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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. I have to thanks

    Min (newcomer) for speedy and reliable sell,

    Hagan ditto. fast response and great deals.

    Sithlord & anasazi37. Do I have to say more?? top notch sellers

    Mechawarrior nice deal and smooth transaction

    BTW this is the very first time I deal with these sellers and I am not dissapointed at all.

    --- ---- ----

    Also have to thank to the buyers for trusting me with their money with the Queadlunn and that have never caused any distress on my deals..

    they are already on the straight shooter list and are a bit too many to list...

  2. here's how it's coming out (the 1/60 monster) from a source i've heard

    -Limited Articulation

    -kinda steep price

    that reminds me of an old tread ..." Do you know something we don't know?..." :p

    Having a transforming 1/60 monster form Yamato...?

    .....is not going to happen...

  3. Like Keith said beggers can be chosers but everyone seem to be missing a point here...Beauty is to the eye of the beholder...so any one here is neither wrong or right...

    I loved the Animatrix and I can understand everyones personal point of view on animation taste but once you have become an animator regardless of taste you can understand the richness of the movements and stylized details put on all of them.

    Most of you are 3D gurus; but very few of you are free hand artists and can fully appreciate even low key animation like "world record" which is masterfully executed and made it's point right to the end.....

    "World record" segment it reminded me of the old soda animation commercials on the 80's and 90's and as uminoken pointed out, is the only one that fully gives you a sense of hope and that human spirit prevails above all obstacles...

  4. Original DYRL Millia cell; one of a kind opportunity.


    Man... I'm not a cel collector but that one is super nice find... No link???

    A millia cel like this normally has a price tag of some 80,000 Yen

    you are right Noel...this one is 60,000 yen, just under $ 600

    here goes the link for the lazy ones that didn't want to dig the yahoo auctions..enjoy

    Miriya cell

    but it doesn't end here...;

    there's also another one of a kind; a Minmay from 2012...just about the same price..

    Minmay cell

    and even another the very hard to find VF-1 valkyrie the maross Journal sky angels book. Just 25000 yen

    VF-1 Valkyrie

    Some stuff that even through the pass of time doesn't cost less but instead goes up in value...original club -m Queadluun-Rau 1/72 you'll see that having the recast is not such a bad choice...25800 yen

    1/72 Queadlunn Rau

    I think these are the original coloring sheet guide manuals they used on DYRL characters not so shaby and not so expensive..

    DYRL Color guide

    I think WM Cheng should start selling his stuff in japan...I believe this is just a hasegawa..with a $400+ price tag and raising...

    hasegawa YF-19 built


  5. I dislike the design and design concept of pretty much all mobile suits, except those of Gundam Sentinel.

    My favorite is the S-Gundam, closely followed by the Z-Plus C1.


    Now you are talking..... a gundam that falls off the usual look and becomes an exception to the rule...

    *Good guys

    -the Ex-S on any configuration (deep, booster, etc)

    -zeta plus C1





    -Gerbera tetra




    with full weaponry

    *Bad guys


    -Jag doga


    -Dom trooper

    -XM-01 Den'an Zon

    -YMS-16M Xamel

    -AMX-002 (AMA-X2) Neue Ziel

  6. Has anyone considered that the purple helmet might be Max's?

    Nope. It is a tie-in for the new game. You get promoted out of Skull and into this squadron with a Longhorn logo. Their squadron "color" is purple.

    Think about it for a bit; it could be worst...Minmay-Pink Helmet ! !?? :blink:

  7. I believe there're some scratch builders around here. for my part I am sort of a customizer, kitbasher.

    The Hasegawa YF-19 has been customized to be transformable you'll need at least 2 kits to do this...and a lot, lots of modifications...

    this is from the Model graphix June 2002 magazine

    hasegawa VF-19

    VF-19 trasnformation

    Overall, all of the Hasegawa Macross models are the best and more accurate to this day; but as with any injection kit it takes some work to make it look great.

  8. Yes, it is possible and may be your best shot to get as accurate as possible. You can use the fighter all together for the gerwalk; but if you dislike the skinny looking of the legs then use the Hasegawa battroid's legs.

    Keep in mind that It's going to take a bit of work though

    In the Hobby japan magazine of October 2002 you can see one done using both models

    there's a link to the magazines here

    Hobby Link Japan

    EDIT: You are correct the fighter doesn't have the hands but you can always use some optional hands from a gundam model or the like.

  9. there are very few in english since most of the cool ones are in japanese and i can't read it. But may be you have seen some of this web sites that have them..:

    heavy armor FFS

    also look in the model gallery guest section..

    --- ----

    this is actually the company that selles them but by browsing the models you can get to see some detail of the built up kits

    mechadream FSS

    --- ----

    this is a site dedicate mainly to the twin towers jagd Mirage L

    don't miss the work shop section to see the step by step of the assembly and painting of this complex but beautiful behemoth

    jagd Mirage "demon"

  10. TtLW- I couldn't agree more...It is a "nice" mistake actually and that by seeing so many customized models in the past 2 years, eventually it won't even matter.

    I have the toynami posseable version and the painting scheme is pretty neat. (BTW for the flamers :p I only have 2 in possesion,cheaply purchased, and no more)

  11. :D

    Hello .

    Just to confirm , that's my  monster kit at AMA . And it is the Arri  1/160 plastic model ...

    It took me three months to complete , and lots of wave detail parts .

    I Would like to see more completed monsters in the forum .

    YES!!! I knew it..

    GOD have spoken !!!(al fin, hay un dios para todo y ha dado la ultima palabra)

    Hello fernando Is a pleasure to have you here...

    tutto bene? Come tutto esta andando ultimamente?

    Thank you for stopping by. By the way; your models are quite amazing...

    I hope you visit us more often....

    edit: ( I am peeing in my pants!!!! still can't believe it, he's stopped by) :blink:


  12. Ok some new lines on the SE suck some added CG like JabbaTH in ep IV also suck..but IMO no one should complain about the new and realistic view of bespin on the SE TESB by far a very needed and well done improvement to that part of the movie. The change of lighting and perspective set up compared to the original is amazing.

  13. All genres and stype of sounds..:

    from classical to metal,

    from pop to tribal pre-historical music,

    from children's to flolkore,

    from jazz to techno,

    ...and in any language.

    I usually can toletate a certain amount of any type of music for so long after that is time to change.

    Mostly I would hear soft rock like U2, Jewel, Sting or Journey, or more modern /new ambient/ altenative/hop style like Deep Forest

  14. The only one I've seen lately is the resin Yellow Sub version done by Fernando Faria.  Great stuff, but not exactly what I'm looking for.

    I belive His monters; if it is the same shown at AMA, was the Imai 1/160 plastic version heavily customized (IMO best one done to this day). The next one on the line was the resin Yellow Submarine at 1/144 and didn't come up until after he's finished his. Also the resin one has a different built (which I also have to start building some time soon )than the plastic one.

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