, and a lot of fun. So, if you like other Macross or Anime Music vids, give at least that one a shot.
  14. Yes, that's what I remember, the cels will ony come with Robotech.com orders, and only the first few thousand.
  15. That is scheduled to be the 4th alpha fighter. Blue (Scott) Red (Rook) Green (Rand) Shadow Fighter - Black (Sue Graham) Sue didn't have one in the show, but they are tying her to it in order to produce one with a character tie in. Would love to see a shadow beta and cyclone too.
  16. Here are some Macross related music videos I enjoyed. You have to log into http://www.animemusicvideos.org to download though. 1st is Macross Plus with the song Electric Heaven by Dune, very fun dance song and a well done video... http://animemusicvideos.org/members/member...nfo.php?v=18888 2nd is Macross Zero and Yukikaze with the song Odonata by Orbital. Excellent eerie electronic song all edited with action sequences. The source material is not 100% here, but the vid is still worth watching if you like those shows and Orbital. http://animemusicvideos.org/members/member...nfo.php?v=19342 I'd like to reccomend another vid, but I can't find it for download, it's Macross Plus with the song The Distance by Cake. Very funny video, they edited it so that the action goes with the words, it's very well done.
  17. WOW! http://monkeyfarm.cocolog-nifty.com/nandem...4331/index.html
  18. I can't even begin to defend the movies. At the end of Reloaded I thought the big revelation that Neo had that made him go into a coma after miraculously stopping the squids was that they were inside another matrix in the "real world", and that his coma was him finally getting out into the actual "real world". This would have helped explain the humans as batteries thing. That never happened, and I laughed in disbelief at how horrible the 3rd movie was. I will say that it seemed to me that going above the clouds knocked out all electrical systems in the hover ship. It seems like a bad place to be if you were a machine, some sort of EMP effect. Also it would be hard to get anything above there without having several lightning strikes too. But, since one of the Wachowski "siblings" was having a sex change crisis during the last 2 movies, that sort of explains things for me, oh well...
  19. If the machines and their weapons relied heavily on the sun, and a majority could be wiped out by blocking it out, then it makes sense to do so. Humans could survive by growing plants with lightbulbs. It might mean that the majority of the human race would be wiped out, but some would survive rather than if the machines won, no one would survive. The only reason that the humans did survive, was because the machines kept them around.
  20. Thanks! Edit, hey, that picture is really low resolution...
  21. Can you PM me the website?
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