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Kids and your toys


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I hate kids so its never been a problem.

I make babies cry.

You and me both. Damn lousy kids and their grubby little paws. :p

My way of keeping toys from tiny hands: Claymores.

... no wait... must keep telling self that is illegal...

Claymore as in big ass sword, or claymore as in land mine?

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i've noticed alot of kids know the diffrence between a model and a toy.

if its ever an issue, i give them a bootleg and say, "here is a toy you can play with" then i show them the 1/48 and tell them "this one is a model so you can't play with it, the one i gave you is more fun to PLAY with anyway"

toddlers and babys are stricktly enforced not to touch my things, i tell the parents, "it may look like a toy to you but its not a toy, and its not to be played with" and i tell the kids that too.

anyway... since most kids around 8 have tried and failed at atleast one model, lettting them know that something isn't a toy is usually good enough, they dont' want to break it.

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:( A landmine could destroy, damage or get toys splatered with blood...

Not Claymores. Direcitonal anti-person mines, they blow out and away from defended areas doing damage to soft targets with small ball berrings. Grisly things. But here is a trick you can do: pop the cover open with your M8 and remove the berring block, then take out the C4 detpack, cut it down to a third or a fourth of it's size and put it back in then return the berring block in place and don't put the cover back on too tight. Then when it is triggered it will go off with much less force and more or less scare everyone out of their minds rather than kill. :lol:

(no I am not recommending anyone kill children to keep them away from toys, it is far more rewarding to yell at them and watch them cry)

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... I find it somewhat ironic when those that collect toys hate children.

Why is that ironic?

Yamatos are hardly kids toys, and now due to their age the Takas are too brittle for kits to hold.

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What a nice topic this turned into. I find it somewhat ironic when those that collect toys hate children.

I have only collected toys for the last 8 years or so...

... I have always hated children.

Even when I was a kid I hated other children. I always hung out with people 4-6 years older than me and I still do. I was a 10 year old hanging out with the teens and I'm a 34 year old hanging out with middle-agers now.


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What a nice topic this turned into. I find it somewhat ironic when those that collect toys hate children.

Reminds me of that King in Chitty Chitty Bang Bang... :lol:

Hey that's probably the world's first transformer.... :huh:

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My duaghter isn't really into my toy collection, but I have a nephew that is a walking suite of anti-matter. What ever he comes into contact with he destroys.

The little monster is cabable of making a rock break...

so I get him Z-builder ZOIDS. Heh, its not broke, you just took it apart :)

My real toys are up on a shelf about 6' up on the wall, my wife can't even get a clear look at them, shes too short :)

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Actually I hope that when I have kids they will be interested in my hobbies, probably let them play with my Bandai's Vf-19 Kai or get him/her a couple of bootlegs

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If I had kids, I probably wouldn't let them near my collection until they were at least 12 or so -- unless I had some Chonkey Monkeys for them to play with :) The 1/60s are too hard for a young child to transform (and there is the choking hazard witht he small parts), and I'd much sooner place my head in the care of Maximillien Robspierre than give a young kid my 1/48 :p

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... I find it somewhat ironic when those that collect toys hate children.

Why is that ironic?

Yamatos are hardly kids toys, and now due to their age the Takas are too brittle for kits to hold.

Yeah, they are no Playskools but they are still toys. There is no other purpose for these things other than play and joy. They are also from a cartoon that most of us watched as a kid. We would all wet out underoo's if we had a 1/48 as a kid. For me, one of the main reasons I collect toys is because of the kid inside me. If I ever get to old and mature for having fun with toys, then that will be a sad day.

As far as liking kids, it has nothing to do with who you hang out with. You don't go out on the town or hit the bars with a bunch of 3 year olds. I understand that some people don't want to give up a lifestyle/career to have kids but always found it interesting when mature adults 'hate' kids. There just seems to be something wrong with that but don't know how to explain it.

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Not liking kids has nothing to do with who you hang out with, I hung out with older people to get away from the kids that I disliked. Why did I hate kids when I was kid? Simple. They made fun of my dad because he was handicapped, they stole things from me, they broke my few toys that I had, they called me names, they blamed me for the things they did wrong and they were generally very mean to me. I hung out with the older kids and teens because I rode home on the school bus with them and they were "on my wave length" and did none of the crap things kids my age were doing. In hindsight I was just either very mature for my age or I was raised propperly and had things like manners and respect that the little brats my age in the neighborhood did not. It was like asking a modern man to play with cavemen. To this day I choose to spend my time with older, more cultured and intelligent people rather than the SUV driving bar hopping social climbers in my age group. I should also mention that I was not really initially "wanted" as a kid. My parents had me only because my grandfather had this outdated notion of the family "needing a boy" to carry on the family name. My father defied my grandfather a lot in his life (like joining the army rather than going off to college like grandpa wanted) so I was sort of his one grace given to my grandfather. My father also needed my help to do a lot of things so from a very young age (what many today might consider too young) I had to do things like mow the lawn, fix things, clean the house and other "mature" chores that aged me mentally faster than kids my age. I had to be the "man of the house" from like age 8. My father gave me all the love he could manage but my grandfather treated me like a stock option, something he could turn into the transplant son he "lost to vietnam". I defied him too by not going into the family business instead to run off to my own terrible adventures and then art college of all things (he was reaaaally happy with that). The man did not speak to me again until he died. So you see, I have sort of been programmed from a young age to be older than I seem and from my life experiences I just hate children. Yes, on some levels I have more emotional baggage over children than anything else in my life. They are one item on a very short list of things that I "put my foot down" on and dislike with no seeming reason. Call it a prejudice if you will, but I only see negatives where others see positives. We all have our personal issues and beliefs on children and they are one of my sore points.

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Paging Dr. Phil, Paging Dr. Phil...

Just messing with you, JSA - :p

I think the decision to not have kids is a particularly brave one, JSA - considering societal pressure, etc. There's a ton of folks I know that I wished had decided to not have children rather than have them and take their personal crap out on them.

And (to be back on topic), one must admit that not having kids is easily the most effective way to protect your valkyrie toys from kids. :)

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Issues indeed. It's a shame that all that affected you so much, arc. A lot of people I know have had some f'ed up childhoods. I guess that is one of the reasons I get a little worked up when people start talking bad about kids. If more kids had better upbringings, we wouldn't have so much trouble today.

Having no kids is the safer (and cheaper) way to protect your stuff but you miss out on a lot of fun as well. I look forward to introducing Macross to my kids and other cool anime. It will also be fun to see their eyes light up when I get them valkyries or other cool toys. Plus, it will be a great excuse to buy more toys!

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The only one in my house I need to worry about is my cat...

It walks the shelves when I sleep all the time! :blink:


it never knocked over my any of my Bandai's, never touched any of my Yamato's, and doesen't even GO NEAR my 1/48's. So what has it damaged so far? Only one toy it has ever damaged, and repeaditly, My Toynami Super-posable 1S. Snapped both boosters off it's back and broke off a head laser! It has the utmost respect for everything else. :blink:

Now tell me that isn't a good cat! :D

Edited by Phren
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Now tell me that isn't a good cat! :D

My cat eats Yamato 1/48 gunstraps and then urps them up on my carpet. She'll also get ahold of any small piece of anything and bat it around until it is taken from her amidst harsh complaint, be it a reactor bomb that has fallen off of a rack (which happens almost daily now) or a tiny piece of something she fished out of the trash can.

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man,i'm with you "jsarchlight".i hate kids.i have a little nephew that's only 4 & the 1st thing he does when he sees something like my hotrod or toy collection is go climb on or throw them.jsarchlight speeks the gosspil.i was raised by dad who was a vietnam vet as well as a former drill instructor"s assistant.i learned real quick as a child how to behave.these brats now a days have no respect & the people raising them aren't qualified to care for goldfish,let alone a human being.i've found that a parent today would most likely think their child breaking a toy thats someone owned in a collection,was funny.or their response would be weak & lacking any discipline. i know there are alot of you guys here that DO raise em' right,so don't get mad.it's just the other ones that ruin it for all the good ones <_<

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btw,i lock my valks & figures away from little hands.i have a special room for those.i am also blessed enought to own a pussy-cat that's super cool & NEVER messes with expensive shelved items.he's the emporer of lounging tom-cats B))

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Well... I never actually had this problem really.

Actually I did. When my kid cousins came over, they'd spill my Warhammer bins, mess up my comics and generally maul anything even vaguely resembling a toy or action figure.

So one day anyway, one of the terrors tried to eat one of my Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard Junior Officers, so I told my aunt that they're made of real lead.

I never had to worry about kids in my room ever again.

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Well... I never actually had this problem really.

Actually I did. When my kid cousins came over, they'd spill my Warhammer bins, mess up my comics and generally maul anything even vaguely resembling a toy or action figure.

So one day anyway, one of the terrors tried to eat one of my Warhammer 40K Imperial Guard Junior Officers, so I told my aunt that they're made of real lead.

I never had to worry about kids in my room ever again.

o___o [FightClub]I want to have your abortion[/FightClub]

I had a similar problem of my parents insisting on letting the little beasts into my room. In my case, being able to simply lock both doors into my room solved THAT problem quite nicely once I switched the lock on the door heading into the shared master bathroom.

"They want to see your toys and lizards(I have 5 leopard geckos)!"

*Peeeers to front door... peeeers to back door*

"Good luck with that.." >.>

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Intimidation through fear is always the best deterrant to children's curiosity.

When I was a kid, my Uncle had moved into my grandma's house from college in Hawaii (lucky bastard!). Anyway, his room was entirely filled with everything on Earth that was cooler than the crap you can find in Grandma's house. Hell, it was cooler than my own room at home. He had surfboards, a waterbed (not common back then), guns, bow and arrow, all sorts of cool liquor bottles, a funny green thing I know realize was a big damn bong (grandma was pretty naive), and best of all... a giant stack of a 4 or 5 year subscription to Playboy.

I was around 12 or so... and my Uncle would go to work and leave his door wide open. My cousins and I were dying to go in there, but we were terrified of him. He'd let us know in very clear terms if we stepped our foot across the doorway, he'd know, and we would be dealt with. In an unpleasant manner.

Lord knows I wanted to... but I never crossed that door. My uncle was too damn big and scary... ;)

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  • 9 months later...


**bump the old thread**

Sorry, but I couldn't resist...

Daddy, this 1/60 Yamato is not well-transformed! :lol:


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We have some of my cousins over now and then with their kids. Usually I limit play to certain toys (ie. no one's touching my Gakken Cyclone except me ;) ). Usually I just let them play with the newer Transformers and Bandai Valks as they're not likely to do much damage to those things.

The wife likes to keep the kids out of there, though, so they don't generally spend too much time playing with them. They don't mind too much, though. We've got an arcade, 3 video game systems, a dvd player and (the fan favorite) a huge trampoline in our back yard (one of those ones you can lie across and not touch the ends). The kids usually keep pretty busy ;)

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I have a 9 year old little gbrother with the fine motor skills of a five year old lol.... I've finally yelled at him enough, and since my mom bought all my stuff (im only 15) she knows that it's all worth alot, so he cant be breaking it. The CLEANING LADY on the other hand is a terror.... I am always amazed at how much she can break.... luckily I;ve now got so much stuff on my shelves that she has given up trying to move them to dust.... *phew* She was always the worst with model kits too. Luckily my miniatures are on my PC desk which gets left alone anyways, so they are safe.

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Here's an Idea; Valk-cam, a Micro camera installed in the head of one of your Valks and it will catch the littler twerps red handed. So the next time they say they didn't touch you collection, you show them the video of their little escapade in the (gasp forbidden zone) :lol:

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Here's an Idea; Valk-cam, a Micro camera installed in the head of one of your Valks and it will catch the littler twerps red handed. So the next time they say they didn't touch you collection, you show them the video of their little escapade in the (gasp forbidden zone)

Yeah, but the poor sap of a valk would still be pasted......

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