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Posts posted by Shawn

  1. I just went through all the pages and documented what I'm missing

    2 sketchbooks(will be difficult to find for <$100)
    1 binder(stupid hair variant)
    1 notebook(surprised I don't have it)
    1 memo book(the rarest I think, never saw it before)
    1 SD Macross Notebook( I only saw 1 time on Mercari years ago. It looked similar to the SD Macross Shita)
    1 coloring book with weird VF-1J

    They really really really milked this franchise on goods 😛



  2. Mentioned it before, we just have time on our side, and finding the cheap stuff like notebooks is sometimes harder than the expensive stuff

    If one sees a macross notepad in a drawer that you don't want, are you going to spend any effort in trying to sell it to make perhaps $5
    Nah-you just close the drawer.

    You have a takatoku though, now you have $200

    All the paper stuff like flyers and stuff get infinitely harder to find as time passes as its just not worth the effort to recover a couple hundred yen, if that.

  3. found the stationary/binder/paper bin...pretty sure all these have been posted, but now I can have my stuff in one post so I know what to search for next 😛

    first are the notepads, then the soft folders/paperback cover, then the hard folders, then coloring books

    front/back or back/front, sometimes I don't even know






    some late minute grabs








  4. Hi @SteveTheFish, and welcome to the forums.

    I have had ZERO luck contacting them via their contact page, I'm sure I'm being screened as spam or just being in the wrong language.

    I have every issue of HJ Vintage! Its my favorite current magazine, as my brain never left the 80's/90s'
    If you have ANY possible contact to get through please please engage with them.

    I know there are model crazies like me in Japan who love seeing 40 year old shipping cases from Imai. Just need to break through the contact barrier.

    If they would like to do a interest article on it Anthony and Vic will surely love to do what is possible to make it happen.
    Let us know if you are able to get through the hurdle!


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