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RD Blade

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Posts posted by RD Blade

  1. Sideswipe's stability depends greatly on your knowing the pose you're trying to pull off beforehand. Then each foot is balanced either wheel/toe or wheel/heel...whichever works best for the pose. Using that method, (and employing plenty of patience) lots of poses become possible.

  2. Pretty good episode, but I agree it could have been better with an extra episode or two.

    There were a lot of loose ends that never got resolved.

    Never got resolution on Blackarachnia, the Constructicons or the Dinobots.

    Or Optimus & Sentinel - Does Sentinel learn to stop being a knucklehead?

    Does Ultra Magnus ever come out of his coma?

    What becomes of the countless Starscream clones?

    Did every new character brought to life by an Allspark fragment drop dead like Starscream did?

  3. Nostalgia Goggles isn't ment as an insult, but mearly refers to the styles that we grew up with and became used to.
    It may seem like nitpicking, but a short quippy phrase used to describe a rather complex line of thought actually does come off as an insult to some folks. It doesn't strike me as such, but I admittedly did raise an eyebrow.
  4. Ah, I see what you mean now. It would be unfortunate that Bay would toy with the fans considering how unhappy he's already made so many of them.

    Better-looking TFs and less camp would likely have made the first movie much more enjoyable all around. It wouldn't surprise me it ROTF also lacks this formula.

  5. i think the "new Nathan" IS Sylar w/ Nathan's memories (how Parkman got them from Nathan's dead body, i don't know) and Sylar's own memories suppressed, and somehow part of it is Sylar semi-permanently shapeshifting into Nathan. the guy they burned, i think, is the original shapeshifter that got stuck as Sylar when he got killed, not sure how long ago that was, but the body looks fresh (no decomp?)...
    Parkman wiped Sylar's memories & programmed in Nathan's identity. Since Sylar has the ability to absorb memories from objects he touches, he will be unconsciously obsorbing Nathan's memories from objects that Angela will most likely provide.
  6. Well yeah, but how could an organization like Cobra even exist in secrecy anyway? Where could they hide that they could have a factory to produce all their specialized vehicles and equipment? :lol:
    In Resolute they actually mention something about not knowing where Cobra's tech comes from...something I've always wondered.
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