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Was this done with CG?

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Damn good splice job, but it just looks too much like a dummy being hit. You can just make out the dummy popping into existance on the windshield.

My guess would be that the car and dummy was a single continuous shot, with the dummy being painted out, and the guy being painted in from a seperate bit of film.

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Looks mightily fake. The guy flailing and flipping looks too much like a rag doll, and the way he slides along the ground doesn't feel particularly real. I'd imagine a real body to do more rolling and tumbling. Not that I'm an expert in these sortsa things. Nice edit though.


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although the quality is pretty low (and I can't single frame step through it :p) there are some tell tale signs that it is fake...the blue car is moveing faster then the red one...the blue one takes at least three car lengths to come to a smokey stop (notice where the red car is and how fast it is moveing once the camera pans)...the man barely crosses the parking line on the road, yet the car seems to hit him dead center (given his location and how fast he was walking he should have gotten knocked into the van)...I was able to pause the clip just as the car hits him, and it seems he has lost some girth (he doesn't look as overwieght)...given the speed, and the apparent weight of the man the blue car should have a smashed windshield and buckled hood...as the camera pans over to follow the action, our view isn't blocked by other cars parked along the near side of the street (yet one is parked to the left of frame, helping to mask the differences in vehical speed)...

I doubt it is CG...looks to me to be the product of a seamless edit....first part of the shot shows the man...as he goes to cross the street, the camera is stationary...likely they filmed that (the man crossing the street)...called "cut"...the red car stopped...the man got out of the way as a dummy was put in his place....the second car gets a running start and "action" is called...car hits the dummy, camera pans to follow the action (picks up the red car strangely going much slower further up the road)...then back in editing the two parts were combined with a little morph...simple really

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That's kind of like the video I used to have of a guy inflating one of those outdoor pools the hard way, and one of his kids jumps on the pool and his head explodes. Hard to tell it was fake, but has to be.

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I dont think its CG because when the Body hits the Pavement after being airborn.. you can see the Skid MArks when he lands like dirt and gravel and crap flying up

That could all be done in CG, but this one wasn't. There was another one floating around the net when this one was. It was the one where Brad Pitt gets hit by two cars from the movie Meet Joe Black.

Here's a link to a home-made CG movie. This one is quite old also, but it shows what you can do with a couple of ordinary PCs.


Edited by >EXO<
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First tape car about to hit guy, cut

tape car hiting dummy... some good editing and you got it... no computer necesary probably only to edit...

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