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Harmony Gold suing hasbro over the SDCC Jetfire set


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Courthouse News Service Harmony Gold suing Hasbro over the SDCC Jetfire set

Looks like Harmony Gold managed to get the Transformers fans all raged up!! Finally, somebody else feeling our pain!

Mods, not sure where was the best place to put this, move if necessary.

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That's because of HG. Grrrr

They might be aware of macross plus though since this was the one that got under the HG radar.

And maybe macross II since this was dubbed with english voices.

The only escape from this mess is if they reboot macross as a universe and call it something else overseas so all us fans can finally buy these things locally. Wasn't macross Zero (with its "VF-0 Phoenix") a type of reboot of the VF-1 for a modern audience anyway?

Videogames often get renamed to new things when released locally. Why not Macross? Leave the name the same in japan. But call it different thing here.

Example in japan Megaman games are known as Rockman (rock n roll theme to the games tunes).

At the end of the day we will all know the dual names if we are big enough fans who keep up to date with news. Think of all the anime series that people outside japan have missed out on. Big wasted opportunity.

Edited by 1/1 LowViz Lurker
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