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I dont understand scale


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:huh: Can some one shed some light on__ scale? A bandai Valkyrie is 1/55 scale.I read some where that a battroid configured veritech is about 42 feet high


If this is so then,42 feet divided by 55 parts is .76 feet (9 inches.) correct?

But! My main goal was to find out,in scale terms, (about) how much my robotech vf-1s battlecry superposeable toynami figure was?,since there is not much information out there on this toy, I've combed the net to no avail,it just isn't readily available.I'm not to great in math,I needed the answer and I decided to postulate this whole process out in my head ,only muddying it up in my mind! My Toynami toy was about 7 inches tall and my bandai was about 9 inches tall(7/9)or(.78{rounded})(seven- ninths of the allready 1/55 scale)

I have only, thus far, determined that in decimal notation for the (BANDAI 1/55) was .018 scale.

So since the superposeable is 7 inches tall,it is .78 of the bandai heigth,which ultamately equals .014 (which is .78 of .018)or(.014 scale of the 42 foot,full sized mecha)

that given, 1 divided by .014 would make it about 1/70 to 1/72 scale.

Is this correct?

I collect allot of Macross stuff and I couldn't find anything regarding the scale of this infamous figure anywhere,thats why I kind of give a hoot.I thirst and quest for knowledge untill.....................Blah!



Edited by geecie30
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just use simple algebra, its easier.

you already said "42 feet divided by 55 parts is .76 feet (9 inches.)"

so just do the opposite to figue out the superposable (or anything else) scale.

42 feet divided by ___ parts is .58 feet (7 inches.) so...

42/x = .58

42 = .58x

x = 42/.58

x = 72.4

so ya, it's about 1/72.

with simple algrebra you never need to reference anything but the "original" size and the scaled size.

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Thanx teachers, grasshopper has now transcended to a more enlightened plane of consciousness .I shant forget.Thank you for your baco bits of insight into the salad of life.That is cool.Now I can cross reference the scale measurements to make sure that all my plastic companion creations for my valkyries are accurate or cross against the manufacturers specifications,to see how accurate they are. :D

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That makes bookoo sense I did it in a round about way,at first.

Going off your example,

I should take the heighth of "Real Valkyrie"42 feet -if there was such a thing ;)

Then I should take and divide that by the height of the toy (seven inches) which is expressed as (.58333 of a foot)

That gives me 72 and some odd-superfluous,change!

resulting in the nomenclature of scale............ 1/72

Gracias Compas

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