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Everything posted by Renato

  1. In case anyone is wondering, there were a total of 391 shots in this edit of the first episode, but in the storyboard there are actually 450 -- which means that we are missing a bit more stuff that comes at the end. That was not the actual end of the episode! The big reveal will be in a few months time. April.
  2. I don't really understand why people are saying the animation is worse than Frontier... Comparing the animation in the first episode of Frontier with this and I clearly see a vast, vast improvement here. Especially character animation in Frontier, if you look at the frames themselves, the line thicknesses hardly vary at all, whereas in Delta they do, which makes a world of difference. Many of the character shots in Frontier were drawn rather roughly, in my opinion, whereas they seem to take more care to draw them in Delta. The way that Frejya moves is also notably well done.
  3. Walkure first single, "Ikenai Borderline", is out as an MP3 download. Y250 on Amazon; it's on iTunes as well. Already #1 in both the Albums and the Soundtracks categories. It's a great song! http://www.amazon.co.jp/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?__mk_ja_JP=%E3%82%AB%E3%82%BF%E3%82%AB%E3%83%8A&url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=%E3%81%84%E3%81%91%E3%81%AA%E3%81%84%E3%83%9C%E3%83%BC%E3%83%80%E3%83%BC%E3%83%A9%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3
  4. Good idea, we need to balance out the shots of beautiful girls in frilly dresses with hunky men in tight briefs. Equality for all! Edit -- Hey, where did the image go?? I've been censored!
  5. I think that's "Windermere", isn't it? But if they had 25 minutes of "serious mecha duels", they wouldn't call it Macross, they would call it Gundam, or Sidonia. At this point, Macross needs to be this to remain distinctive.
  6. Several people here are calling the song "Ikenai Overdrive". It's actually "Ikenai Borderline" -- Uncrossable Borderline
  7. I'll say this, without spoilers: I personally enjoyed the first episode of Macross Delta more than I enjoyed the first episode of Macross Frontier. Context: Frontier was overall disappointing for me, until the second movie, which was brilliant. The first episode of Delta reminds me a lot of the second Frontier movie. I love both Macross Seven and Macross Plus. Lastly, at this point, if you want hardcore gritty war stories with robots, I recommend Gundam Thunderbolt, it is amazing. And I am not a Gundam fan, not in the very least. Trust me, it is everything you want.
  8. It's a legitimate mecha show for mechaheads, a legitimate moe show for moe fans, and a legitimate bishounen show for women. A heavy hitter that knocks them out of the park. Overall, though, I'd say it's mostly women that really reacted to it and made it the breakout hit that it became. I remember being in line to enter the SDF Macross Launch Ceremony in 2009 and everyone in front of me were middle-aged ladies, who had come from afar like Hokkaido and Okinawa. They were discussing their favourite boys from Frontier. "Brera is so cool!!" etc.
  9. Um... I'm not sure what you have been doing all this time, but if there is anything we have said over and over again in like 5 years of doing this podcast is that Frontier was big with girls. If all you hear at Macross events is that it's all boys attending, that is completely wrong. It is nothing of the sort. Back in 2008/2009, Animage magazine polls showed that the top rated shows and characters by boys were K-On and Lucky Star, etc, which mostly feature moe girls, while for girls it was Gundam 00 and Macross Frontier. It's not just in Japan, either, I understand that the more prolific Frontier bloggers in English were also female. They like the boys because they are handsome and cool (Michel), pretty (Alto), cute (Luca) and the girls because they are cute and flaky (Ranka) and sexy and confident (Sheryl). We even interviewed female Japanese Frontier fans in the podcast ages ago, to get their perspective. They specifically mentioned they didn't really care so much for the mecha, as they saw it just as part of world-building. The people interested in the mecha only are a small minority of mecha otaku. Does this explain why the producers are not going for a gritty realistic war show? Maybe Andy Williams can explain it better:
  10. Not sure if anyone cares, but these are finally out.
  11. Hey, I just noticed, they forgot to draw the table he's supposed to be sitting on!
  12. Yeah. But his name also has kanji: 早乙女 有人 -- Saotome: A girl who plants rice; Aruto: a person that exists, or the "manned", in "manned spaceflight". Ranka was supposed to be the Lanka in Sri Lanka, as I remember.
  13. Looking at this discussion.... Why didn't anyone ask what Alto Saotome or Ranka Lee meant back in 2007? Also, they have yet to reveal who is handling the music for the series. I think the reveal will just be at the screening of the first episode in a couple of days. It's the first time I've ever seen that -- going in completely blind (or deaf ).
  14. Do they still have time to change the name of the character to Jake Jarmel??
  15. You can throw away the packaging, but you still would have given Harmony Gold your money so they can continue to keep this status quo going. SDF/MII/Plus/7/ZERO/Frontier/DELTA --> We have officially passed the point where over half of Macross productions are now unavailable outside of Japan. In my opinion, it's best to ignore these IP trolls and not feed them.
  16. Haha, it's the Japanese netizens doing their usual thing. Lots of talk of pandering, characters with no impact... there's even a couple of "SEVEN DID IT!!" posts!! Looks like Delta is getting a rather tepid response overall, but many are indeed saying they will reserve judgement until the end of the month when the episode is released.
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