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Posts posted by 007-vf1

  1. How does it looks like? well my explanation is like this...:

    It looks like a little box hanging from the space craft "under-belly "from where an extension arm lowers the valk into space; then a crane holds it in it's claws!! and catapults it towards the objective...

    It appeared on the VFX 1 game

    Where is the darned pic??..

    Oh here they are...

    -circle 1; shows the lunching catapult

    -circle 2; shows the underbelly and where the launch arms lowers.

    -lower pic; actual launch arms in detail with figthers


  2. I know how that feels!!!

    I got 2 fighters vf-1S strike and a VF-1A ready for final MM clear coat I had tamiya base coat and when I sprayed it, BANG!! the base coat smears off like the Witch of OZ.

    I left it to dry for 2 days and I thought it was dry. As you can see you can't trust paints and weather. That's why now I use airbrush instead of the cans to coat the models...

  3. Looks nice Valk. I have some of the tect as well in case you want to add extras for recasting, the VF-11 rockets and gun pod and the gerwalk convertion, as well as the 1/72 club-M VF-11 and the retpuu battroid with all the extras. The Ebo 1/72 ghost ; the 1/72 Star wars Outrider.

    I always thought making recast of the YF-19 gunpods and missiles was a good idea.

  4. I will definately be getting Millia's Q-Rau. I just hope it's good and stable balanced.

    2004 is going to be horribly expensive.

    Already on the list:

    Minmei Statue

    MPC Prime

    Millia's Q-Rau

    1/60 GBP Armor

    YF-19 x 2 (when they come out)

    DD's SV-51 (when it eventually comes out)

    1/48 VF-1 CF (if it comes out)

    And that's just for now.

    You are forgeting the possibility of a 1/60 mac monster...

  5. The movie was good and as close as possible could have been adparted, was true to the book. That is something you don't see a lot of. I am just glad he didn't screwed up that much when trying to steer around the book to make sense of the short time they had to make the flick work.

    I also look forward to the cut sceneson the ED with the shire and Saruman, the healing baths on Minas T, and probably see Sam using the ring before rescuing Frodo.

  6. Merry Christ day wishes to everybody.

    I agree about this holidays season being a cash-cow-masoquistic-have-to-have-it time. But man, this means I get a paid vacation week. hurray for santa...or whatever that fat guy's name is...

  7. These are some of the stuff I been working on in the last month and a half or so.

    After 2 years of building these suckers I have realized that they not only takes less time but they are becoming easy to deal with and a lot easier to notice the mistakes.

    When you think you have finally finished then you find there's something else to detail on...

    I am just glad I have adquired some experience on it.

    Hope you like them:

    -1/144 bandai VF-11C. I used hasegawa and old wave decals on it

    -1/144 kaiyado Queadluun Quiltra

    - Some out on the goonies Thailand Yoda resin model. This is my first attempt on a scupted figure ever...

    - Lastly, my favorit pirate Captain Harlock ship the arcadia this one took me the longest

    PS: MODS I placed all kits pics in this one batch because they were mainly macross kits and easier to do. If they have violated the supreme and universal macross model gallery ammending laws please fell free to move them to the other forum, thanks.


  8. Is funny how expensive this little model can be. I remember it sold at $25 some times and at $60 in others on e-bay. They made them in 1/72 and a 1/48 scales. I am not sure of 1/144.

    They used the legs of the bronco and attached it to the orguss torso ( that's the way it goes If I remember correctly).

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