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RD Blade

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Posts posted by RD Blade

  1. How do you order replacement sholders for the origional Garland? Are they still available?

    Thanks. :)

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  2. Well, I'm not sure that's an arc but season 1 is only like 12 episodes, right?
    16... Doesn't seem like that many, but alot happens in there. Jetfire, Dinobots, Insecticons and Devastator are all introduced. Chip Chase (wheelchair genius kid) assumes control of Prowl in what may have been the first step towards the whole Headmasters idea.

    I may be jumping pretty far ahead, but I'd like to hear you guys' take on Beast Wars.

    But since you still have at least 80 episodes of G1 staring you in the face, I'm gonna go with episodes 56-57 "The Key to Vector Sigma". It's the 2-parter that introduces the Aerialbots and Stunticons. Another favorite of mine is episode 21 "Traitor" starring Mirage, one of the shadiest / coolest Autobots.

    By the way, I'm using an episode guide for the episode numbers. Wouldn't want anybody to think I have every ep chronologically committed to memory. My wife thinks I'm too into this stuff as is. :unsure:

    Thanks guys. Keep up the good work.

  3. With the exception of the Beast Wars tie-in late in season 1 (or was it early season 2?), Marvel comics was the only TF media to have actual continuity with G1. Since then, Animated, although another reboot, has been the only series to make a blip on my radar.

    As for the next TF show:


    • A show based on the Classics line.
    • A continuation of Animated.
    • A modern G1 remake.
    • A GI Joe Resolute-style TF show. :ph34r:

    Don't Want

    • Another Japan-written TF show. (They can animate it, but please don't write it.)
    • A movie tie-in show. (Animated Megatron was already too movie-esque for me.)
    • CG used for the TFs.
  4. I'm pretty sure Yamato offers replacement parts for the VF-0 as well. One way to find out. Part Request Order Form

    So I sent a request for a VF-1S Roy Shoulder Hinge...& was wondering if anyone's had success with it? How would I go about replacing the part if it is available {I hope it is}
    I've had success with it. The whole process took over a month. Overdrive's communication was good, but don't expect a confirmation email. I had to contact them first, a week or two after placing my order. And we went back and forth for a few days (sending photos, etc.) due to some confusion with the part's color. In the end, both Yamato and Overdrive did good by me.

    Post your results. I'm interested to see the outcome re: VF-zero parts.

  5. Just listened yesterday on my commute. Pretty cool. You guys are a bit younger than me and maybe aren't as familiar with the TF universe. I found myself wanting to interject whenever you weren't sure of a particular name and what have you, being tenaciously helpful as I am. ^_^ As a review by fans of robots/anime in general, I thought it was outstanding. Thoroughly entertaining and informative.

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