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question:anyone know good ralph bashki sites

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I keep hearing alot of good things about Wizards.What was it about?The only stuff I really ever like of Bakshi's was Rock and Rule.

Umm...Bakshi had nothing to do with Rock and Rule either...

My bad. :(

But what about wizards? I still want to know more about that. :)

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Bah....everybody knows that Bakshi's best work was on the 70s Spiderman cartoon series  :p

I agree. No animated Spider-Man adaptation comes close to Bakshi's version.

And let's not forget 'Rocket Robin Hood' either, another of my childood favs by Bakshi.


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Let's not forget Bakshi's 1987 TV series Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures (directed by his protégé, John Kricfalusim... aka, creator of Ren and Stimpy)!

If yer old enough, ya might even recall the stink that was raised by this series when certain far right goups accused Mighty Mouse of advocating drug use... on account of one episode in which his super powers are rejuvinated when he sniffs a white 'flower.' Can anyone say....cocaine!!?!?!! :lol:

HAHAHHAHA... so good to see we've come so far since then. <_<

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Let's not forget Bakshi's 1987 TV series Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures (directed by his protégé, John Kricfalusim... aka, creator of Ren and Stimpy)!

If yer old enough, ya might even recall the stink that was raised by this series when certain far right goups accused Mighty Mouse of advocating drug use... on account of one episode in which his super powers are rejuvinated when he sniffs a white 'flower.' Can anyone say....cocaine!!?!?!! :lol:

HAHAHHAHA... so good to see we've come so far since then. <_<

If you're old enough you may also remember Macek trying to claim credit for something in the New Adventures of Mighty Mouse too....that man t hinks he owns everything he see's....

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Let's not forget Bakshi's 1987 TV series Mighty Mouse: The New Adventures (directed by his protégé, John Kricfalusim... aka, creator of Ren and Stimpy)!

That series was awesome. The Cow and Batbat ruled.

Edited by Syngyne
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While I do like the occasional Bakshi piece I think that most of his popularity came from the illicitness of his cartoons back in the day. Back when he was turning out Fritz the Cat and his other racially/sexually racy stuff it was counter-culture, it was renegade and it was risque. Tell someone they can't see something and they will flock to it. But as time went on and the sheen of the racy raunchy cartoons wore off he turned to more mature and less juvenile attempts like American Pop. To me, Pop is his best work... or at least his most truly mature... of the things he made himself. It is far too simple to write off his movies as "crap" or "stupid" when viewing them allongside other works of current day. Pop is one of those pieces that if you did not see it in the theaters back when it came out, in the context of the day, it would seem simple and low tech now. Just like kids today think Scarface is nothing to be upset over it was the "movie that ruined american cinema with horrible vulgarity and violence" back when it came out... along with other noteworthy bashes by other critics of the time.

I will agree that the vast majority of Bakshi's early and middle works are very juvenile and "cheap" (read = sensationalist) but a few of his more serious later works are quite nice. Bakshi was a pioneer, mainly in the realm of pushing the limits of what common society thinks animation can show.

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His LotR was ahead of it's time and it was far better than could be expected, especially considering the godawful Rankin Bass Hobbit and RotK that followed.  Can't take any more chances?  Dumb it down, throw in stupid songs, and have a 3rd rate hippie look and call it a kids' movie!

What you didn't know about the Rankin Bass renditions of Hobbit and RotK were that they were animated by none other than STUDIO GHIBLI of Nausicaa, Porco Rosso, and Princess Mononoke fame!

Although the character designs weren't probably of their making.

Does anyone remember that other Rankin Bass movie - The Last Unicorn?


I thought that movie was pretty damn good for the time. Another funny fact was that Christopher Lee voiced the main villain of the movie. If he had voiced Saruman in the Rankin Bass RotK (if they had put in Saruman) it would have been a really weird bit of coincidence.

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The Last Unicorn was cool... tho a teensy bit cheesy IMO... maybe its just my allergy to unicorns, tho. :lol:

And honestly, The Hobbit & LOTR aren't nearly as bad as some folks make them out to be. They were decent for their time. I actually like some of the stylized design elements from both. The Hobbit in particular has some absolutly fantastic watercolour backgrounds by Minoru Nishida. The animated version of Return of the King, however... now that one is pretty much past redemption... :ph34r:

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