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Everything posted by OptionZero

  1. Were the mining corps "already" in the cluster, or trying to elbow in? Did the subs make it clear? And kawamori is not above not resolving stuff, like the Sheryl, alto and rink a triangle in Mac F tv series
  2. I'm extremely annoyed that they dropped the whole angle of "Lady M talked to some mining corporations nearby and got them to pay us to re-take the cluster" That's got pretty significant ramifications: our heroes get $$$ for bullets and fuel, but they're beholden to new bosses. What happens when/if they succeed? Do the mining corps own Ragna/other planets? All of that happened OFF SCREEN and was just a remark they bombed in at the end I would have loved to have the Lady M introduction/backstory here, while showing her negotiating with the mining corps They better not frickin leave her identity an unresolved mystery
  3. damn that VF-31A looks better than all the other one maybe its the lack of colors, i like the plain look, more realistic and . . . random, but dumping fold boosters seems so wasteful. Its a freakin fold booster! I know they need to fight in atmosphere but . . . surely there's a poor sap out there that collects them, lol
  4. This was mentioned in the SPEAKERPODcast: How long does it take for fold generators to re-charge? If this is a significant amount of time, the Elysium could be stuck on Al-Shahal, possibly have to fight the leftover Al-Shahad mind-controlled forces, then return to Ragna By then, Ragna's leftover NUN forces could be mind-controlled, OR . . . NUNS could blow up the ruins, causing irreparable damage to the planet by the time KAOS makes it back
  5. Acapella portion by Walkure was hauntingly beautiful. Hit me in the feels real hard. This was a reflective episode but man i can't wait for next week. We gonna get some space battles
  6. Am I missing something? AmiAmi is listing it as 37,584 JPY, with 20% off bringing it to 29,700. IF that post above has the MSRP as 34800 why is AmiAmi (usually the pricing leader or thereabouts) jacking up the price? EDIT: Ok, i see the issue. The specific product paging is listing the price as 34800 yen If you search for "Macross" and look at the list of items, the listing for the VF-0A is actually 29,700 JPY When I add it to my car, it shows up at 34800 yen. Must be a computer error. I'm gonna hold off till that fix that
  7. Resin mold would be pretty costly and time consuming wouldn't it?
  8. I got my YF-19 from Anime Export and have lost one of the intake covers. Is there any way in hell i can get a replacement? Would it be possible to get a Shapeways dude to recreate it?
  9. NY has the VF-25G parts as an August release, but everywhere else lists it at July. Is this a mistake, or do they know something? Curious because I ordered it with SHF Gridon, a July release
  10. Theres no rush on Tamashii web stuff, my understanding is that it's made to order and there is a several month-long window.
  11. Yup, it's a recurring problem. Bandai's designers need to play with their toys more, then they'll realize they should shoot themselves.
  12. WHEW! The Satellite mounted forearm attachment was a total bitch - i scratched it up trying to stick something into the gap to leverage the tabs, but its not too noticeable. I gambled and pulled harder and it finally came out. Truly terrifying, i was sure i snapped one of those clip on points, but turns out its ok. The other side that looks like a cannon popped out much more easily. Thanks.
  13. Just got my Elintseeker, slapped the armor on, but now I need to undo everything and pack it up to move. The forearm armor seems stuck on - does anyone have any tips to get it off? I don't want to break anything with excessive force
  14. OptionZero

    DX VF-25G

    Does anyone still need a VF-25G? I have an extra one (yesasia and NY both came through, unexpectedly) $240 shipped to US48
  15. I don't have any VF-17 molds yet but I preordered these fast packs anyways. Eventually I will get one and Yamato's been lame about re-releasing add-ons. WHERE ARE MY 1/60 VF-1 FAST PACKS?
  16. I had pre-orders (about a week after announcement) with YesAsia and 1shop2go . . . no word from either. YesAsia lists it as "waiting for stock" and 1shop2go's website is down (yuck). I will credit Yesasia - I called their North American help number just now (10:40 pm) and someone picked up the phone, spoke pretty good English, and checked my order for me! He couldn't tell if their supplier would give them enough units to cover my order, unfortunately, but thats pretty good customer service to have someone on hand at this hour overseas. I hope they get their units from Bandai Japan . . looks like Bandai Asia/HK has screwed alot of stores.
  17. Do you think Yamato will release Super/Strike parts as a bundle with VF-1S/J/A or separately? I am contemplating getting in on the VF-1S with option parts but don't want to have to re-buy it just to get armor . . .
  18. OptionZero

    DX VF-25G

    I paid up front with Paypal, but I know it's a concern for some people. I had the cash to spare for it thankfully. I also have a pre-order with Nippon Yasai, so technically this is my backup. If both are successful I'll unload it here on Macross World for the average of the two prices I paid ($242 @ N-Y and $227 @ YA)
  19. OptionZero

    DX VF-25G

    I just pre-ordered at YesAsia. $227 with free standard shipping, not bad. Dunno when it went up.
  20. OptionZero

    WTF iShop2go!!

    You're right, its back. A few minutes ago it wouldn't load for me. My order is still active, and no email about a refund or cancellation. Maybe I'm gonna be a lucky one . . .
  21. OptionZero

    WTF iShop2go!!

    Their website no longer works . ..
  22. can someone post a picture of the mold flash a few have mentioned in side the hip armor? I'm not seeing an obvious chunk of plastic in the way
  23. I had two bets I could have made: 1) Bandai is clever enough to re-issue the VF-25S sometime this year 2) Bandai is too stupid to re-issue the VF-25S sometime this year. I bet that Bandai is stupid.
  24. Ugh. Bit the bullet on this. And pre-ordered armor parts with nanoplasm. Kill me now.
  25. Placed an order at 1shop2go this weekend and just now a yesasia. Not optimistic either will actually come through.
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