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Posts posted by ComicKaze

  1. ^^I know I'm splitting hairs here, but I'd personally prefer something a little more grounded in reality.

    Definitely dug the way he got a fingerprint off the shattered bullet.

    But I'd like to see Batman doing some more good ol' fashioned detective work and out-smarting/out-thinking his opponents.

    Yeah, it was nice to see some "detective" work from Batman but this was a little too CSI (as in totally fake with a fancy lab that doesn't really do anything) for me. I don't see how that's possible. The heat and impact from a bullet would totally destroy any oil patterns left from fingers.

  2. This is the ugliest damn thing I have ever seen in my life.

    Knight Rider used to be a show with a sleek and amazing car. Now this looks like it was made by the worst episode of Pimp my Ride ever. I don't have the words to describe this monstrosity. It's not rice...it's when terrible American designers in horrible chophouses in L.A. try to imitate rice and make it even worse. The regular design is bad enough, but this? What does it do? Blow up speedbumps before it hits them?


    This should have been KITT


    And the classic...


  3. VarJa surviving Reaction warheads.....Time to go old school...Get the Nukes out. Nice and Dirty..and if that fails....Lobster Raid.. :lol:

    Reaction weapons ARE nukes.

    Nuclear REACTION you see. That's the technology the PC never taught the Zentradi and it's why the SDF-1 was able to destroy Boldolza's ship. Reaction was badly translated to "Reflex" weaponary in Robotech which made much less sense.

  4. Indeed... What amazes me the most is that his design style kinda "jumped" from SBS Yamato/Harlock stylish ships to very realistic SW/2001/Galactica types in a matter of a couple years... I wonder if Kawamori exposed him to some western Sci-Fi designers/artists of the time (Ralph McQuarrie, Syd Mead, Chriss Foss, Peter Elson, Juan Gimenez, etc.)?

    And it was the early eighties...!!!!

    Man... :ph34r:

    AFAIK Macross took a lot of time to develop. It was supposedly going to be released in 1979 to capitalize in Gundam's success, but Nue got into lots of trouble trying to finish the project (which they did in 1982)... I bet they made lots and lots of revisions to the designs... I found this in the mecha thread...

    Yep. That's classic. So super-robotty.


    Anybody remember the original Gundam RX-78's sketches?


  5. ya, i also get the impression that it is the Macross Global that they're referring to as Grace's homeland.

    i noticed that the sponsors' background image (just after the OP) is usually a screen shot from that particular episode. however, this time they have a really cool animation of some flying VF-25s... was expecting to see this scene in this episode but surprised we didn't get to see it. wonder if its gonna be inserted as part of a future episode...


    Anyway, the above pic from right to left: Luca's RVF-25, Michel's VF-25G, Ozma's VF-25S, Alto's VF-25F, and.... Sheryl's VF-25 ??!?!? :p:ph34r:


    what about the three extra ones in this pic?

    Sheryl, Ranka and..... Ranshe? :ph34r:

    what do they combine to form?

  6. I've given my first negative vote of the series.

    Terrible 2D animation, the story was terribly anti-climatic and the pacing was awful with no suspense or plausibility at all. Talk about too easy. Vajra's went from overwhelmingly invincible, even as a lone unit at the beginning of the series that was endangering the Frontier Fleet by itself...to the point where Alto can just fly in unmolested to the capital ship through thousands and thousands and Vajra, kill the queen, and fly out while the humans just go and nuke everything. (Brera as well). Remember Ozma unloading his fast pack missiles as the single Vajra in the beginning of the series and it didn't even leave a scratch? Now Alto can take out dozens, even hundreds at a time with the same system.

    Sigh...COME ON. This is Macross. He's a highschooler who has only flown the VF-25 for a few months against a much superior and myteriously super-powerful alien foe... He's not Newtype Superman flying a bloody Gundam Zeta taking Zaku's out for cannon-fodder lunch. Don't fall to Gundam syndrome Macross!!! This series is going down the tubes fast. I hate shows that do this.

    I think the beauty of Macross was the story of how the humans managed to survive even though they found themselves so frail, weak, alone, and frightened in the universe that was opened up to them. What was wrong with that story? Now with Super-Saiyan Son Goku Ranma Saotome at the flightstick of Gundam Wing Zero on nuclear buster beam steroids...how can we suspend our disbelief in this story anymore? Who fears the Vajra anymore? As long as Frontier has a few nukes and Alto flying and going "UUUEEWWHHH!!!!" a lot, they'll be perfecctly fine (a few loyal citizens will get explosively decompressed every now and then). They just need to cover his back. Lob a few nukes out there...and the Macross Quarter will use it's Macross Canon like the cliche finishing move of every Sentai Show ever made to finish off the bad guy of the week.

    The Vajra started out being nigh-invincible, a fearsome creature and an awe-inspiring foe that succeeded in making the audience feel the desperation and weakness of humanity again... and now they've instantly become so depowered and neutered that we are going to miserably be spending the rest of the series focused on government plots and conspiracies instead of watching good space opera. Even if we put aside Alto, there's still Brera and Grace, etc. and her faction who all seem to be even more powerful than the Vajra combined so the Vajra have just instantly become a flaccid enemy. What a let-down. I can't believe that at ep14, we're already seeing the enemy going down like flies syndrome of science fiction animes...Yes it's okay for the hero to bust into the main chamber of the big bad alien and blow his face away personally (case # 09282b, Ichijoe v. Boldolza 2010) ...but heck, it should come at the climax of the show.

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